CCRA Employee List
(too old to reply)
Alan Baggett
2004-01-31 19:37:57 UTC
These are some of the friendly faces at Toronto East.

Ceresne, Morley; Assistant Director, Client Services; (416) 954-4274
Chester, Claire; (416) 723-1133
Cruciano-White, Maria; (416) 973-0566
Panzarino, Rose; (416) 973-2018
Papadopoulos, Sam; Communication Officer; (416) 973-4163
Pranjivan, Vince; Director; (416) 973-2011
Rodrigues, Val; Assistant Director, Investigation; (416) 973-9901
Rose, Michael; Chief of Appeals; (416) 973-7733
Vandervoort, Grant; Assistant Director, Revenue Collection; (416) 973-4131
Yee, Michael; Assistant Director, Verification and Enforcement; (416) 973-3944
Alan Baggett
2004-02-01 18:26:14 UTC
Here's a list of tax employees from Toronto surname - A.

Abraham, Eli; (416) 954-0795;
Acimovic, Isadora; (416) 954-0630
Adolphe, Karen; (416) 973-3229; ;
Agopsowicz, Don; (416) 973-9361; ;
Akinlade, Akin; (416) 954-9171; ;
Alderson, Terry; (416) 954-5388; ;
Alexander, Anne; (416) 954-8071; ;
Alexander, Carol; (416) 954-5713; ;
Ali, Dolly; (416) 973-9005; ;
Ali, Marj; (416) 973-6687; ;
Allen, Art; (416) 954-4022; ;
Allen, Ron; (416) 973-2331; ;
Alsen, Jens; (416) 954-0536; ;
Amicucci, Orlando; (416) 973-4983; ;
Anstey, Denise; (416) 973-3354; ;
Antle, Felix; (416) 954-0552; ;
Antle, Theresa; (416) 973-0339; ;
Antoniades, Evi; (416) 954-0423; ;
Aralihalli, Raya; (416) 954-0507; ;
Archbold, John; (416) 973-6982; ;
Areias, Isabel; (416) 973-9103; ;
Ariagno, Don; (416) 954-6012; ;
Armitage, Roy; (416) 973-5907; ;
Armstrong, Anne; (416) 973-2203; ;
Arsenault, Alan; (416) 973-0423; ;
Arthur, Michael; (416) 973-6041; ;
Asante, Andrews; (416) 954-9899; ;
Assels, Terry; (416) 973-0815; ;
Auger, Judy; (416) 954-5527; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-02 01:19:14 UTC
This here would be your Toronto Core B team

Baboolall, Howard; (416) 954-4987; ;
Bacchus, Anne; (416) 973-9828; ;
Bacchus, Presley; (416) 954-8204; ;
Bagnell, Kim; (416) 954-5580; ;
Bailey, David; (416) 954-3648; ;
Bains, Sarbjit; (416) 973-3391; ;
Bajwa, Kam; (416) 954-0420; ;
Baker, Glenda; (416) 973-0817; ;
Baldassini, Mary; (416) 973-4985; ;
Balics, Frank; (416) 954-6030; ;
Balkaran, Narin; (416) 954-6013; ;
Ball, Chris; (416) 973-3784; ;
Bambrick, Debbie; (416) 973-6292; ;
Bana, Zaineb; (416) 954-4153; ;
Banachowicz, Robert; (416) 973-8268; ;
Bandali, Nurjha; (416) 954-6166; ;
Banks, Bruce; (416) 954-6034; ;
Bannon, Betty; (416) 973-9114; ;
Barbieri, Tony; (416) 973-3394; ;
Barden, Joanne; (416) 973-0474; ;
Barozzino, Pat; (416) 375-6447; ;
Barrett, Marie; (416) 973-9668; ;
Barrie, Ross; (416) 954-6643; ;
Bartak, Charlie; (416) 973-7586; ;
Bartlett, Louise; (416) 954-0542; ;
Basith, Kayum; (416) 954-5470; ;
Bassi, Meena; (416) 973-9168; ;
Bastasic, Nada; (416) 973-3915; ;
Bates, John; (416) 973-9306; ;
Baveghams, Claudine; (416) 973-3322; ;
Bayoumi, Sal; (416) 973-2637; ;
Bazinet, Marty; (416) 954-6060; ;
Beach, John; (416) 954-8406; ;
Beamish, John; (416) 973-8487; ;
Beatty, Leslie; (416) 375-6443; ;
Bednarski, Peter; (416) 954-4989; ;
Beharry, Flynn; (416) 973-2358; ;
Bekenn, Paul; (416) 954-4384; ;
Beland, Bob; (416) 973-9199; ;
Bell, Jim; (416) 973-5507; ;
Bell-Scott, Maureen; (416) 973-9553; ;
Belletti, Louis; (416) 973-2263; ;
Belonzo, Brian; (416) 973-0424; ;
Bendelac, Isaac; (416) 973-9410; ;
Bengson, Rommel; (416) 954-5742; ;
Bennett, Donovan; (416) 973-1683; ;
Benson, Anne Marie; (416) 973-9415; ;
Benson, Mark; (416) 954-3943; ;
Beres, Karen; (416) 973-9160; ;
Beres, Martin; (416) 973-3272; ;
Bertie, Ursula; (416) 973-3047; ;
Bertmanis, Sigi; (416) 973-1707; ;
Bettelli, Eleanor; (416) 954-4569; ;
Beyer-Gammon, Mary Alice; (416) 973-6190; ;
Bhatla, Rajesh; (416) 954-0484; ;
Bhattacharya, Nita; (416) 954-5468; ;
Bhimji, Amin; (416) 973-7151; ;
Bierwagen, Neil; (416) 973-9352; ;
Bilinski, Carl; (416) 973-5825; ;
Bineypal, Daljit; (416) 973-9666; ;
Binstock, Mark; (416) 954-5571; ;
Birk, Dieter; (416) 973-2167; ;
Blacklock, Neil; (416) 973-8472; ;
Blackman, Henrietta; (416) 954-4012; ;
Blowes, John; (416) 954-0630; ;
Bonora, Ron; (416) 954-5669; ;
Booth, Lisa; (416) 954-0783; ;
Booy, Sharon; (416) 954-6167; ;
Borg, Stephen; (416) 973-3859; ;
Borrelli, Adrianna; (416) 954-3933; ;
Bostic, Waple; (416) 954-4020; ;
Boudreau, Dianne; (416) 954-4553; ;
Boyd, William; (416) 973-3579; ;
Boyes, John; (416) 952-1945; ;
Boyle, David; (416) 973-8056; ;
Brandon, Bryan; (416) 973-0423; ;
Breedy, Astrid; (416) 954-4366; ;
Bridgeman, Wayne; (416) 954-4368; ;
Brinda, Bill; (416) 973-9815; ;
Brooks, Carol; (416) 973-9412; ;
Brooks, Washington; (416) 954-5685; ;
Brophy, Brian; (416) 954-6006; ;
Brown, Andrew; (416) 954-8209; ;
Brown, Anthony; (416) 954-8903; ;
Brown, Cheryl; (416) 954-9179; ;
Brown, Judith; (416) 954-6002; ;
Brown, Lloyd; (416) 589-7749; ;
Brown, Roberta; (416) 954-3650; ;
Brown, Thomas; (416) 973-5652; ;
Browne, David; (416) 954-5465; ;
Brunke, Graham; (416) 954-0474; ;
Buckner, Henry; (416) 973-9084; ;
Bulley, Gillian; (416) 954-5525; ;
Burnie, Margaret; (416) 973-0423; ;
Burns, Ken; (416) 973-0555; ;
Bushra, Mo; (416) 973-9209; ;
Bussiere, Michael; (416) 954-0541; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-02 19:27:37 UTC
This would be your C section of Toronto

Cachra, Fatima; (416) 973-9168; ;
Cadeau, Betty; (416) 954-0618; ;
Cadeau, Thom; (416) 954-5561; ;
Call, John; (416) 973-0424; ;
Cameron, Venra; (416) 973-8488; ;
Campbell, Allison; (416) 973-3963; ;
Campbell, Fiona; (416) 954-0481; ;
Campbell, Leighton; (416) 952-2408; ;
Campbell, Phyllis; (416) 973-2191; ;
Canagasingham, Reggie; (416) 954-6042; ;
Canning, Pat; (416) 954-2900; ;
Capone, Natalie; (416) 973-2894; ;
Cappella, Gino; (416) 973-9367; ;
Carabetta, Tony; (416) 973-0574; ;
Caravella, Cadia; (416) 954-8903; ;
Carbery, John; (416) 954-8207; ;
Cardinale, Sanie; (416) 973-9139; ;
Care, Peter; (416) 973-9008; ;
Carew, David; (416) 954-9143; ;
Caron, Bernie; (416) 973-6727; ;
Caron, Patty; (416) 954-0499; ;
Carter, Beverly; (416) 973-5617; ;
Caruso, Anna; (416) 973-9424; ;
Castellarin, Glen; (416) 973-7572; ;
Castle, Trevor; (416) 954-9539; ;
Catizzone, Carmela; (416) 973-3859; ;
Cavanagh, Sean; (416) 973-3732; ;
Cayer, Marie Josée; (416) 954-6741; ;
Cernavez, Peggy; (416) 973-3284; ;
Chamberlain, Nina; (416) 973-7587; ;
Chambers, Ron; (416) 954-3136; ;
Chan, Albert; (416) 952-4781; ;
Chan, Anthony; (416) 954-6028; ;
Chan, Eric; (416) 954-0548; ;
Chan, Henry; (416) 954-0522; ;
Chan, John; (416) 954-6044; ;
Chan, Magdalene; (416) 973-8235; ;
Chandani, Ali; (416) 973-8056; ;
Charron, Gary; (416) 218-4794; ;
Chawla, Syd; (416) 973-3018; ;
Chen, Alice; (416) 954-5701; ;
Cheng, Marian; (416) 954-0555; ;
Cheng, Regina; (416) 973-9336; ;
Cheng, Sun Wah; (416) 954-6004; ;
Cheung, Christina; (416) 973-4154; ;
Cheung, John; (416) 954-5437; ;
Cheung, Kevin; (416) 954-9141; ;
Cheung, Pamela; (416) 973-9414; ;
Chew, Boon-Kee; (416) 954-5464; ;
Chiarotto, Cesare; (416) 973-4153; ;
Chibba, Derek; (416) 973-8823; ;
Chong, Norman; (416) 973-9743; ;
Choremis, George; (416) 954-6044; ;
Chorney, Gavin; (416) 952-2604; ;
Chow, Bill; (416) 954-3136; ;
Chow, Dennis; (416) 954-6010; ;
Chow, Patrick; (416) 973-1684; ;
Christensen, Flemming; (416) 954-3946; ;
Chu, Wing; (416) 973-0557; ;
Chudzik, Heather; (416) 973-9295; ;
Clark, Geoffrey; (416) 973-7312; ;
Clark, Gordon; (416) 954-0572; ;
Clark, Suzanne; (416) 973-3579; ;
Cole, Debra; (416) 954-4568; ;
Coleman, Laurie; (416) 973-5806; ;
Colestock, Pat; (416) 952-4526; ;
Coley, Jeanette; (416) 954-0993; ;
Collins, Linda; (416) 954-4573; ;
Colquhoun, Deheet; (416) 973-0423; ;
Comiskey, Kim; (416) 954-3145; ;
Compton, Vera; (416) 954-6033; ;
Conquer, Richard; (416) 973-7599; ;
Cooke, Ethel; (416) 973-3267; ;
Cooke, Wendy; (416) 954-5649; ;
Cooper, Tracey; (416) 952-3349; ;
Copeland, Brian; (416) 973-7586; ;
Corbiere, Lorianne; (416) 954-5697; ;
Costantino, Terri; (416) 973-4144; ;
Costello, Mark; (416) 973-9129; ;
Costgan, Bruce; (416) 954-6007; ;
Costigan, Bruce; (416) 954-6007; ;
Courcy, Gerald; (416) 973-0575; ;
Cowan, Katrin; (416) 973-7142; ;
Crane, Sandy; (416) 973-9327; ;
Crewe, Debbie; (416) 973-9106; ;
Crighton, Ron; (416) 954-0530; ;
Cromie, Tom; (416) 954-4792; ;
Crossman, Gail; (416) 973-2233; ;
Crowell, David; (416) 954-0437; ;
Cruikshanks, Donald; (416) 973-0355; ;
Cullum, Gary; (416) 954-4563; ;
Custodio, Helen; (416) 973-3926; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-02 19:40:07 UTC
Here's da D section of Toronto

D'Silva, Charles; (416) 973-3052; ;
Da Silva, Alice; (416) 952-1946; ;
Dalcin, Frank; (416) 375-6466; ;
Dallard, Jim; (416) 954-3086; ;
Dallas, Johanna; (416) 973-2136; ;
Dara, Anna; (416) 954-9536; ;
Darwin, Odessa; (416) 973-3393; ;
Daschoudhury, Betty; (416) 973-0563; ;
Dauksts, Ron; (416) 954-3639; ;
Davidson, Cathi; (416) 973-3477; ;
Davie, Murray; (416) 954-6027; ;
Davies, Jim; (416) 973-5941; ;
Dawood, Yasmin; (416) 954-6013; ;
Day, John; (416) 973-4746; ;
De Maria, Nick; (416) 954-9535; ;
de Raucourt, Lissette; (416) 954-5455; ;
Deb, Peter; (416) 973-4107; ;
DeBlasio, Frank; (416) 973-0484; ;
deBoer, Dorothy; (416) 973-1716; ;
DeGuilio, John; (416) 954-6007; ;
DeGuilio, Starr; (416) 973-2149; ;
DeLavigne, Roy; (416) 973-7573; ;
Deliyanakis, Demetre; (416) 954-0430; ;
Dell'Orletta, Lorraine; (416) 973-9119; ;
DeMarco, Mark; (416) 952-2407; ;
Dempsey, Jack; (416) 954-0526; ;
Dempsey, Jim; (416) 954-2685; ;
Dempsey, Karen; (416) 973-9814; ;
Depeiza, Jean; (416) 973-3959; ;
Derlich, Patricia; (416) 973-0430; ;
Dervenis, Peter; (416) 954-6012; ;
Deutsch, George; (416) 954-3008; ;
Devitt, Shawneen; (416) 954-0630; ;
DeVries, John; (416) 954-0488; ;
Dharamdial, Mary; (416) 954-6434; ;
Dharamshi, Nassim; (416) 973-9377; ;
Dhesy, Harjinder; (416) 973-1132; ;
Di Pietro, Joseph; (416) 954-5474; ;
Diamantides, Yola; (416) 954-0630; ;
Dias, Nixon; (416) 954-5707; ;
Dibratto, Sam; (416) 973-0583; ;
Dickenson, Al; (416) 954-6014; ;
Dilorenzo, Dominic; (416) 973-9465; ;
Disabatino, John; (416) 954-6023; ;
Dobson, Guy; (416) 973-3142; ;
Dolanjski, Millie; (416) 973-6694; ;
Dolenc, Marko; (416) 973-1698; ;
Donn, Eric; (416) 973-5907; ;
Dooley, Lori; (416) 973-9442; ;
Doradzinski, Darek; (416) 973-9293; ;
Dossani, Rizwan; (416) 973-2109; ;
Dougherty, Gary; (416) 954-4561; ;
Douglas, Frank; (416) 954-0630; ;
Downes, Neville; (416) 973-3981; ;
Doyle, Wanda; (416) 973-9020; ;
Drain, Iva; (416) 973-4106; ;
Driffield, Larry; (416) 973-9913; ;
Du, Ben; (416) 973-5617; ;
Ducas, Danny; (416) 973-3396; ;
Ducas, Terri; (416) 973-8968; ;
Dufour, Sandy; (416) 954-4373; ;
Dumaresq, Debbie; (416) 973-6727; ;
Duncan, Joyce; (416) 375-6483; ;
Dunham, Tim; (416) 973-3845; ;
Dunk, Heather; (416) 973-3908; ;
Dunn, Beverly; (416) 973-3940; ;
Dunnville, Loretta; (416) 973-3720; ;
Durrani, Ray; (416) 973-3142; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-03 19:02:11 UTC
Here are the E's.

Eagle, Bruce; (416) 973-9347; ;
Eastman, Veronica; (416) 973-0800; ;
Ebel, Chris; (416) 973-9311; ;
Ecclecton, Suzette; (416) 954-5892; ;
Eckler, Jonathan; (416) 954-6035; ;
Edmunds, Lucy; (416) 954-6028; ;
Edwards, Mervyn; (416) 954-0549; ;
Eichenlaub, Tania Marie; (416) 973-9153; ;
Eints-Scheidies, Karin; (416) 973-0457; ;
El-Assal, Kamal; (416) 973-5633; ;
Elliott, Anne; (416) 954-9306; ;
Elliott, Kim; (416) 954-4554; ;
Ellis, Cray; (416) 954-3130; ;
Emmanouil, Frances; (416) 973-9560; ;
Emmanuel, Adrian; (416) 954-0559; ;
Emmanuel, Shirley; (416) 954-9313; ;
Ennevor, Sonia; (416) 954-5478; ;
Erhow, Stella; (416) 954-9537; ;
Estabrooks, Gail; (416) 973-9101; ;
Esteireiro, Duarte; (416) 973-4110; ;
Evans, Leroy; (416) 954-3133; ;
Ewasuk, Dan; (416) 954-4150; ;
Ezrin, Ron; (416) 973-1538; ;
2004-02-03 20:20:52 UTC
Where do they get all these bums?

Allan I'm sure glad you quit, they were not worthy of you.
Post by Alan Baggett
Here are the E's.
Eagle, Bruce; (416) 973-9347; ;
Eastman, Veronica; (416) 973-0800; ;
Ebel, Chris; (416) 973-9311; ;
Ecclecton, Suzette; (416) 954-5892; ;
Eckler, Jonathan; (416) 954-6035; ;
Edmunds, Lucy; (416) 954-6028; ;
Edwards, Mervyn; (416) 954-0549; ;
Eichenlaub, Tania Marie; (416) 973-9153; ;
Eints-Scheidies, Karin; (416) 973-0457; ;
El-Assal, Kamal; (416) 973-5633; ;
Elliott, Anne; (416) 954-9306; ;
Elliott, Kim; (416) 954-4554; ;
Ellis, Cray; (416) 954-3130; ;
Emmanouil, Frances; (416) 973-9560; ;
Emmanuel, Adrian; (416) 954-0559; ;
Emmanuel, Shirley; (416) 954-9313; ;
Ennevor, Sonia; (416) 954-5478; ;
Erhow, Stella; (416) 954-9537; ;
Estabrooks, Gail; (416) 973-9101; ;
Esteireiro, Duarte; (416) 973-4110; ;
Evans, Leroy; (416) 954-3133; ;
Ewasuk, Dan; (416) 954-4150; ;
Ezrin, Ron; (416) 973-1538; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-03 19:03:24 UTC
And the F Troop.

Fajardo, Espie; (416) 954-0630; ;
Falconer, Nancy; (416) 582-5985; ;
Fang, Julie; (416) 954-1752; ;
Farmer, Nadine; (416) 954-6004; ;
Farnell, Al; (416) 954-0421; ;
Fazal, Aziz; (416) 954-0524; ;
Featherstone, Jane; (416) 973-6680; ;
Federis, Amy; (416) 954-0537; ;
Federis, Nina; (416) 973-0591; ;
Feltracco, Walter; (416) 973-9062; ;
Fennell, Ken; (416) 954-6008; ;
Fenney, Mary; (416) 973-9912; ;
Fenney, Michelle; (416) 973-9343; ;
Ferguson, Barry; (416) 973-5907; ;
Ferguson, Mark; (416) 973-7151; ;
Ferguson, Melanie; (416) 954-6043; ;
Fernandes, Mark; (416) 973-0423; ;
Fernandez, Iris; (416) 973-7444; ;
Ferreira, Teresa; (416) 973-9202; ;
Filice, Carmen; (416) 954-3638; ;
Finna, George; (416) 954-0562; ;
Flanagan, Colleen; (416) 973-9111; ;
Fleming, David; (416) 954-4152; ;
Fletcher, Irene; (416) 954-4013; ;
Flora, Paramjit; (416) 973-3407; ;
Fogel, Norm; (416) 973-4103; ;
Foley, Colm; (416) 954-0512; ;
Fong, Lynn; (416) 954-5655; ;
Fong, Raymond; (416) 954-2784; ;
Fong, Stanley; (416) 954-8903; ;
Ford, Dave; (416) 954-3949; ;
Ford, Owain; (416) 973-3714; ;
Forget, Larry; (416) 954-0573; ;
Francis, Denise; (416) 954-0540; ;
Francis, Doreen; (416) 973-9180; ;
Frantisak, Frank; (416) 954-6009; ;
Fraser, Cheryl; (416) 954-0491; ;
Frazer, Donald; (416) 973-3900; ;
Freeman, Bob; (416) 954-6030; ;
Frelih, Ed; (416) 973-9594; ;
Fulton, David; (416) 973-2630; ;
Fulton, Jim; (416) 954-4791; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-04 04:08:34 UTC
Here are the G stringers from this office

Gabona, Iona; (416) 973-9328; ;
Gabriel, Tom; (416) 954-0443; ;
Gagliardi, Domenic; (416) 954-0456; ;
Gal, Frank; (416) 954-4982; ;
Galloway, Terri; (416) 952-2184; ;
Game, Murray; (416) 973-9211; ;
Ganatra, Ramesh; (416) 954-0444; ;
Gandhi, Qasim; (416) 954-6005; ;
Garbacz, Krystyna; (416) 973-9132; ;
Garland, Cynthia; (416) 954-5019; ;
Garneau, Stephanie; (416) 954-6014; ;
Garrett, Jack; (416) 973-4102; ;
Garro, Resta; (416) 973-3395; ;
Gaulin, Henry; (416) 973-9378; ;
Gauthier, Serge; (416) 973-2262; ;
Gaynor, Merlyn; (416) 954-6026; ;
Gee, Diana; (416) 954-5677; ;
Geissler, Jeannie; (416) 973-7406; ;
Gemmer, Brian; (416) 973-0813; ;
Gennuso, Peter; (416) 954-0781; ;
Gerskup, Vern; (416) 954-0539; ;
Gesang, Sari; (416) 973-0423; ;
Ghebru, Berhane; (416) 973-9115; ;
Giga, Amir; (416) 973-5617; ;
Gignac, Valerie; (416) 973-5792; ;
Gilani, Khalid; (416) 954-0457; ;
Gilkinson, Peter; (416) 973-5182; ;
Gillespie, John; (416) 954-5519; ;
Gillis, Patrick; (416) 973-3924; ;
Giroux, Guy; (416) 375-6470; ;
Giuliana, Florence; (416) 954-0372; ;
Glass, Wendy; (416) 954-0630; ;
Golshani, Canaan; (416) 973-0585; ;
Goncalves, Frank; (416) 973-2794; ;
Gonsalves, Romano; (416) 954-6042; ;
Goodman, Brian; (416) 954-0449; ;
Goodman, Marvin; (416) 954-3705; ;
Gordon, Glenn; (416) 954-0465; ;
Gordon, John; (416) 973-2353; ;
Gorewich, Gerry; (416) 973-3564; ;
Gosine, Rawle; (416) 954-0428; ;
Gough, Ed; (416) 973-8098; ;
Grace, Maria; (416) 973-0578; ;
Graham, Judy; (416) 375-6451; ;
Gravelle, Arlene; (416) 973-4145; ;
Greco, Anthony; (416) 954-9914; ;
Green, Anthony; (416) 973-3066; ;
Green, Dixie; (416) 954-5531; ;
Green, Dorothy; (416) 954-9140; ;
Green, Ken; (416) 954-0373; ;
Green, William; (416) 973-2795; ;
Greene, Warren; (416) 954-0630; ;
Greer, Lucinda; (416) 973-9918; ;
Grenc, Ed; (416) 973-6416; ;
Grenfell, Cliff; (416) 973-3885; ;
Grewal, Anna; (416) 973-7312; ;
Grieve, Cheryl; (416) 954-1862; ;
Grieve, Colin; (416) 973-0544; ;
Grillo, Joanne; (416) 954-5715; ;
Gritti, Dario; (416) 973-3998; ;
Grozdanis, Peggy; (416) 973-9312; ;
Grumet, Bernie; (416) 954-5509; ;
Grundle, Gerry; (416) 973-4108; ;
Grushka, Guta; (416) 973-6693; ;
Guinard, Jean-Marc; (416) 973-0817; ;
Gunarsons, Andy; (416) 973-2158; ;
Gupta, Ravi; (416) 954-5373; ;
Gurrieri, Mary; (416) 954-0995; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-04 04:10:58 UTC
Follwing is a preparation of the H's of the office of note.

Hajt, Barbara; (416) 973-2152; ;
Haley, Brian; (416) 954-4571; ;
Hall, Howard; (416) 973-9378; ;
Hamilton, Kaye; (416) 954-2787; ;
Hannah, David; (416) 973-6362; ;
Hanson, Frank; (416) 954-3131; ;
Harper, Jennifer; (416) 952-3320; ;
Harris, James; (416) 973-3987; ;
Hartley, James; (416) 973-0813; ;
Hasan, Kal; (416) 973-9956; ;
Hayes, Tom; (416) 954-6020; ;
Hazan, Harry; (416) 954-3152; ;
Heckendorn, Paul; (416) 973-2687; ;
Hejazi, Ahmad; (416) 954-0471; ;
Helfand, Harry; (416) 973-5906; ;
Henderson, Andy; (416) 973-4155; ;
Henderson, Heather; (416) 973-2829; ;
Henderson, Mark; (416) 973-7406; ;
Henry, Evelyn; (416) 954-0630; ;
Henry, Keith; (416) 973-8550; ;
Henry, Maurice; (416) 954-6005; ;
Hertzberger, Breck; (416) 973-9789; ;
Hickling, Bill; (416) 954-6005; ;
Hicks, Patricia; (416) 954-2788; ;
Hickson, Mavis; (416) 954-6028; ;
Higgins, Colin; (416) 954-6024; ;
Hill, Andrea; (416) 973-3003; ;
Hill, Pat; (416) 954-0422; ;
Hill, Suzanne; (416) 954-0453; ;
Ho, Connie; (416) 954-6029; ;
Hobson, Cicely; (416) 954-8085; ;
Hobson, Neil; (416) 973-9116; ;
Hodge, Rita; (416) 973-0818; ;
Hodgetts, Joseph; (416) 954-5647; ;
Holian, George; (416) 954-3135; ;
Holmes, Katrine; (416) 973-4149; ;
Holt, Rick; (416) 973-9161; ;
Holtby, Bruce; (416) 973-7142; ;
Hommel, Grant; (416) 954-0550; ;
Horbatiuk, Alan; (416) 954-3727; ;
Horning, Don; (416) 954-6008; ;
Houselander, Kathleen; (416) 589-8726; ;
How-Kit, Tat; (416) 954-0469; ;
Howlett, Jenny; (416) 954-4556; ;
Hudgin, Moira; (905) 615-2136; ;
Hui, Andrew; (416) 973-4812; ;
Humphreys, Grant; (416) 954-5693; ;
Hunt, Ray; (416) 973-2637; ;
Huston, John; (416) 954-3926; ;
Huynh Nguyen, Chau; (416) 954-3814; ;
Hyc, Mary; (416) 954-3931; ;
Hyland, Elizabeth; (416) 973-3986; ;
Hyland, Nancy; (416) 973-6398; ;
Hymers, Sandy; (416) 954-0538; ;
Hynes, Peter; (416) 973-1138; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-04 20:14:46 UTC
The I's of Toronto

Ing, Elaine; (416) 954-0441
Ing, Fred; (416) 954-5465
Isaacs, Barbara; (416) 973-9877
Isaacs, Chris; (416) 973-0800
2004-02-04 20:28:14 UTC
So Allan, what is the percentage of ethnic employees at CCRA. I hear
it's somewhat high. Easier to convince people with culturally
oppressed backgrounds to steal from others.
Post by Alan Baggett
The I's of Toronto
Ing, Elaine; (416) 954-0441
Ing, Fred; (416) 954-5465
Isaacs, Barbara; (416) 973-9877
Isaacs, Chris; (416) 973-0800
Alan Baggett
2004-02-04 20:16:15 UTC
The John J's!

Jacko, John; (416) 973-9069; ;
Jafrabad, Aspi; (416) 973-3882; ;
Jardine, Noamie; (416) 973-5908; ;
Jarvis, Hayden; (416) 973-9828; ;
Jaslinski, George; (416) 973-9551; ;
Jenkinson, Dennis; (416) 954-5344; ;
Jeyapalan, Prince; (416) 973-2340; ;
Jha, Kamal; (416) 973-3725; ;
Jhita, Gagandip; (416) 954-8209; ;
Joanette, Bernard; (416) 973-8211; ;
Joaquin, Kent; (416) 954-5732; ;
Job, Sandra; (416) 973-8269; ;
Joe, Henry; (416) 589-5486; ;
Johnson, Diane; (416) 954-9310; ;
Johnson, Tim; (416) 973-3846; ;
Jones, Len; (416) 954-0485; ;
Jovan, Lidia; (416) 954-0439; ;
Juredini, Marcia; (416) 954-0548; ;
Juschitz, Grace; (416) 973-8243; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-05 04:27:00 UTC
Here are the K's (though they aren't that special).

Kachra, Neemat; (416) 954-0425; ;
Kafka, Bill; (416) 973-2793; ;
Kakakaway, Bernice; (416) 973-0490; ;
Kaki, Aarni; (416) 973-3966; ;
Kamitakahara, Wally; (416) 973-9522; ;
Karlos, Harry; (416) 954-0559; ;
Karner, Joseph; (416) 954-0440; ;
Kaup, Tilu; (416) 954-4021; ;
Kavanagh, Dermott; (416) 954-3975; ;
Kavathas, Jim; (416) 954-6010; ;
Keen, Heather; (416) 954-0415; ;
Keirstead, Nijole; (416) 973-9011; ;
Keirstead, Philip; (416) 954-6034; ;
Keizer, Arlene; (416) 954-0432; ;
Kemeny, Mike; (416) 954-5710; ;
Kennedy, Ted; (416) 954-4550; ;
Ker, Rose; (416) 375-6484; ;
Kerfoot, Timothy; (416) 973-0436; ;
Kernohan, Anne; (416) 954-4560; ;
Khan, Imran; (416) 954-0497; ;
Khan, Kazeem; (416) 973-1707; ;
Khan, Nazir; (416) 954-6009; ;
Khan, Vicar; (416) 973-0579; ;
Kharal, Shaheena; (416) 973-3364; ;
Kieffer, Cathy; (416) 973-3980; ;
Killam, Robert; (416) 954-5675; ;
Kinnear, Al; (416) 973-3002; ;
Kirk, Lynda; (416) 973-3847; ;
Kirwin, Brian; (416) 973-8974; ;
Kirwin, Milena; (416) 973-3437; ;
Kiss, Alex; (416) 954-3011; ;
Knight, Estelle; (416) 973-8242; ;
Knight, Etwyn; (416) 973-6674; ;
Ko, Kezia; (416) 954-0448; ;
Ko, Paul; (416) 954-6028; ;
Kollar, Maria; (416) 952-3348; ;
Konopka, Ron; (416) 973-9176; ;
Kopli, Helen; (416) 973-3701; ;
Korcek, Gabriela; (416) 973-6692; ;
Korkoran, David; (416) 954-6736; ;
Kostic, Zoran; (416) 954-5541; ;
Kotecha, Anil; (416) 954-0461; ;
Koussoulis, Nick; (416) 973-6931; ;
Krakower, Philip; (416) 973-9591; ;
Kralidis, Kay; (416) 973-3785; ;
Krishan, Neelam; (416) 954-4552; ;
Krlua, Theresa; (416) 973-0585; ;
Krstevska, Elizabeth; (416) 973-2814; ;
Kruger, Dave; (416) 973-1684; ;
Kuntz, Bernie; (416) 973-9104; ;
Kutnahorsky, Francine; (416) 973-9136; ;
Kwan, Howard; (416) 954-0419; ;
Kyskira, Steve; (416) 954-9147; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-05 04:27:58 UTC
The L's.

Laaksonen, Allan; (416) 954-6038; ;
Labaree, Louise; (416) 973-2814; ;
Laberee, Linda; (416) 973-9340; ;
Labonte, Jules; (416) 954-3836; ;
Lacullo, Gerrard; (416) 973-0424; ;
Lagopoulos, Niki; (416) 954-3240; ;
Lai, Chiat; (416) 954-0479; ;
Lal, Raaj; (416) 589-5480; ;
Lalji, Amin; (416) 589-5415; ;
Lall, Budhoo; (416) 954-2789; ;
Lam, John; (416) 954-5488; ;
Lam, Shirley; (416) 973-9176; ;
Lam-Hang, Mirella; (416) 954-0455; ;
Lampinen, Karen; (416) 973-3283; ;
Lane, Fred; (416) 973-5182; ;
Langevin, Christine; (416) 954-6017; ;
Langford, Roy; (416) 954-0630; ;
Lanno, Carol; (416) 954-5651; ;
Largie, Noel; (416) 973-7563; ;
Lau, Carlotta; (416) 973-7313; ;
Lau, Carmo; (416) 973-9164; ;
Law, Alex; (416) 954-0560; ;
Law, David; (416) 973-3886; ;
Law, June; (416) 954-3649; ;
Law, May; (416) 973-9913; ;
Law, Tim; (416) 954-0543; ;
Lazar, Jeff; (416) 973-4113; ;
Lazaro, Nette; (416) 973-0571; ;
Leah, Greg; (416) 973-0424; ;
Leblanc, Paul; (416) 973-9436; ;
LeBlond, Rachel; (416) 973-9429; ;
Lebofsky, Julian; (416) 954-0442; ;
Lee, Claire; (416) 973-3316; ;
Lee, Don; (416) 954-6037; ;
Lee, Jack; (416) 954-0464; ;
Lee, James; (416) 954-6029; ;
Lee, Jock; (416) 954-6020; ;
Lee, Julie; (416) 973-9913; ;
Lee, Ken; (416) 973-7312; ;
Lefeuvre, Marguerite; (416) 954-0452; ;
LeFort, Yolanda; (416) 973-9359; ;
Leggett, Elizabeth; (416) 954-3002; ;
Leitenberger, George; (416) 973-3049; ;
Lem, Marianne; (416) 973-4117; ;
Lenz, Kathy; (416) 973-3979; ;
Lessard, Manon; (416) 973-9296; ;
Leung, Grace; (416) 973-1750; ;
Leung, Pearl; (416) 954-6019; ;
Leung, Rosa; (416) 954-6004; ;
Leung, Stanley; (416) 973-1132; ;
Leung, Stephen; (416) 973-4164; ;
Levstik, Joe; (416) 954-0413; ;
Lew, Lorna; (416) 954-0630; ;
Lewis, Frances; (416) 954-9139; ;
Lewis, Heather; (416) 954-8434; ;
Li, Francis; (416) 954-6006; ;
Lillow, Ivanka; (416) 973-4143; ;
Lim, Evelyn; (416) 973-3940; ;
Lin, Alice; (416) 954-5461; ;
Lindfield, Vivian; (416) 954-5643; ;
Live-Tan, Christian; (416) 954-6012; ;
Lobo, Maria; (416) 973-2894; ;
Locke, Jay; (416) 973-9062; ;
Loconte, Sara; (416) 954-4155; ;
Logue, Mark; (416) 973-3185; ;
Lomas, Jim; (416) 973-2005; ;
Long, John; (416) 973-2800; ;
Longman, Carl; (416) 973-9214; ;
Loo, Bo; (416) 973-9329; ;
Loo, Emily; (416) 973-2248; ;
Lot, Jeff; (416) 954-6003; ;
Lotta, Len; (416) 973-5667; ;
Loughman, Robert; (416) 954-0862; ;
Louie, Danny; (416) 954-5533; ;
Lovie, Barbara; (416) 973-3339; ;
Low, Judy; (416) 954-0470; ;
Lucas, Jane; (416) 973-9086; ;
Lucas, Pat; (416) 973-4138; ;
Lucas, Robert; (416) 954-3642; ;
Luchies, Andy; (416) 954-3133; ;
Luck, Dave; (416) 973-5720; ;
Lui, Anthony; (416) 954-0534; ;
Lutz, Eric; (416) 973-3733; ;
Luzyk, Valerie; (416) 973-3479; ;
Lysiwskyj, Zanko; (416) 973-9330; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-05 21:20:46 UTC
The m and...

Ma, Anthony; (416) 954-0506; ;
Ma, Herman; (416) 973-3328; ;
MacDonald, Eldon; (416) 954-2015; ;
MacDonald, Innis; (416) 973-2749; ;
MacFee, Bruce; (416) 954-6020; ;
MacGibbon, Gordon; (416) 954-6035; ;
MacInnis, Dan; (416) 973-3334; ;
MacInnis, Jim; (416) 954-6033; ;
MacLean, Wendy; (416) 954-5533; ;
MacLeod, Laverne; (416) 973-3154; ;
MacPherson, Don; (416) 954-6034; ;
Madan, Alka; (416) 954-0417; ;
Magar, Samir; (416) 954-6038; ;
Mah, Christine; (416) 973-7565; ;
Mahmood, Altaf; (416) 954-4674; ;
Mahoney, Michael; (416) 954-5017; ;
Mak, Peggy; (416) 954-0503; ;
Malatesta, Mario; (416) 973-7444; ;
Malcolm, Daniel; (416) 954-6030; ;
Mallory, Sandra; (416) 973-9070; ;
Malowany, Ann; (416) 954-6032; ;
Mammo, Teg; (416) 973-6931; ;
Mamtani, Vidya; (416) 973-7572; ;
Mancuso, Frank; (416) 954-0428; ;
Mancuso, Grace; (416) 973-5524; ;
Mangal, Sheila; (416) 973-7443; ;
Manji, Sultana; (416) 954-3929; ;
Manning, Gerrard; (416) 952-4668; ;
Mansfield, Rick; (416) 973-2308; ;
Mao, Melanie; (416) 954-0451; ;
Mar, Harold; (416) 973-2846; ;
Markovits, Marta; (416) 954-6432; ;
Marr, Regina; (416) 973-9540; ;
Marra, Frank; (416) 973-3212; ;
Marshall, Diane; (416) 973-3263; ;
Marshall, Mike; (416) 954-0429; ;
Marsman, Wayne; (416) 954-3940; ;
Martin, Angie; (416) 973-3225; ;
Martinuk, Charles; (416) 954-0630; ;
Matheson, Terry; (416) 973-8692; ;
Mavilla, Mimmo; (416) 954-5695; ;
May, Henry; (416) 954-6019; ;
May, Hugh; (416) 973-5791; ;
McBirnie, Bill; (416) 954-4379; ;
McBride, Andrew; (416) 954-6032; ;
McCallum, Tracey; (416) 954-2920; ;
McCann, Cheryl; (905) 615-2185; ;
McClory, David; (416) 954-9168; ;
McCormack, Bev; (416) 973-3940; ;
McCrae, Harry; (416) 952-2188; ;
McDoom, Norm; (416) 954-6025; ;
McElroy, Michael; (416) 954-4570; ;
McGillivray, Daniella; (416) 973-9320; ;
McGovern, Ted; (416) 973-3846; ;
McGraw, Anne-Marie; (416) 973-3964; ;
McKee, Lila; (416) 973-9920; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-05 21:21:44 UTC
... and m's!

McKenna, Brian; (416) 954-3116; ;
McKenna, Jack; (416) 973-2845; ;
McKerrall, Bill; (905) 572-2670; ;
McKinley, Kevin; (416) 954-0544; ;
McLaren, William; (416) 375-6445; ;
McLeod, Colleen; (416) 954-5721; ;
McMillan, Kathy; (416) 952-3167; ;
McNamara, James; (416) 973-5920; ;
McPherson, Rowly; (416) 973-6679; ;
Mehta, Rita; (416) 973-9719; ;
Meill, Martin; (416) 973-9929; ;
Melanson, Lorraine; (416) 954-0704; ;
Mendes, Celeste; (416) 954-5661; ;
Mendonca, Debbie; (416) 954-4188; ;
Mendonca, Ed; (416) 375-6474; ;
Menezes, Paul; (416) 954-0438; ;
Menniti, Frank; (416) 973-2391; ;
Mercer, Derek; (416) 954-9509; ;
Merola, Bridgette; (416) 954-6036; ;
Merrima, Alan; (416) 973-4984; ;
Merta, Peter; (416) 954-6014; ;
Metella, Martha; (416) 589-8556; ;
Michalishyn, Terry; (416) 973-0457; ;
Michaud, Anna; (416) 973-6673; ;
Middleton, Richard; (416) 954-0957; ;
Mifsud, Emmanuel; (416) 973-8426; ;
Mijatovic, Katarina; (416) 973-3805; ;
Milan, Peter; (416) 973-7572; ;
Miller, Christa; (416) 954-6019; ;
Miller, Sandra; (416) 973-3985; ;
Miller, Tom; (416) 954-5739; ;
Miller, Wayne; (416) 973-9200; ;
Miller-Fennell, Patricia; (416) 973-8680; ;
Misiak, George; (416) 973-9459; ;
Miskovsky, Stefan; (416) 973-2202; ;
Mohammad, Ather; (416) 954-5735; ;
Mohan, Vijay; (416) 973-0800; ;
Molson, William; (416) 973-4116; ;
Mondesir, Yvette; (416) 973-4166; ;
Moore, Kirk; (416) 954-0427; ;
Morad, Eli; (416) 973-7571; ;
Morad, Matthew; (416) 954-4985; ;
Moreland, Paula; (416) 954-9169; ;
Mosur, Santha; (416) 954-0467; ;
Mueller, Wolfgang; (416) 973-9447; ;
Muir, John; (416) 954-0458; ;
Muir, Robert; (416) 973-9435; ;
Mulhearn, Janice; (416) 954-4078; ;
Mulligan, Mary; (416) 954-5659; ;
Mullins, Gerry; (416) 954-0504; ;
Munro, Bill; (416) 973-7150; ;
Muraca, Franca; (416) 973-3373; ;
Muraca, Joanne; (416) 973-0426; ;
Muraca, Renato; (416) 954-0433; ;
Murray, Dorothy; (416) 954-4191; ;
Murray, Helen; (416) 973-3360; ;
Murray, Jane; (416) 973-6727; ;
Murray, Lorna; (416) 973-7837; ;
Murray, Orland; (416) 954-6010; ;
Musolino, Tony; (416) 954-3130; ;
Myers, Jocelyn; (416) 954-3934; ;
2004-02-05 21:28:49 UTC
Where is old Scott? Did we verify which office he works in?

By the way Alen, what's the best way of dealing with an auditor who is
negligent in handling your tax appeal for failing to properly consider
all the arguments just to shuffle you off to tax court.

What are the sanctions that can apply?

Post by Alan Baggett
... and m's!
McKenna, Brian; (416) 954-3116; ;
McKenna, Jack; (416) 973-2845; ;
McKerrall, Bill; (905) 572-2670; ;
McKinley, Kevin; (416) 954-0544; ;
McLaren, William; (416) 375-6445; ;
McLeod, Colleen; (416) 954-5721; ;
McMillan, Kathy; (416) 952-3167; ;
McNamara, James; (416) 973-5920; ;
McPherson, Rowly; (416) 973-6679; ;
Mehta, Rita; (416) 973-9719; ;
Meill, Martin; (416) 973-9929; ;
Melanson, Lorraine; (416) 954-0704; ;
Mendes, Celeste; (416) 954-5661; ;
Mendonca, Debbie; (416) 954-4188; ;
Mendonca, Ed; (416) 375-6474; ;
Menezes, Paul; (416) 954-0438; ;
Menniti, Frank; (416) 973-2391; ;
Mercer, Derek; (416) 954-9509; ;
Merola, Bridgette; (416) 954-6036; ;
Merrima, Alan; (416) 973-4984; ;
Merta, Peter; (416) 954-6014; ;
Metella, Martha; (416) 589-8556; ;
Michalishyn, Terry; (416) 973-0457; ;
Michaud, Anna; (416) 973-6673; ;
Middleton, Richard; (416) 954-0957; ;
Mifsud, Emmanuel; (416) 973-8426; ;
Mijatovic, Katarina; (416) 973-3805; ;
Milan, Peter; (416) 973-7572; ;
Miller, Christa; (416) 954-6019; ;
Miller, Sandra; (416) 973-3985; ;
Miller, Tom; (416) 954-5739; ;
Miller, Wayne; (416) 973-9200; ;
Miller-Fennell, Patricia; (416) 973-8680; ;
Misiak, George; (416) 973-9459; ;
Miskovsky, Stefan; (416) 973-2202; ;
Mohammad, Ather; (416) 954-5735; ;
Mohan, Vijay; (416) 973-0800; ;
Molson, William; (416) 973-4116; ;
Mondesir, Yvette; (416) 973-4166; ;
Moore, Kirk; (416) 954-0427; ;
Morad, Eli; (416) 973-7571; ;
Morad, Matthew; (416) 954-4985; ;
Moreland, Paula; (416) 954-9169; ;
Mosur, Santha; (416) 954-0467; ;
Mueller, Wolfgang; (416) 973-9447; ;
Muir, John; (416) 954-0458; ;
Muir, Robert; (416) 973-9435; ;
Mulhearn, Janice; (416) 954-4078; ;
Mulligan, Mary; (416) 954-5659; ;
Mullins, Gerry; (416) 954-0504; ;
Munro, Bill; (416) 973-7150; ;
Muraca, Franca; (416) 973-3373; ;
Muraca, Joanne; (416) 973-0426; ;
Muraca, Renato; (416) 954-0433; ;
Murray, Dorothy; (416) 954-4191; ;
Murray, Helen; (416) 973-3360; ;
Murray, Jane; (416) 973-6727; ;
Murray, Lorna; (416) 973-7837; ;
Murray, Orland; (416) 954-6010; ;
Musolino, Tony; (416) 954-3130; ;
Myers, Jocelyn; (416) 954-3934; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-06 19:56:16 UTC
Post by Nemesis
Where is old Scott? Did we verify which office he works in?
I put in an inquiry but no response as of yet.
Post by Nemesis
By the way Alen, what's the best way of dealing with an auditor who is
negligent in handling your tax appeal for failing to properly consider
all the arguments just to shuffle you off to tax court.
The thing is when you deal with the CCRA the onus is not on them to
prove guilt but on you to prove your innocence. Conversely, when you
accuse them of wrongdoing, it is up to you to prove their guilt. To
actually beat them you would need something outstanding to prove their
Post by Nemesis
What are the sanctions that can apply?
2004-02-06 20:35:52 UTC
That would be in violation of one of the most fundamental maxims of
freedom and justice in a democratic society.

Can you point me to a supreme court case where that was challenged?

Post by Alan Baggett
Post by Nemesis
Where is old Scott? Did we verify which office he works in?
I put in an inquiry but no response as of yet.
Post by Nemesis
By the way Alen, what's the best way of dealing with an auditor who is
negligent in handling your tax appeal for failing to properly consider
all the arguments just to shuffle you off to tax court.
The thing is when you deal with the CCRA the onus is not on them to
prove guilt but on you to prove your innocence. Conversely, when you
accuse them of wrongdoing, it is up to you to prove their guilt. To
actually beat them you would need something outstanding to prove their
Post by Nemesis
What are the sanctions that can apply?
2004-02-07 05:07:13 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>, ***@sis.com
Post by Nemesis
That would be in violation of one of the most fundamental maxims of
freedom and justice in a democratic society.
Can you point me to a supreme court case where that was challenged?
Post by Alan Baggett
Post by Nemesis
Where is old Scott? Did we verify which office he works in?
I put in an inquiry but no response as of yet.
Post by Nemesis
By the way Alen, what's the best way of dealing with an auditor who is
negligent in handling your tax appeal for failing to properly consider
all the arguments just to shuffle you off to tax court.
The best way to handle it is to file a notice of objection and provide
all the representation to the appeals division. Or if you prefer to
proceed directly to tax court (which is your right), then to provide the
information to the tax court judge.
Post by Nemesis
Post by Alan Baggett
The thing is when you deal with the CCRA the onus is not on them to
prove guilt but on you to prove your innocence.
Conversely, when you
Post by Alan Baggett
accuse them of wrongdoing, it is up to you to prove their guilt. To
actually beat them you would need something outstanding to prove their
Post by Nemesis
What are the sanctions that can apply?
2004-02-07 06:06:09 UTC
You haven't commented on the case I outlined two weeks ago. What are
your thoughts on that scenario?
Post by kenny
Post by Nemesis
That would be in violation of one of the most fundamental maxims of
freedom and justice in a democratic society.
Can you point me to a supreme court case where that was challenged?
Post by Alan Baggett
Post by Nemesis
Where is old Scott? Did we verify which office he works in?
I put in an inquiry but no response as of yet.
Post by Nemesis
By the way Alen, what's the best way of dealing with an auditor who is
negligent in handling your tax appeal for failing to properly consider
all the arguments just to shuffle you off to tax court.
The best way to handle it is to file a notice of objection and provide
all the representation to the appeals division. Or if you prefer to
proceed directly to tax court (which is your right), then to provide the
information to the tax court judge.
Post by Nemesis
Post by Alan Baggett
The thing is when you deal with the CCRA the onus is not on them to
prove guilt but on you to prove your innocence.
Conversely, when you
Post by Alan Baggett
accuse them of wrongdoing, it is up to you to prove their guilt. To
actually beat them you would need something outstanding to prove their
Post by Nemesis
What are the sanctions that can apply?
Stephen Jenuth
2004-02-07 16:39:28 UTC
Post by Nemesis
That would be in violation of one of the most fundamental maxims of
freedom and justice in a democratic society.
It would be if it were true. Everyone charged with an offence is
innocent until proven guilty in a properly constituted and impartial
court with the burden of proof on the Crown. This is the case in
tax prosecutions also.

However, that principle does not extend to administrative proceedings.
For example, years ago when I applied for my pilot's licence, the
burden was on me to show I had the required ability and knowledge
to get the licence. I had to show I had the knowledge (by passing
the written and practical test), I had to show I had the required
experience (as logged in my logbook, etc). If the licencing authorities
decided that I was not good enough, I had to show they were wrong.

Nothing different for taxes. Its up to you to show what you income
is. Its not up to the government to prove that you are lying about
it, or that you got it wrong.
Best regards,

Stephen Jenuth

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

pgp/gpg public key available at http://www.keyserver.net
2004-02-07 19:34:58 UTC
Well the tax department takes this a step further and declares deemed
income without any factual evidence, then shoulders the taxpayer with
the burden of proving how the income was not earned.

An impossibility. Here we have a violation of a common law maxim.


I thought you had fled from among us.

On Sat, 07 Feb 2004 16:39:28 GMT, Stephen Jenuth
Post by Stephen Jenuth
Post by Nemesis
That would be in violation of one of the most fundamental maxims of
freedom and justice in a democratic society.
It would be if it were true. Everyone charged with an offence is
innocent until proven guilty in a properly constituted and impartial
court with the burden of proof on the Crown. This is the case in
tax prosecutions also.
However, that principle does not extend to administrative proceedings.
For example, years ago when I applied for my pilot's licence, the
burden was on me to show I had the required ability and knowledge
to get the licence. I had to show I had the knowledge (by passing
the written and practical test), I had to show I had the required
experience (as logged in my logbook, etc). If the licencing authorities
decided that I was not good enough, I had to show they were wrong.
Nothing different for taxes. Its up to you to show what you income
is. Its not up to the government to prove that you are lying about
it, or that you got it wrong.
2004-02-11 18:36:42 UTC
Post by Stephen Jenuth
Post by Nemesis
That would be in violation of one of the most fundamental maxims of
freedom and justice in a democratic society.
It would be if it were true. Everyone charged with an offence is
innocent until proven guilty in a properly constituted and impartial
court with the burden of proof on the Crown. This is the case in
tax prosecutions also.
However, that principle does not extend to administrative proceedings.
For example, years ago when I applied for my pilot's licence, the
burden was on me to show I had the required ability and knowledge
to get the licence. I had to show I had the knowledge (by passing
the written and practical test), I had to show I had the required
experience (as logged in my logbook, etc). If the licencing authorities
decided that I was not good enough, I had to show they were wrong.

You are a piece of work fatty.

Debt is assumed and the onus is on the accused to prove otherwise.
Post by Stephen Jenuth
Nothing different for taxes. Its up to you to show what you income
is. Its not up to the government to prove that you are lying about
it, or that you got it wrong.
Best regards,
Stephen Jenuth
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
pgp/gpg public key available at http://www.keyserver.net
Alan Baggett
2004-02-07 19:11:50 UTC
Post by Nemesis
That would be in violation of one of the most fundamental maxims of
freedom and justice in a democratic society.
That's the way it works. Once they issue the NOA it is up to you to
prove that it is inaccurate.

And proving it can often be difficult because when they lack
info/documentation they rely on historic stats e.g. a person in this
occupation earns this much... the average person spends this much on
groceries, this much on housing... etc. etc. and so they come to their
guesstimate and assess you.
Post by Nemesis
Can you point me to a supreme court case where that was challenged?
I do not think it has been challenged.

Strange when you think on it, alleged murders are innocent until they
are proved guilty but the same does not hold true for an alleged tax
Post by Nemesis
Stephen Jenuth
2004-02-07 16:17:05 UTC
Post by Alan Baggett
The thing is when you deal with the CCRA the onus is not on them to
prove guilt but on you to prove your innocence. Conversely, when you
accuse them of wrongdoing, it is up to you to prove their guilt.
In reality, if you are charged with an offence under the income tax act,
(or any other taxation act), the Crown has the usual burden of proving
your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

On the other hand, in an appeal to the tax court from the assessment
of the minister, it is your obligation to show where the Minister erred.
Given that the Minister has little information, and you have all of the
information required to show how much money you earned, and how you earned
it, it should not be a difficult burden. That's the burden on the
facts. It is not unusual that in an administrative proceeding, the person
who has all the facts at their fingertips has the burden of proving
the facts they rely on.

On matters of law, there is no burden as such. Both parties have to
convince the judge that of the correctness of their argument.
Post by Alan Baggett
actually beat them you would need something outstanding to prove their
No. What you have to show is that the facts they relied on were wrong.

Or alternatively, that their interpretation of the law was wrong.

On the first, you have the burden of proving the facts on which you rely.
On the second, both parties have an equal burden of pursuading the
Best regards,

Stephen Jenuth

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

pgp/gpg public key available at http://www.keyserver.net
2004-02-07 19:29:16 UTC
But what if CCRA is wrong but still pursues an assessment into tax
court merely to broaden the scope of their examination of a taxpayer
under oath.

Been vacationing?

On Sat, 07 Feb 2004 16:17:05 GMT, Stephen Jenuth
Post by Stephen Jenuth
Post by Alan Baggett
The thing is when you deal with the CCRA the onus is not on them to
prove guilt but on you to prove your innocence. Conversely, when you
accuse them of wrongdoing, it is up to you to prove their guilt.
In reality, if you are charged with an offence under the income tax act,
(or any other taxation act), the Crown has the usual burden of proving
your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
On the other hand, in an appeal to the tax court from the assessment
of the minister, it is your obligation to show where the Minister erred.
Given that the Minister has little information, and you have all of the
information required to show how much money you earned, and how you earned
it, it should not be a difficult burden. That's the burden on the
facts. It is not unusual that in an administrative proceeding, the person
who has all the facts at their fingertips has the burden of proving
the facts they rely on.
On matters of law, there is no burden as such. Both parties have to
convince the judge that of the correctness of their argument.
Post by Alan Baggett
actually beat them you would need something outstanding to prove their
No. What you have to show is that the facts they relied on were wrong.
Or alternatively, that their interpretation of the law was wrong.
On the first, you have the burden of proving the facts on which you rely.
On the second, both parties have an equal burden of pursuading the
Alan Baggett
2004-02-10 18:56:37 UTC
Just trying a little trick to see if this will make the M's show~
Post by Alan Baggett
Ma, Anthony; (416) 954-0506
Ma, Herman; (416) 973-3328; ;
MacDonald, Eldon; (416) 954-2015; ;
MacDonald, Innis; (416) 973-2749; ;
MacFee, Bruce; (416) 954-6020; ;
MacGibbon, Gordon; (416) 954-6035
MacInnis, Dan; (416) 973-3334; ;
MacInnis, Jim; (416) 954-6033; ;
MacLean, Wendy; (416) 954-5533
MacLeod, Laverne; (416) 973-3154; ;
MacPherson, Don; (416) 954-6034
Madan, Alka; (416) 954-0417
Magar, Samir; (416) 954-6038; ;
Mah, Christine; (416) 973-7565; ;
Mahmood, Altaf; (416) 954-4674; ;
Mahoney, Michael; (416) 954-5017; ;
Mak, Peggy; (416) 954-0503; ;
Malatesta, Mario; (416) 973-7444; ;
Malcolm, Daniel; (416) 954-6030; ;
Mallory, Sandra; (416) 973-9070; ;
Malowany, Ann; (416) 954-6032; ;
Mammo, Teg; (416) 973-6931; ;
Mamtani, Vidya; (416) 973-7572; ;
Mancuso, Frank; (416) 954-0428; ;
Mancuso, Grace; (416) 973-5524; ;
Mangal, Sheila; (416) 973-7443; ;
Manji, Sultana; (416) 954-3929; ;
Manning, Gerrard; (416) 952-4668; ;
Mansfield, Rick; (416) 973-2308; ;
Mao, Melanie; (416) 954-0451; ;
Mar, Harold; (416) 973-2846; ;
Markovits, Marta; (416) 954-6432; ;
Marr, Regina; (416) 973-9540; ;
Marra, Frank; (416) 973-3212; ;
Marshall, Diane; (416) 973-3263; ;
Marshall, Mike; (416) 954-0429; ;
Marsman, Wayne; (416) 954-3940; ;
Martin, Angie; (416) 973-3225; ;
Martinuk, Charles; (416) 954-0630; ;
Matheson, Terry; (416) 973-8692; ;
Mavilla, Mimmo; (416) 954-5695; ;
May, Henry; (416) 954-6019; ;
May, Hugh; (416) 973-5791; ;
McBirnie, Bill; (416) 954-4379; ;
Post by Alan Baggett
McBride, Andrew; (416) 954-6032; ;
McCallum, Tracey; (416) 954-2920; ;
McCann, Cheryl; (905) 615-2185; ;
McClory, David; (416) 954-9168; ;
McCormack, Bev; (416) 973-3940; ;
McCrae, Harry; (416) 952-2188; ;
McDoom, Norm; (416) 954-6025; ;
McElroy, Michael; (416) 954-4570; ;
McGillivray, Daniella; (416) 973-9320; ;
McGovern, Ted; (416) 973-3846; ;
McGraw, Anne-Marie; (416) 973-3964; ;
McKee, Lila; (416) 973-9920; ;
McKenna, Brian; (416) 954-3116; ;
McKenna, Jack; (416) 973-2845; ;
McKerrall, Bill; (905) 572-2670; ;
McKinley, Kevin; (416) 954-0544; ;
McLaren, William; (416) 375-6445; ;
McLeod, Colleen; (416) 954-5721; ;
McMillan, Kathy; (416) 952-3167; ;
McNamara, James; (416) 973-5920; ;
McPherson, Rowly; (416) 973-6679; ;
Mehta, Rita; (416) 973-9719; ;
Meill, Martin; (416) 973-9929; ;
Melanson, Lorraine; (416) 954-0704; ;
Mendes, Celeste; (416) 954-5661; ;
Mendonca, Debbie; (416) 954-4188; ;
Mendonca, Ed; (416) 375-6474; ;
Menezes, Paul; (416) 954-0438; ;
Menniti, Frank; (416) 973-2391; ;
Mercer, Derek; (416) 954-9509; ;
Merola, Bridgette; (416) 954-6036; ;
Merrima, Alan; (416) 973-4984; ;
Merta, Peter; (416) 954-6014; ;
Metella, Martha; (416) 589-8556; ;
Michalishyn, Terry; (416) 973-0457; ;
Michaud, Anna; (416) 973-6673; ;
Middleton, Richard; (416) 954-0957; ;
Mifsud, Emmanuel; (416) 973-8426; ;
Mijatovic, Katarina; (416) 973-3805; ;
Milan, Peter; (416) 973-7572; ;
Miller, Christa; (416) 954-6019; ;
Miller, Sandra; (416) 973-3985; ;
Miller, Tom; (416) 954-5739; ;
Miller, Wayne; (416) 973-9200; ;
Miller-Fennell, Patricia; (416) 973-8680; ;
Misiak, George; (416) 973-9459; ;
Miskovsky, Stefan; (416) 973-2202; ;
Mohammad, Ather; (416) 954-5735; ;
Mohan, Vijay; (416) 973-0800; ;
Molson, William; (416) 973-4116; ;
Mondesir, Yvette; (416) 973-4166; ;
Moore, Kirk; (416) 954-0427; ;
Morad, Eli; (416) 973-7571; ;
Morad, Matthew; (416) 954-4985; ;
Moreland, Paula; (416) 954-9169; ;
Mosur, Santha; (416) 954-0467; ;
Mueller, Wolfgang; (416) 973-9447; ;
Muir, John; (416) 954-0458; ;
Muir, Robert; (416) 973-9435; ;
Mulhearn, Janice; (416) 954-4078; ;
Mulligan, Mary; (416) 954-5659; ;
Mullins, Gerry; (416) 954-0504; ;
Munro, Bill; (416) 973-7150; ;
Muraca, Franca; (416) 973-3373; ;
Muraca, Joanne; (416) 973-0426; ;
Muraca, Renato; (416) 954-0433; ;
Murray, Dorothy; (416) 954-4191
Murray, Helen; (416) 973-3360
Murray, Jane; (416) 973-6727; ;
Murray, Lorna; (416) 973-7837; ;
Murray, Orland; (416) 954-6010; ;
Musolino, Tony; (416) 954-3130; ;
Myers, Jocelyn; (416) 954-3934; ;
Let's see if this post works
Alan Baggett
2004-02-06 20:03:50 UTC
I reposted the M's because, somehow, they managed to disappear!

Ma, Anthony; (416) 954-0506; ;
Ma, Herman; (416) 973-3328; ;
MacDonald, Eldon; (416) 954-2015; ;
MacDonald, Innis; (416) 973-2749; ;
MacFee, Bruce; (416) 954-6020; ;
MacGibbon, Gordon; (416) 954-6035; ;
MacInnis, Dan; (416) 973-3334; ;
MacInnis, Jim; (416) 954-6033; ;
MacLean, Wendy; (416) 954-5533; ;
MacLeod, Laverne; (416) 973-3154; ;
MacPherson, Don; (416) 954-6034; ;
Madan, Alka; (416) 954-0417; ;
Magar, Samir; (416) 954-6038; ;
Mah, Christine; (416) 973-7565; ;
Mahmood, Altaf; (416) 954-4674; ;
Mahoney, Michael; (416) 954-5017; ;
Mak, Peggy; (416) 954-0503; ;
Malatesta, Mario; (416) 973-7444; ;
Malcolm, Daniel; (416) 954-6030; ;
Mallory, Sandra; (416) 973-9070; ;
Malowany, Ann; (416) 954-6032; ;
Mammo, Teg; (416) 973-6931; ;
Mamtani, Vidya; (416) 973-7572; ;
Mancuso, Frank; (416) 954-0428; ;
Mancuso, Grace; (416) 973-5524; ;
Mangal, Sheila; (416) 973-7443; ;
Manji, Sultana; (416) 954-3929; ;
Manning, Gerrard; (416) 952-4668; ;
Mansfield, Rick; (416) 973-2308; ;
Mao, Melanie; (416) 954-0451; ;
Mar, Harold; (416) 973-2846; ;
Markovits, Marta; (416) 954-6432; ;
Marr, Regina; (416) 973-9540; ;
Marra, Frank; (416) 973-3212; ;
Marshall, Diane; (416) 973-3263; ;
Marshall, Mike; (416) 954-0429; ;
Marsman, Wayne; (416) 954-3940; ;
Martin, Angie; (416) 973-3225; ;
Martinuk, Charles; (416) 954-0630; ;
Matheson, Terry; (416) 973-8692; ;
Mavilla, Mimmo; (416) 954-5695; ;
May, Henry; (416) 954-6019; ;
May, Hugh; (416) 973-5791; ;
McBirnie, Bill; (416) 954-4379; ;
McBride, Andrew; (416) 954-6032; ;
McCallum, Tracey; (416) 954-2920; ;
McCann, Cheryl; (905) 615-2185; ;
McClory, David; (416) 954-9168; ;
McCormack, Bev; (416) 973-3940; ;
McCrae, Harry; (416) 952-2188; ;
McDoom, Norm; (416) 954-6025; ;
McElroy, Michael; (416) 954-4570; ;
McGillivray, Daniella; (416) 973-9320; ;
McGovern, Ted; (416) 973-3846; ;
McGraw, Anne-Marie; (416) 973-3964; ;
McKee, Lila; (416) 973-9920; ;
McKenna, Brian; (416) 954-3116; ;
McKenna, Jack; (416) 973-2845; ;
McKerrall, Bill; (905) 572-2670; ;
McKinley, Kevin; (416) 954-0544; ;
McLaren, William; (416) 375-6445; ;
McLeod, Colleen; (416) 954-5721; ;
McMillan, Kathy; (416) 952-3167; ;
McNamara, James; (416) 973-5920; ;
McPherson, Rowly; (416) 973-6679; ;
Mehta, Rita; (416) 973-9719; ;
Meill, Martin; (416) 973-9929; ;
Melanson, Lorraine; (416) 954-0704; ;
Mendes, Celeste; (416) 954-5661; ;
Mendonca, Debbie; (416) 954-4188; ;
Mendonca, Ed; (416) 375-6474; ;
Menezes, Paul; (416) 954-0438; ;
Menniti, Frank; (416) 973-2391; ;
Mercer, Derek; (416) 954-9509; ;
Merola, Bridgette; (416) 954-6036; ;
Merrima, Alan; (416) 973-4984; ;
Merta, Peter; (416) 954-6014; ;
Metella, Martha; (416) 589-8556; ;
Michalishyn, Terry; (416) 973-0457; ;
Michaud, Anna; (416) 973-6673; ;
Middleton, Richard; (416) 954-0957; ;
Mifsud, Emmanuel; (416) 973-8426; ;
Mijatovic, Katarina; (416) 973-3805; ;
Milan, Peter; (416) 973-7572; ;
Miller, Christa; (416) 954-6019; ;
Miller, Sandra; (416) 973-3985; ;
Miller, Tom; (416) 954-5739; ;
Miller, Wayne; (416) 973-9200; ;
Miller-Fennell, Patricia; (416) 973-8680; ;
Misiak, George; (416) 973-9459; ;
Miskovsky, Stefan; (416) 973-2202; ;
Mohammad, Ather; (416) 954-5735; ;
Mohan, Vijay; (416) 973-0800; ;
Molson, William; (416) 973-4116; ;
Mondesir, Yvette; (416) 973-4166; ;
Moore, Kirk; (416) 954-0427; ;
Morad, Eli; (416) 973-7571; ;
Morad, Matthew; (416) 954-4985; ;
Moreland, Paula; (416) 954-9169; ;
Mosur, Santha; (416) 954-0467; ;
Mueller, Wolfgang; (416) 973-9447; ;
Muir, John; (416) 954-0458; ;
Muir, Robert; (416) 973-9435; ;
Mulhearn, Janice; (416) 954-4078; ;
Mulligan, Mary; (416) 954-5659; ;
Mullins, Gerry; (416) 954-0504; ;
Munro, Bill; (416) 973-7150; ;
Muraca, Franca; (416) 973-3373; ;
Muraca, Joanne; (416) 973-0426; ;
Muraca, Renato; (416) 954-0433; ;
Murray, Dorothy; (416) 954-4191; ;
Murray, Helen; (416) 973-3360; ;
Murray, Jane; (416) 973-6727; ;
Murray, Lorna; (416) 973-7837; ;
Murray, Orland; (416) 954-6010; ;
Musolino, Tony; (416) 954-3130; ;
Myers, Jocelyn; (416) 954-3934; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-06 20:04:43 UTC
Here are the N's

Nadarajah, Krishna; (416) 954-6737; ;
Nand, Ambika; (416) 973-8098; ;
Nath, Sanu; (416) 973-3283; ;
Nayyar, Vijay; (416) 954-6013; ;
Neal, Andrea; (416) 973-9103; ;
Nefsky, Bryan; (416) 954-0505; ;
Nelson, Agatha; (416) 973-9919; ;
Nelson, Lori; (416) 973-3227; ;
Neto-Azevedo, Vicky; (416) 954-9170; ;
Newman, Gordon; (416) 954-9309; ;
Ng, Gigi; (416) 954-6047; ;
Ng, Janet; (416) 954-8073; ;
Ng, Rick; (416) 973-9553; ;
Ng, Yvonne; (416) 954-5463; ;
Ng-Chow, Marie; (416) 954-8195; ;
Nicholson, Ken; (416) 954-3941; ;
Nicol, Paulette; (416) 954-5457; ;
Nicoloff, James; (416) 973-7572; ;
Noble, Christine; (416) 952-0652; ;
Noble, Claudia; (416) 954-2013; ;
Noordin, Farooq; (416) 375-6472; ;
Nowaczek, Jacek; (416) 973-7584; ;
Nowak, Jerzy; (416) 954-9533; ;
Nowakiwsky, Christine; (416) 973-0431; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-06 20:05:29 UTC
Here are the O's

O'Brien, Robert; (416) 973-0598; ;
O'Dwyer, Warren; (416) 973-4104; ;
O'Leary, Peter; (416) 973-8889; ;
O'Neal, Michelle; (416) 954-4037; ;
O'Toole, Shawn; (416) 973-5610; ;
Offstein, Bernie; (416) 973-3606; ;
Ogden Merritt, Shelley; (416) 954-6029; ;
Ogu, Delrose; (416) 954-3132; ;
Oliana, Emile; (416) 973-7173; ;
Oliver, John; (416) 973-0423; ;
Olo, Mark; (416) 954-9146; ;
Or, Heddy; (416) 954-1858; ;
Orlando, Roger; (416) 973-3781; ;
Osborn, Peter; (416) 954-0454; ;
Osborne, Murray; (416) 954-6040; ;
Ovas, Miro; (416) 973-2352; ;
Owen, Irene; (416) 973-0342; ;
Owen, Richard; (416) 973-0355; ;
Ozols-Maksins, Laila; (416) 954-9621; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-06 20:06:16 UTC
And now the P's

Padlan, Mariano; (416) 954-4192; ;
Page, Adele; (416) 973-8070; ;
Pai, Victor; (416) 973-8268; ;
Pallotta, Nick; (416) 954-2014; ;
Paltoo, Chandra; (416) 973-0595; ;
Panzarino, Rose; (905) 615-2101; ;
Papaioannou, Annie; (416) 954-9317; ;
Pape, Russell; (416) 954-5705; ;
Papik, Agi; (416) 375-6482; ;
Paraschos, Chris; (416) 954-0923; ;
Paraschos, John; (416) 954-5706; ;
Parker, Alan; (416) 973-4619; ;
Parker, Elaine; (416) 973-7406; ;
Parker, Maurice; (416) 954-8202; ;
Parkin, Ian; (416) 954-0370; ;
Parmar, Jaish; (416) 973-4146; ;
Parmeshwar, Bud; (416) 954-6029; ;
Paskaris, Maria; (416) 954-3705; ;
Patel, Ashish; (416) 954-5372; ;
Patel, Shirish; (416) 954-0495; ;
Pathan, Mohammed; (416) 952-0689; ;
Patterson, Denise; (416) 973-3455; ;
Pattison, Susan; (416) 973-3947; ;
Paul, Sheila; (416) 954-4564; ;
Pavan, Loretta; (416) 973-9175; ;
Payton, Patricia; (416) 954-8258; ;
Pearce, John; (416) 954-6028; ;
Pearce, Marie; (416) 973-3954; ;
Pearen, Terry; (416) 973-2800; ;
Pease, Eric; (416) 973-2075; ;
Penuvchev, Vera; (416) 954-3467; ;
Peralta, Erlinda; (416) 973-8243; ;
Perego, Brian; (416) 954-0447; ;
Perera, Sanath; (416) 954-6026; ;
Perrin, Guy; (416) 952-2190; ;
Pershad, Tage; (416) 973-3988; ;
Peters, Dave; (416) 954-5575; ;
Peters, Walter; (416) 954-0459; ;
Peterson, Linda; (416) 954-0579; ;
Petrini, Adam; (416) 973-9083; ;
Petropoulos, James; (416) 973-9189; ;
Petrovsky, Peter; (416) 973-2358; ;
Peycha, Christina; (416) 954-0784; ;
Phillips, Prescilla; (416) 973-7761; ;
Picard, Ginette; (416) 954-3052; ;
Picco, Kathryn; (416) 973-9435; ;
Picton, Gary; (905) 615-2177; ;
Pierre, Katlin; (416) 954-0404; ;
Pigeon, Kathy; (416) 973-3200; ;
Piitz, Michael; (416) 954-4567; ;
Pilcher, Mary; (416) 973-7142; ;
Pinto, Christine; (416) 954-5639; ;
Platt, Keron; (416) 973-3194; ;
Poirier, Rudy; (416) 954-0804; ;
Poll, Johanna; (416) 973-6931; ;
Poon, Mabel; (416) 954-0563; ;
Pope, Rosalind; (416) 973-6688; ;
Porter, Janet; (416) 954-4566; ;
Porto, Mike; (416) 954-0785; ;
Posner, Harvey; (416) 973-3825; ;
Powley, Graydon; (416) 954-6007; ;
Pradhan, Niz; (416) 954-3936; ;
Pranaitis, Rymas; (416) 973-9446; ;
Prashad, Seow; (416) 952-4780; ;
Presswalla, Cyrus; (416) 973-9524; ;
Preston, Gregory; (416) 954-5717; ;
Pridham, Colin; (416) 954-6035; ;
Prince, Michael; (416) 954-6025; ;
Prince, Roy; (416) 973-3311; ;
Przysuski, Martin; (416) 973-1486; ;
Psutka, Jake; (416) 973-7793; ;
Purcell, George; (416) 954-6430; ;
Puzeris, Al; (416) 954-2078; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-07 19:16:18 UTC
Here are the R's

(No Q's in T.O.)

(any one notice how all the m's have mysteriously disappeared from
this thread - and I have since reposted them twice yet they never seem
to appear!)

Rae, Cliff; (416) 954-0460; ;
Rafizadeh, Kian; (416) 954-0431; ;
Rahim, Gulshan; (416) 973-6140; ;
Raj-Gauthier, Michelle; (416) 952-4602; ;
Ram, Benny; (416) 954-9921; ;
Rambharack, Naz; (416) 973-2228; ;
Ramirez, Romeo; (416) 954-6017; ;
Ramundi, Marco; (416) 973-3949; ;
Rand, Liz; (416) 973-1727; ;
Randell, Brenda; (416) 954-5505; ;
Range, Eric; (416) 973-3884; ;
Ranger, Donna; (416) 973-8905; ;
Rapone, Patricia; (416) 973-0356; ;
Rappos, Lucy; (416) 973-2657; ;
Rawji, Naznin; (416) 973-5971; ;
Rawlins, Alicia; (416) 973-9189; ;
Rawson, Don; (416) 954-3938; ;
Raymond, Julien; (416) 954-3976; ;
Reaume, Darlene; (416) 973-9214; ;
Redmond, Tony; (416) 973-3960; ;
Redvers, Paul; (416) 954-0553; ;
Reed, Bob; (416) 954-0434;

Regenbogen, Michael; (416) 954-8122; Exceptionally bad

Reid, Gloria; (416) 973-9101; ;
Remtulla, Al; (416) 954-6035; ;
Remtulla, Malek; (416) 973-0800; ;
Reyes, Dian; (416) 973-9338; ;
Rhodes, Cynthia; (416) 954-0502; ;
Rice, Pat; (416) 954-3935; ;
Ringuette, Guillmond; (416) 954-6024; ;
Rintoul, Paula; (416) 973-3676; ;
Ritcey, Wayne; (416) 973-9389; ;
Robinson, Alan; (416) 973-1733; ;
Robinson, Barry; (416) 973-5322; ;
Robinson, Sheila; (416) 973-6489; ;
Roche, Suzanne; (416) 954-0490; ;
Rodden, Sandi; (416) 954-0475; ;
Roddy, Suzanne; (416) 954-5300; ;
Romas, Danny; (416) 973-3854; ;
Roseler, Ralph; (416) 954-6036; ;
Rosenberg, Marvin; (416) 954-6036; ;
Rosevear, John; (416) 954-0486; ;
Roulston, Julia; (416) 973-9077; ;
Rouse, Judith; (416) 954-2752; ;
Ruscica, Maria; (416) 973-1707; ;
Russell, Janis; (416) 954-5569; ;
Russo, Dan; (416) 973-4105; ;
Ruta, Tomassina; (416) 954-3932; ;
Ryan, Steve; (416) 954-6025; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-08 17:02:20 UTC
Here's the S-Club
Post by Alan Baggett
(any one notice how all the m's have mysteriously disappeared from
this thread - and I have since reposted them twice yet they never seem
to appear!)
Saini, Usha; (416) 954-0630; ;
Salamone, Linda; (416) 973-4313; ;
Sanghera, Satinder; (416) 973-2800; ;
Sankar, Azeez; (416) 954-6023; ;
Sansome, Barbara; (416) 973-9336; ;
Saskoley, Mark; (416) 375-6473; ;
Sauve, Angele; (416) 954-9144; ;
Savel, Joanne; (416) 954-6431; ;
Savlov, Leslie; (416) 954-6030; ;
Sawa, Paul; (416) 973-9359; ;
Sawada, Wayne; (416) 954-6008; ;
Sayson, Themistocles; (416) 954-0426; ;
Schaeffer, John; (416) 954-3645; ;
Schembri, Pam; (416) 973-7571; ;
Schindler, Christel; (416) 954-0500; ;
Schofield, Barb; (416) 954-5461; ;
Schwantes, Michael; (416) 973-2347; ;
Seale, David; (416) 973-2332; ;
Sebastian, Elisa; (416) 973-4101; ;
Sehgal, Steve; (416) 954-5110; ;
Selka, Al; (416) 954-6428; ;
Selvaggi, Nazario; (416) 973-9052; ;
Selvamanoharam, Utheya; (416) 954-0630; ;
Sen Gupta, Supriya; (416) 973-5694; ;
Seo, Katy; (416) 589-5269; ;
Seunath, Richard; (416) 954-6514; ;
Shah, Ramesh; (416) 954-9342; ;
Shand, Ken; (416) 973-2347; ;
Sharma, Sunil; (416) 973-6668; ;
Shaw, Noreen; (416) 973-0561; ;
Shearer, Wendy; (416) 375-6479; ;
Shen, Vivian; (416) 954-4988; ;
Shortt, Joy; (416) 954-4557; ;
Shuell, Gavin; (416) 973-2382; ;
Si, Cybill; (416) 954-0558; ;
Sidlo, Peter; (416) 973-3846; ;
Silva, Manuela; (416) 973-0421; ;
Simcoe, Donna; (416) 954-5378; ;
Simpson, Tracy; (416) 973-8968; ;
Sinclair, Kevin; (416) 973-0570; ;
Singh, Kaye; (416) 954-8067; ;
Sit, Monica; (416) 954-0468; ;
Siu, Ken; (416) 954-6737; ;
Skariah, Tom; (416) 973-5617; ;
Skillicorn, Victoria; (416) 973-8453; ;
Skinner, Mark; (416) 973-7406; ;
Slee, Thomas; (416) 954-4986; ;
Smailes, Robert; (416) 973-6398; ;
Smetaniuk, Arlene; (416) 973-2391; ;
Smith, Jonathan; (416) 973-3407; ;
Smith, Monalisa; (416) 973-3397; ;
Smith, Norman; (416) 954-0435; ;
Smith, Paul; (416) 954-5545; ;
Soler, Walter; (416) 973-3644; ;
Soloduk, John; (416) 954-0796; ;
Sookilai, Ron; (416) 973-4815; ;
Spanton, Brian; (416) 973-0817; ;
Speares, Roy; (416) 973-9111; ;
Spencer, Lois; (416) 589-5421; ;
Spicer, Kenneth; (416) 954-5372; ;
Spiro, Alex; (416) 973-4137; ;
St Germaine, Barb; (416) 973-3407; ;
Staples, David; (416) 954-0520; ;
Stathakos, Jim; (416) 973-0451; ;
Stein, Daniel; (416) 973-0340; ;
Steinman, Elena; (416) 954-0672; ;
Stephenson, Gerald; (416) 954-5517; ;
Sturch, Mary Ruth; (416) 973-6667; ;
Sturgeoff, Lynda; (416) 973-3725; ;
Subramanian, Sub; (416) 954-0529; ;
Sukhdeo, David; (416) 973-9030; ;
Suleman, Sadru; (416) 973-4165; ;
Sullivan, Bruce; (416) 973-8965; ;
Sumar, Amin; (416) 954-0513; ;
Suteir, Naushir; (416) 954-5472; ;
Swietlinski, Neil; (416) 973-3802; ;
Swim, Robert; (416) 954-9620; ;
Sybersma, Robert; (416) 954-0767; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-08 17:03:28 UTC
Here's the T's
Post by Alan Baggett
(any one notice how all the m's have mysteriously disappeared from
this thread - and I have since reposted them twice yet they never seem
to appear!)
Tai, Daniel; (416) 973-3002; ;
Takeda, Jim; (416) 973-3557; ;
Tam, Helen; (416) 973-9821; ;
Tam, Moon; (416) 973-1734; ;
Tam, Roger; (416) 954-5503; ;
Tame, Frank; (416) 973-0573; ;
Tang, Kham; (416) 973-2895; ;
Tannahill, Jamie; (416) 954-6017; ;
Taylor, Erline; (416) 973-9878; ;
Teasdale, Stan; (416) 973-2751; ;
Tebbutt, Brian; (416) 973-7444; ;
Teelucksingh, Kalvin; (416) 973-9333; ;
Teichert, Martin; (416) 954-0487; ;
Tennant, Craig; (416) 973-3768; ;
Terry, Paul; (416) 954-8243; ;
Thawer, Shabir; (416) 952-4780; ;
Thirukkumaran, Sassie; (416) 973-1550; ;
Thompson, Annis; (416) 973-2841; ;
Thompson, Charles; (416) 954-0518; ;
Thompson, Michael; (416) 973-9318; ;
Thompson, Neil; (416) 954-0450; ;
Thompson, Pat; (416) 973-6670; ;
Thorel, David; (416) 954-8072; ;
Thornhill, David; (416) 973-9073; ;
Tiu, Dominic; (416) 954-6011; ;
Tjia, Wendy; (416) 375-6485; ;
Tobar, Victor; (416) 973-0584; ;
Toews, Brian; (416) 973-9578; ;
Tomlin, Linda; (416) 954-0546; ;
Toner, Ann; (416) 973-2843; ;
Tormey, Nancy; (416) 973-2189; ;
Torres, Ace; (416) 973-9830; ;
Townshend, Linda; (416) 973-2192; ;
Tracey, Don; (416) 973-6675; ;
Tredinnick, David; (416) 973-8313; ;
Trenton, Mark; (416) 954-6013; ;
Trifon, Danny; (416) 973-1700; ;
Tringali, Sal; (416) 973-9111; ;
Trinh, Stephen; (416) 973-0412; ;
Tsetsos, John; (416) 973-8823; ;
Tseung, Peter; (416) 973-3846; ;
Tsiampouri, Joanne; (416) 973-0423; ;
Tso, Christopher; (416) 954-6031; ;
Tsuji, Naomi; (416) 973-5907; ;
Tuffner, Deborah; (416) 954-3651; ;
Turner, Mike; (416) 954-9623; ;
Turvey, Robert; (416) 973-3240; ;
Twigg, Mike; (416) 954-3131; ;
2004-02-08 22:07:05 UTC
They are coming up on my server but McMoron, Scott is not found among
them? What is the reason for this?

Post by Alan Baggett
Here's the T's
Post by Alan Baggett
(any one notice how all the m's have mysteriously disappeared from
this thread - and I have since reposted them twice yet they never seem
to appear!)
Tai, Daniel; (416) 973-3002; ;
Takeda, Jim; (416) 973-3557; ;
Tam, Helen; (416) 973-9821; ;
Tam, Moon; (416) 973-1734; ;
Tam, Roger; (416) 954-5503; ;
Tame, Frank; (416) 973-0573; ;
Tang, Kham; (416) 973-2895; ;
Tannahill, Jamie; (416) 954-6017; ;
Taylor, Erline; (416) 973-9878; ;
Teasdale, Stan; (416) 973-2751; ;
Tebbutt, Brian; (416) 973-7444; ;
Teelucksingh, Kalvin; (416) 973-9333; ;
Teichert, Martin; (416) 954-0487; ;
Tennant, Craig; (416) 973-3768; ;
Terry, Paul; (416) 954-8243; ;
Thawer, Shabir; (416) 952-4780; ;
Thirukkumaran, Sassie; (416) 973-1550; ;
Thompson, Annis; (416) 973-2841; ;
Thompson, Charles; (416) 954-0518; ;
Thompson, Michael; (416) 973-9318; ;
Thompson, Neil; (416) 954-0450; ;
Thompson, Pat; (416) 973-6670; ;
Thorel, David; (416) 954-8072; ;
Thornhill, David; (416) 973-9073; ;
Tiu, Dominic; (416) 954-6011; ;
Tjia, Wendy; (416) 375-6485; ;
Tobar, Victor; (416) 973-0584; ;
Toews, Brian; (416) 973-9578; ;
Tomlin, Linda; (416) 954-0546; ;
Toner, Ann; (416) 973-2843; ;
Tormey, Nancy; (416) 973-2189; ;
Torres, Ace; (416) 973-9830; ;
Townshend, Linda; (416) 973-2192; ;
Tracey, Don; (416) 973-6675; ;
Tredinnick, David; (416) 973-8313; ;
Trenton, Mark; (416) 954-6013; ;
Trifon, Danny; (416) 973-1700; ;
Tringali, Sal; (416) 973-9111; ;
Trinh, Stephen; (416) 973-0412; ;
Tsetsos, John; (416) 973-8823; ;
Tseung, Peter; (416) 973-3846; ;
Tsiampouri, Joanne; (416) 973-0423; ;
Tso, Christopher; (416) 954-6031; ;
Tsuji, Naomi; (416) 973-5907; ;
Tuffner, Deborah; (416) 954-3651; ;
Turner, Mike; (416) 954-9623; ;
Turvey, Robert; (416) 973-3240; ;
Twigg, Mike; (416) 954-3131; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-09 18:27:34 UTC
Post by Nemesis
They are coming up on my server but McMoron, Scott is not found among
That is strange because I posted the M's in two halves and the only
half that shows up is in a response you made to one of the postings. I
have tried to repost since but nada.
Post by Nemesis
What is the reason for this?
If my allegation is indeed correct then it could be because he is a
recent transferee, doing work downtown, on loan, on assignment,
attending meetings, a training session, there could be a multitude of
reasons. As soon as I hear anything from my contacts I will update the
news group appropriately.
Post by Nemesis
Alan Baggett
2004-02-09 18:30:27 UTC
There are no U's but here are the V's

Valenta, David; (416) 954-0511; ;
Valente-Gomes, Suzette; (416) 973-3099; ;
Van den Boogaart, Conroy; (416) 973-4748; ;
Van Ryck DeGroot, Charles; (416) 954-6036; ;
Van Ryck DeGroot, Nikki; (416) 954-0498; ;
Van Steenes, Rude; (416) 954-6168; ;
Van Zuben, Paul; (416) 954-5703; ;
Van Zwanenburg, Fenno; (416) 954-0509; ;
Vander Spek, Greg; (416) 973-9313; ;
Varden, Emil; (416) 973-4166; ;
Varela, Ed; (416) 954-0535; ;
Vasilopoulos, George; (416) 954-5541; ;
Veecock, Carl; (416) 973-3448; ;
Vennettilli, Anna; (416) 973-9375; ;
Venugopal, Chello; (416) 973-9336; ;
Verhaeghe, Johan; (416) 952-3759; ; Assistant Director; TIS-SIT
Vettese, Joe; (416) 973-7151; ;
Viegas, Warren; (416) 954-5588;

Villanen, Tiia; (416) 954-5582

Villella, Angelo; (416) 954-6041; ;
Vito, Diane; (416) 954-0531; ;
Vokey, Blair; (416) 954-6014; ;
Volz, Anton; (416) 973-0452; ;
Von Zuben, John; (416) 973-9965; ;
Voros, Endre; (416) 973-9364; ;
Voyce, Carol; (905) 566-6013; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-09 18:31:19 UTC
Here are the W's

Wahl, Steven; (416) 954-0528; ;
Waiping, Pat; (416) 954-6035; ;
Waite, Tanya; (416) 973-9379; ;
Walker, Debbie; (416) 954-0782; ;
Walker, Jamie; (416) 952-0603; ;
Wallace, Terry; (416) 954-6009; ;
Waller, Sandra; (416) 954-0630; ;
Walsh, Jeff; (416) 973-9439; ;
Ward, Philip; (416) 954-6032; ;
Ward, Steven; (416) 954-6035; ;
Wardrop, Patricia; (416) 954-0630; ;
Warner, Fred; (416) 973-6943; ;
Warriner, Thomas; (416) 954-4674; ;
Wasylyk, Donna; (416) 973-0447; ;
Waugh, Emerson; (416) 954-9172; ;
Weatherson, Jim; (416) 954-9168; ;
Wehrens, William; (416) 973-5687; ;
Wellington, Sandra; (416) 954-0402; ;
Welsh, Victoria; (416) 973-7793; ;
Went, Gloria; (416) 973-0814; ;
West, Joan; (416) 973-6689; ;
White, Nancy; (416) 582-5985; ;
Whitson, Lisa; (416) 973-9416; ;
Wiatr, James; (416) 375-6477; ;
Wicherkiewicz, Andrew; (416) 954-4151; ;
Wielesko, Barbara; (416) 954-4220; ;
Wigdor, Ted; (416) 954-0409; ;
Wiggins, James; (416) 973-8421; ;
Wilcox, Joyce; (416) 954-5665; ;
Williams, Doug; (416) 954-0519; ;
Williamson, Cecil; (416) 973-3460; ;
Wilson, Andrew; (416) 954-6027; ;
Wilson, Dan; (416) 973-9365; ;
Wilson, Hazel; (416) 954-4016; ;
Wilson, Melody; (416) 973-3709; ;
Wilson, Mercedes; (416) 954-3640; ;
Wilson, Michael; (416) 954-6027; ;
Wilson, Phil; (416) 954-5691; ;
Wilson, Sandy; (519) 675-3146; ;
Wisdom, Ann; (416) 973-5972; ;
Wiseberg, Harvey; (416) 954-2920; ;
Wiwchar, Shirley; (416) 973-8026; ;
Wojciechowski, Victor; (416) 973-7189; ;
Wong, Cary; (416) 954-6017; ;
Wong, Fay; (416) 954-0480; ;
Wong, Jennifer; (416) 954-6003; ;
Wong, Steffanie; (416) 973-9336; ;
Wong, Terry; (416) 973-7928; ;
Wong, Victor; (416) 954-9539; ;
Wong, Violet; (416) 973-9457; ;
Wong (She-Jeek), Provis; (416) 582-5983; ;
Woo, Lily; (416) 954-6429; ;
Wood, Dave; (416) 954-6040; ;
Woodward, Al; (416) 954-9619; ;
Worthington, Janneke; (416) 973-3915; ;
Wren, Tom; (416) 973-9553; ;
Wright, John; (416) 973-0338; ;
Wright, Patrick; (416) 954-6031; ;
Wyman, Rosamund; (416) 954-0992; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-10 18:49:19 UTC
There are no X's so here are the Y's

Yacula, Glen; (416) 973-0457;
Yamasaki, Linda; (416) 954-6034;
Yap-Chung, Anne Marie; (416) 973-2346
Yaschyshyn, Sonia; (416) 954-3709
Yeates, Bill; (416) 973-9591
Yee Ping, Irwin; (416) 973-7793
Yeung, Candy; (416) 954-6011
Yip, Victoria; (416) 973-2251
Alan Baggett
2004-02-10 18:50:14 UTC
And, lastly, here are the Z's.

Zander, Jeff; (416) 973-3816; ;
Zaver, Nazmin; (416) 973-3927; ;
Zavitz, Marilyn; (416) 954-5689; ;
Zbyrovski, Verena; (416) 973-9111; ;
Zeleny, Mike; (416) 954-9623; ;
Zettas, Judie; (416) 954-0545; ;
Zevenhuizen, Peter; (416) 973-3923; ;
Zisis, Peter; (416) 973-9459; ;
Zlotkowski, Mark; (416) 973-0481; ;
Zografos, George; (416) 375-6487; ;
Zolis, Chris; (416) 973-2346; ;
Zongdho, Tsering; (416) 973-6727; ;
Zourbanos, Denis; (416) 973-0481; ;
Alan Baggett
2004-02-09 18:32:12 UTC
I'm trying the M's again

Ma, Anthony; (416) 954-0506; ;
Ma, Herman; (416) 973-3328; ;
MacDonald, Eldon; (416) 954-2015; ;
MacDonald, Innis; (416) 973-2749; ;
MacFee, Bruce; (416) 954-6020; ;
MacGibbon, Gordon; (416) 954-6035; ;
MacInnis, Dan; (416) 973-3334; ;
MacInnis, Jim; (416) 954-6033; ;
MacLean, Wendy; (416) 954-5533; ;
MacLeod, Laverne; (416) 973-3154; ;
MacPherson, Don; (416) 954-6034; ;
Madan, Alka; (416) 954-0417; ;
Magar, Samir; (416) 954-6038; ;
Mah, Christine; (416) 973-7565; ;
Mahmood, Altaf; (416) 954-4674; ;
Mahoney, Michael; (416) 954-5017; ;
Mak, Peggy; (416) 954-0503; ;
Malatesta, Mario; (416) 973-7444; ;
Malcolm, Daniel; (416) 954-6030; ;
Mallory, Sandra; (416) 973-9070; ;
Malowany, Ann; (416) 954-6032; ;
Mammo, Teg; (416) 973-6931; ;
Mamtani, Vidya; (416) 973-7572; ;
Mancuso, Frank; (416) 954-0428; ;
Mancuso, Grace; (416) 973-5524; ;
Mangal, Sheila; (416) 973-7443; ;
Manji, Sultana; (416) 954-3929; ;
Manning, Gerrard; (416) 952-4668; ;
Mansfield, Rick; (416) 973-2308; ;
Mao, Melanie; (416) 954-0451; ;
Mar, Harold; (416) 973-2846; ;
Markovits, Marta; (416) 954-6432; ;
Marr, Regina; (416) 973-9540; ;
Marra, Frank; (416) 973-3212; ;
Marshall, Diane; (416) 973-3263; ;
Marshall, Mike; (416) 954-0429; ;
Marsman, Wayne; (416) 954-3940; ;
Martin, Angie; (416) 973-3225; ;
Martinuk, Charles; (416) 954-0630; ;
Matheson, Terry; (416) 973-8692; ;
Mavilla, Mimmo; (416) 954-5695; ;
May, Henry; (416) 954-6019; ;
May, Hugh; (416) 973-5791; ;
McBirnie, Bill; (416) 954-4379; ;
McBride, Andrew; (416) 954-6032; ;
McCallum, Tracey; (416) 954-2920; ;
McCann, Cheryl; (905) 615-2185; ;
McClory, David; (416) 954-9168; ;
McCormack, Bev; (416) 973-3940; ;
McCrae, Harry; (416) 952-2188; ;
McDoom, Norm; (416) 954-6025; ;
McElroy, Michael; (416) 954-4570; ;
McGillivray, Daniella; (416) 973-9320; ;
McGovern, Ted; (416) 973-3846; ;
McGraw, Anne-Marie; (416) 973-3964; ;
McKee, Lila; (416) 973-9920; ;
McKenna, Brian; (416) 954-3116; ;
McKenna, Jack; (416) 973-2845; ;
McKerrall, Bill; (905) 572-2670; ;
McKinley, Kevin; (416) 954-0544; ;
McLaren, William; (416) 375-6445; ;
McLeod, Colleen; (416) 954-5721; ;
McMillan, Kathy; (416) 952-3167; ;
McNamara, James; (416) 973-5920; ;
McPherson, Rowly; (416) 973-6679; ;
Mehta, Rita; (416) 973-9719; ;
Meill, Martin; (416) 973-9929; ;
Melanson, Lorraine; (416) 954-0704; ;
Mendes, Celeste; (416) 954-5661; ;
Mendonca, Debbie; (416) 954-4188; ;
Mendonca, Ed; (416) 375-6474; ;
Menezes, Paul; (416) 954-0438; ;
Menniti, Frank; (416) 973-2391; ;
Mercer, Derek; (416) 954-9509; ;
Merola, Bridgette; (416) 954-6036; ;
Merrima, Alan; (416) 973-4984; ;
Merta, Peter; (416) 954-6014; ;
Metella, Martha; (416) 589-8556; ;
Michalishyn, Terry; (416) 973-0457; ;
Michaud, Anna; (416) 973-6673; ;
Middleton, Richard; (416) 954-0957; ;
Mifsud, Emmanuel; (416) 973-8426; ;
Mijatovic, Katarina; (416) 973-3805; ;
Milan, Peter; (416) 973-7572; ;
Miller, Christa; (416) 954-6019; ;
Miller, Sandra; (416) 973-3985; ;
Miller, Tom; (416) 954-5739; ;
Miller, Wayne; (416) 973-9200; ;
Miller-Fennell, Patricia; (416) 973-8680; ;
Misiak, George; (416) 973-9459; ;
Miskovsky, Stefan; (416) 973-2202; ;
Mohammad, Ather; (416) 954-5735; ;
Mohan, Vijay; (416) 973-0800; ;
Molson, William; (416) 973-4116; ;
Mondesir, Yvette; (416) 973-4166; ;
Moore, Kirk; (416) 954-0427; ;
Morad, Eli; (416) 973-7571; ;
Morad, Matthew; (416) 954-4985; ;
Moreland, Paula; (416) 954-9169; ;
Mosur, Santha; (416) 954-0467; ;
Mueller, Wolfgang; (416) 973-9447; ;
Muir, John; (416) 954-0458; ;
Muir, Robert; (416) 973-9435; ;
Mulhearn, Janice; (416) 954-4078; ;
Mulligan, Mary; (416) 954-5659; ;
Mullins, Gerry; (416) 954-0504; ;
Munro, Bill; (416) 973-7150; ;
Muraca, Franca; (416) 973-3373; ;
Muraca, Joanne; (416) 973-0426; ;
Muraca, Renato; (416) 954-0433; ;
Murray, Dorothy; (416) 954-4191; ;
Murray, Helen; (416) 973-3360; ;
Murray, Jane; (416) 973-6727
Murray, Lorna; (416) 973-7837; ;
Murray, Orland; (416) 954-6010; ;
Musolino, Tony; (416) 954-3130; ;
Myers, Jocelyn; (416) 954-3934; ;
2015-10-31 17:24:21 UTC
I see my name on this list, dated 2004....I left in 1998. As for phone numbers, they changed too often. This list was way out of date, and irrelevant.
2015-11-01 02:52:01 UTC
wrote in message news:b6832d62-0418-49c7-b242-***@googlegroups.com...

I see my name on this list, dated 2004....I left in 1998. As for phone
numbers, they changed too often. This list was way out of date, and
WHERE is the list?

Alan Baggett
2004-02-11 19:09:41 UTC
The A's

Abbott, Allan; (613) 941-5452; ; Project Leader; PO-BP
Abdesselam, Aziz; (613) 941-9483; ; TSD-DSV
Abdi, Mustafa; (613) 954-9268; ; Analyst; BA/POC-CE/SPC
Abdulhusein, Saif; (613) 941-0328; ; PM&OS-SGOP
Abdullah, Rosemine; (819) 994-4531; ; RS-SD
Abedin, Mohammad; (819) 953-4996; ; A/Project Leader; G/HRIM-GDT/T
Abourizk, Elie; (613) 954-0418; ; GII-GII
Abraham, Jessintha; (613) 952-6307; ; CS&D-CSD
Abraham, Paul; (613) 948-5664; ; A/Director; DO-BD
Abram, Michael; (613) 941-0566; ; PTSS-SPST
Adam, Emmanuel; (613) 957-7354; ; EOP-SOA
Adam, Ginette; (613) 941-6083; ; Project Officer; GRD-DRT
Adams, David; (613) 948-4485; ; PDI-OEP
Adams, Diane; (613) 954-5737; ; Technical Support; LSS-SSR
Adams, Donna; (613) 941-6135; ; Quality Control Clerk; APS-SPA
Adams, Kathy; (416) 973-8108; ; TAS-SAPC
Adams, Vicky; (613) 946-5357; ; Senior Officer; FSS-SSBL
Adams, Wayne; (613) 957-2061; ; Director General; DGO-BDG
Adler, Allen B; (613) 957-2066; ; ITLA-ALP
Adler, Elayne; (613) 941-0410; ; Senior Analyst; ID&LCS-SIDCL
Affleck, Elizabeth; (613) 941-0011; English Readability and Editing,
555 MacKenzie Avenue
Agarwal, Lata; (613) 941-6942; ; FLAS-SALF
Aggarwal, Sudershan; (613) 948-0464; ; MS-SG
Aghazarian, Gabriel; (819) 954-9416; ; Programmer/Analyst; SA-CN
Aglot, Thierry; (613) 948-0535; ; DCA-AR
Agopsowicz, Don; (416) 973-9361; ;
Agyei, Kwaku; (613) 941-0020; ; SD-DS
Ah-Yuen, Danielle; (613) 954-7504; ; Officer; CCS-SDSC
Ahluwalia, Simmy; (613) 941-4664; ; Assistant Director; NS-SN
Ahmad, Affa; (613) 562-6180; ; A/Assistant Director; IQA&PM-IAQGP
Ahmed, Rubina; (819) 994-4076; ; RPD-DRE
Ahuanlla, Benito; (819) 994-3093; ; IISG-GIIS
Ahuja, Sham; (613) 957-2148; ; Ministerial Correspondence Officer;
Aikman, Steven; (613) 941-0219; Field and Advisory Services - Unit II,
344 Slater Street
Ajzerle, Darko; (613) 952-8057 T2 - CORTAX Development Project; 875
Heron Road
Akakpo, Pauline; (613) 957-0181; ; Reference Librarian; CSS-SSÀC
Akl, Walid; (613) 941-2747; ; Officer; ARPRBS-SBSPCC
Akotondji, Symphorien; (819) 952-2326; ; TP-PT
Ala, Laurinda; (613) 941-0661; ; LPLS-SLLP
Alam, Saghir; (613) 952-6053; ; CS&D-CSD
Alarie, Elise; (613) 946-5271; ; F&DM-SGF&I
Alarie, Rania; (613) 954-9133; ; Office Manager; DO-BD
Alberelli, Connie; (613) 941-5028; ; Officer; CP-PCTD
Alberelli, Raymond; (613) 946-1234; ; WPDS-SWPD
Albert, André; (613) 957-0731; ; RAD-DÉR
Albert, Diane; (613) 941-6590; ; HRB-DGRH
Albert, Jean-François; (613) 952-7405; ; ERRS-SRA
Albert, Kevin; (613) 948-5760; ; Financial Analyst; DGO-BDG
Albert, Linda; (613) 957-9088; ; PMS-SGP
Albert, Lisa; (613) 948-4599; ; EIS-SDRI
Albert, Roberta; (613) 957-2100; ; Manager; DIPS-SRRD
Albert, Suzanne; (613) 957-2217; ; ITA/GIII-AMI/GIII
Albert-Lanthier, Denise; (613) 954-0603; ; Administrative Assistant;
Alberti, Germaine; (613) 957-8953; ; Receptionist; AU-UA
Albertini, Randy; (613) 954-1527; ; FSS-SSABL
Alberto, Wally; (613) 941-2925; ; BOT-ÉO
Alan Baggett
2004-02-12 18:41:33 UTC
Aleks, Marisha; (416) 954-4935; ; TAS-SAPC
Alemayehu, Neguest; (613) 954-5623; ; AD-DA
Alexander, Judy; (613) 952-2261; ; Officer; CQ-DID
Alexander, Neal; (613) 946-3296; ; GVI-GVI
Alexander, Stephen; (613) 946-0790; ; SS-SS
Alexander, Wayne; (613) 941-4909; ; DCRM-GLCB
Alford, Chris; (613) 941-7452; ; DC-DC
Ali, Kassam; (613) 994-1071; ; CMS-SMEM
Ali, Mohammed; (613) 957-6196; ; ROM-UDM
Ali, Paul; (613) 948-7849; ; Senior Program Officer; CIC-EPC
Ali-Robleh, Mohamed; (819) 994-2294; ; CCM/DCAP-GCE/ASE
Allain, Anabelle; (613) 948-1165; ; Officer; PPU-UPP
Allain, Daniel; (819) 997-0279; ; NCB-D-PNE-D
Allain, Vincent; (819) 953-5197; ; GSTCR-ATPS
Allaire, Chantal; (613) 957-7478; ; FC/ECDS-SCF/DCE
Allaire, Sylvain; (613) 954-5215; ; Chief Accountant; TR-VR
Allard, Danièle; (514) 283-2887; ; Compensation Advisor, Pay and Benefits; QRO-BRQ
Allard, Jacques E.; (613) 948-1538; ; CT-TÀC
Allard, Josée; (514) 496-5684; ; Banking Specialist; QRO-BRQ
Allard, Julie-Ann; (613) 946-5310; ; Senior Medical Advisor; DP-SPPH
Allard-Pouliot, Éric; (613) 957-2097; ; ITSII-SOIFII
Allen, Chris; (613) 957-9415; ; MCS-SOBN
Allen, Christine; (613) 957-1576; ; IT Specialist; P/C-P/D
Allen, Claude; (613) 957-7558; ; RAS-SCR
Allen, Gary; (613) 952-9853; ; DIPS-SRRD
Allen, Kristine; (613) 941-3146; ; Counsel; LS-SJ
Allen, Les; (613) 954-3115; ; Textile Chemist; TPPS-SPTP
Allen, Mark; (613) 946-7987; ; MCS-SCM
Allen, Mary; (613) 946-2756; ; T1 Reassessment Systems; T!AS-SRT1
Allen, Noel; (613) 954-2928; ; Budget Section and other Programs; PSS-SST
Allen, Paul; (613) 952-1104; ; Senior Program Advisor; VPU-UPEV
Allen, Rick; (613) 941-0411; ; Publications Officer; IIS-SRVP
Allenby, Johnathan; (819) 953-6217; ; ENQ-REQ
Alley, Tom; (613) 941-0713; ; Senior Technical Applications Officer; G&TSSII-SDSTII
Alleyne, Yolande; (416) 973-1790; ; TAS-SAPC
Allie, Veronique; (613) 957-7400; ; SRI&MPD-DESR&PG
Allison, Jean; (613) 957-8373; ; Executive Assistant; DO-BD
Almaria, Sherilyn; (613) 954-1303; ; CSPS-SPSO
Almaria, Sol; (416) 973-1656; ; TAS-SAPC
Alokby, Mohamed; (613) 952-8160; ; Analyst; CDDA-CDDA
Alscher, Eric; (613) 952-6106; ; Manager; TS-SV
Altobello, Iola; (416) 973-7531; ; TAS-SAPC
Alvis, Stanislaus; (416) 973-7383; ; TAS-SAPC
Amable, Daniel; (613) 941-0005; ; SD-DS
Ambridge, Marielle; (613) 957-3704; ; Superviser; ROP-UDP
Ambridge, Marielle; (613) 957-3704; ; Supervisor; ROM-UDM
Amendola, Domenic; (613) 952-6868; ; ITA/GIV-AMI/GIV
Ames, Steve; (613) 948-1097; ; Senior Program Officer; IRC(S)-IRR(S)
Amey, Jennifer; (613) 953-4375; ; Executive Support Officer; DACO-BSCA
Amicarelli, Anna; (819) 994-1282; ; Programmer/Analyst; ADSS-SAADVA
Amirault, Sandra; (613) 952-5630; ; LTSS-SSTA
Amireault, Gérard; (613) 957-8537; ; LS-SL
Amos, Jennifer; (613) 946-4305; ; IDFSS-SCRSSE
Alan Baggett
2004-02-13 19:13:34 UTC
Amyot, Guy; (819) 997-7320; ; Manager; G/HMG\#I-T/TGM\#I
Amyot, John; (613) 952-1589; ; Technical Support; AC-CR
Amyot, John; (613) 957-8051; ; Technical Support; LSS-SSR
Amyot, Rachel; (613) 941-0461; ; Advisor; UCA&CB-UCDCR
Amyotte, Christine; (613) 954-7102; ; Secretary; DO-BD
Anakok, Maral; (613) 956-6864; ; Officer; DDS-SRD
Anand, Meena; (613) 952-8270; ; Project Leader; BA/POC-CE/SPC
Anani, Namir; (613) 946-7958; ; Director; CE-OS
Anawati, Lisa; (613) 998-4738; ; Northern Ontario Regional Advisor; RP-PR
Anctil, Daniel; (613) 957-3993; ; Officer; OVAU-UVO&EV
Anderka, Dave; (613) 941-1984; ; IRS-SDR
Anders, Ken; (613) 941-0746; ; G&TSSII-SDSTII
Andersen, Catherine; (613) 941-6130; ; Adjudicator; AS/C-SA/C
Andersen, Peter; (613) 957-1985; ; Publications Officer; BIS-SRVE
Anderson, Bruce; (613) 957-2000; ; Team Leader; BIS-SRVE
Anderson, Debra; (613) 952-2149; ; Programmer/Analyst; CDAS-SMSOF
Anderson, Denis; (613) 952-5685; ; CS&D-CSD
Anderson, Diane; (613) 957-7885; ; HR Assistant; UBFAB-UBDFA
Anderson, Karen; (613) 948-2452; ; SS-SS
Anderson, Kathy; (613) 954-7716; ; Manager; ICPS-PNCD
Anderson, Laurie; (613) 952-5190; ; SPC-PSC
Anderson, Lynn; (613) 954-5233; ; ASS-SAS
Anderson, Rekha; (613) 952-9530; ; TSD-DSV
Anderson, Sandra; (613) 941-1039; ; LSMIE-NSÉMI
Anderson, Steve; (613) 948-1324; ; Officer; CS-SC
Andrade, Angeles; (613) 954-8189; ; Advisor; UEHRB-UEDRH
Andreoff, Nick; (416) 973-8915; ; TAS-SAPC
André, Michèle; (450) 267-4652; ; Translation Officer; DO-BD
Andruczyk, Anna; (613) 946-4943; ; RIO-BMEOR
Andrusek, Alice; (613) 954-7903; ; Officer; CCS-SDSC
Andrusek, Laura; (613) 952-6975; ; CD-PCP
Andrusziewicz, Valerie; (613) 954-7286; ; Officer; PSS-SSAP
Angel, Ward; (613) 948-4469; ; Business Analyst; PMS-SGP
Angers, Lucie; (613) 954-8739; ; Administrative Assistant; DO-BD
Anglehart, Ronald; (613) 952-7093; ; Senior Program Advisor; RMS-SGR
Angus, John; (613) 957-9445; ; Travel-CAS/VCA; RMA-POGR
Angus, Scott; (613) 954-5929; ; EC-RCEG
Anka, Shirley; (613) 952-8671; ; AS-SSA
Ankou, Nicole; (613) 941-6789; ; CHD-CBA
Annett, Diana; (613) 957-1238; ; Officer; CQ-DID
Annett, Tracy; (613) 954-1914; ; A/Manager; CBCRP-RDMRE
Ansari, Parueen; (416) 973-6101; ; TAS-SAPC
Antle, Heather; (613) 952-6479; ; RR&D-RR&D
Antle, Wayne; (613) 957-2102; ; BIS-SEP
Antonelli, Carmela; (613) 952-9212; ; Officer; RPU-UI
Antonious, Rawi; (613) 957-0703; ; RAD-DÉR
Antosh, Leonard; (613) 946-4067; ; Team Leader; SA/-BCC
Anwar, Shireen; (416) 973-8182; ; TAS-SAPC
Anwar, Sib; (416) 973-9156; ; TAS-SAPC
Appleby, Kathy; (613) 954-7898; ; Senior Program Officer; BLASP-ACCG
Apps, Mitch; (613) 948-0246; ; ITH-CSTI
Arbique, Lucie; (613) 952-9238; ; Officer ( T2); BAS-SC
Arbique, Rita; (613) 954-7250; ; Finance and Analysis Officer; ADM-ADM
Arbour, Desneiges; (613) 941-5799; ; OSS-SSED
Arbour, Suzanne; (514) 451-6711; ; BSTATD-DFSFCC
Arcand, David; (613) 954-2329; ; MFSS-SSÀTBOC
Alan Baggett
2004-02-14 20:30:40 UTC
Arcand, Debbie; (613) 954-6878; ; Manager; TIR-ECR
Arcand, Donna; (613) 946-2689; ; Administrative Assistant; EXDP-PP&GS
Archambault, Patrick; (613) 948-0492; ; PS-SP
Archer, Cal; (613) 954-6446; ; LT&TRSU-UFLSR
Archibald, Bryce; (613) 952-1841; ; DGO-BDG
Archibald, Bryce; (613) 952-1841; ; Executive Assistant; DGO-BDG
Arcuri, Nick; (613) 941-0182; ; F&ASUIII-USLCUIII
Ardito-Toffolo, Caterina; (613) 954-7390; ; DO-BD
Armorer, Ralph; (613) 957-7335; ; Director General; DGO-BDG
Armstrong, Brad; (613) 948-0517; ; MS-SM
Armstrong, Brenda; (613) 946-9251; ; Senior Policy Officer; A&RS-SR&R
Armstrong, Elaine; (902) 432-5072; ; SS&E-SS&O
Armstrong, James; (613) 957-9395; ; ECAS-SÀVCÉ
Armstrong, Jamie; (613) 952-8069; ; PSS-SSI
Armstrong, Jessica; (613) 954-6872; ; Director; DO-BD
Armstrong, John; (613) 954-7010; ; Officer; TA&PPU-UTV&PP
Armstrong, Kathleen; (613) 952-5096; ; BAS-SC
Armstrong, Paulette; (613) 954-7221; ; Administrative Assistant; ACO-BSC
Armstrong, Peter; (613) 957-9390; ; Director; DO-BD
Arnold, Gayle; (613) 954-1446; ; HR/-RH/
Aronoff, Richard; (613) 946-1766; ; NEX-H-NEX-R
Arora, Awtar; (613) 954-9074; ; ETBS-SND/NI
Arora, Ved; (613) 946-1984; ; P&PI-P&PI
Arroyo, Jorge; (819) 994-7891; ; SA-CN
Arsenault, Linda; (613) 946-5489; ; Executive Assistant; DO-BD
Arseneau, Marc; (819) 994-2198; ; IISG-GIIS
Arseneault, Mylène; (613) 952-7085; ; Secretary; ADO-BDA
Arsenijevic, George; (613) 957-7497; ; Director General; DGO-BDG
Arvisais, Michel; (613) 957-7219; ; Officer; OPCU-UPCO
Aschauer, Ernie; (819) 953-5436; ; Project Leader; TI&-TI&
Ashley, Catherine; (613) 941-4635; ; AISS-SSÀIA
Ashlie, Dane; (613) 954-6638; ; Officer; CIMSD-DSGII
Ashmore, Dana; (613) 941-8179; ; Team Leader; AISS-SSÀIA
Ashton, Dale; (613) 954-3212; ; Senior Financial Analyst; OFPS-SPOF
Askham, Lucy; (613) 941-2455; ; CR-REC
Asselin, Hélène; (613) 941-6787; ; SD-DS
Atchell, Mary-Jean; (613) 954-7156; ; Senior Programs Officer; IPSA-PISA
Atherton, Nathalie; (613) 954-8120; ; CAS Analyst; COM-REM
Atkins, Carol; (613) 957-7895; ; Policy and Project Officer; DGO-BDG
Atkins, Sandy; (613) 946-2744; ; FP&VDS-SDE&PDV
Atkinson, Joy; (613) 941-2404; ; Policy Development Project Manager; PDSO-BÉPS
Atkinson, Stacey; (613) 954-0240; ; SDD-DDD
Atwell, Barb; (613) 952-3049; ; PSS-SSP
Au, Alfa; (613) 941-5015; ; DDS-SSB
Au, Angel; (416) 973-1749; ; TAS-SAPC
Au, Belinda; (613) 941-1835; ; DET-DÉC
Aube, Angela; (613) 941-7818; ; RP&CS-TDO
Aubé, Luc; (613) 994-1058; ; ADSS-SAADVA
Aubin, Bernie; (613) 954-3593; ; CMSS-SSÀEAM
Aubin, Daniel; (819) 994-2013; ; TAG/II-CTG/II
Aubin, Denis; (613) 941-0483; ; HRB-DGRH
Aubin, Denis; (613) 941-5003; ; CI&PS-SICSP
Aubin-Morisset, Lyne; (613) 952-7095; ; P&CS-SPC
Aubrey, Brigitta; (819) 953-8821; ; Project Leader; AA-CA
Aubry, Mike; (613) 954-9540; ; Project Leader; JTT-SAOATJ
Aucoin, John; (613) 941-3944; ; A/Manager; CAS-SAE
Alan Baggett
2004-02-15 18:02:58 UTC
Audet, Annie; (613) 957-2071; ; Administrative Assistant; DGO-BDG
Audet, Doris; (613) 941-1108; ; ART-ÉRA
Audet, Mark; (819) 953-5397; ; Project Leader; IEWG-GIEW
Audet, Nancy; (613) 954-1095; ; GVII-GVII
Audette, Viviane; (613) 946-1764; ; Executive Assistant; DACO-BSCA
Audit, Michèle; (613) 946-1434; ; F&DM-SGF&I
Audy, Jacqueline; (613) 957-9696; ; RID-DIR
Auger, Bernie; (613) 948-0527; ; TC-TC
Auger, Dan; (613) 948-0460; ; MS-SG
Auger, Ginette; (613) 948-4582; ; Learning Agent; MS-SG
Auger, Tanya; (613) 941-2975; ; Executive Assistant; DGO-BDG
Ault, Susan; (613) 957-7982; ; CIMSD-DSGII
Austria, Jamela; (613) 957-7582; ; A/Advisor; CD-DD
Awada, Therese; (613) 526-6478, (613) 941-7714 (Secure); Director
Aylward, Chris; (613) 235-6704; ; CAS-SEC
Ayre, John; (613) 941-2617; ; SSA/D; PAY/NR-PAY/NR
Azimi, Mohammad; (819) 994-1062; ; Senior Analyst; SA-CN
Azzi, Dalida; (613) 946-4521; ; HR Assistant; UBFAB-UBDFA
Azzi, Milled; (613) 957-8972; ; Manager; BIS-SIFE

This is the end of the A's (for now)
Alan Baggett
2004-02-16 17:29:40 UTC
Time for some B's

Babb, Eric; (613) 957-8056; ; International Officer; DIS-DIS
Babb, Vivian; (613) 948-2215; ; CBP-OPE
Backa, Andy; (613) 954-9139; ; PSS-SSI
Backes, Dwayne; (613) 952-9277; ; Project Officer; SCCS-SCGCC
Backs, Jim; (613) 957-3331; ; T\#2-É\#2
Backstrom, Larry; (613) 941-6063; ; PTBS-SPPT
Badia, Rita; (613) 954-1267; ; DET-DÉC
Bafia, Leslie; (613) 946-6308; ; Senior Technical Applications
Officer; CS-SS
Bagley, Diana; (613) 952-1634; ; Senior Programs Officer; SD&LS-SES&A
Bagley, RuthAnn; (519) 571-5713; ; Supervisor, Long Room; KIT-KIT
Bahuaud, Lucienne; (613) 948-4488; ; Assistant Director; TSABBL-SASFP
Baig, Mike; (416) 973-8021; ; TAS-SAPC
Baig, Tariq; (613) 946-1255; ; EC-CE
Bailey, Bob; (613) 957-3650; ; Team Leader; INF-INF
Bailey, Earl; (613) 941-6779; ; SD-DS
Bailey, Terry D; (613) 946-5348; ; Programs Officer; P&TS-SP&F
Bailie, Kim; (613) 957-9730; ; Human Resources Consultant; UFCPB-UFDPO
Baillargeon, Marie-Eve; (819) 997-3402; ; Programmer; SSDL-LDS
Baillargeon, Theresa; (613) 946-7126; ; ILA-ALI
Baines, Derek; (613) 957-2213; ; ITA/GIV-AMI/GIV
Baird, Cheryl; (613) 946-3515; ; IT Specialist; CAS-SAE
Baird, Collin; (613) 952-9700; ; Officer; QAU-UAQ
Baird, Janice; (613) 952-7297; ; Officer; SP-PS
Baird, Karen; (613) 941-0579; ; T7D's, ESA, Accounting Messages,
Notice Production; ANS-SAC
Baker, Carolyn; (613) 952-6768; ; Assistant Director; DSS-SSÉ
Baker, Julie; (613) 941-7612; ; DS&D-SDR
Baker, Linda; (613) 946-5228; ; Officer; CLLS-SCLA

Baldwin, Kathryn; (613) 954-7283; ; Special Assistant to the Deputy
Assistant Commissioner; DACO-BCAD

Baldwin, Mary Pat; (613) 957-2087; ; DIPS-SRRD
Baldwin, Sandra; (613) 957-7370; ; SA&CMD-DGC&AS
Baldwin, Sue; (613) 957-6182; ; DSS-SSAD
Baldwin, Wendy; (613) 952-0488; ; Manager; BAS-SC
Balema, Lisa; (819) 994-3197; ; CAIII-DCIII
Balfour, Jennifer; (819) 994-4076; ; RPD-DRE
Balgavy, Vladimir; (819) 957-2933; ; Programmer; SA-CN
Balido, Anna; (416) 973-7382; ; TAS-SAPC
Balite, Irene; (613) 957-4402; ; Communications Services Officer;
Balitskaia, Ludmila; (613) 954-5950; ; T\#I-É\#I
Ball, Rick; (403) 231-4030; ; CTSO-BSFC
Ball, Sandra; (613) 941-0474; ; HRB-DGRH
Ballantyne, Patricia; (613) 954-8141; ; Director; LR-RT
Ballinger, Peter; (613) 941-6290; ; Classification Advisor; UA-UA
Balogh, Kevin; (613) 946-7128; ; IPIL/IMS-SIGP/SGR
Balsher, Kim; (613) 954-7901; ; Officer; ACROSS-SSMAEC
Bandaogo, Sandra; (613) 954-5741; ; Linguistic Services Officer;
Banerjee, Malati; (819) 994-1060; ; Programmer; FIP-SRDF
Banerjee, Namita; (416) 973-1637; ; TAS-SAPC
Banfield, Kevin; (416) 954-4936; ; TAS-SAPC
Bangs, Robert; (613) 957-4543; ; DSS-SSÉ
Banning, Gerry; (613) 948-0929; ; Analyst; RS-SL
Bantock, Robert; (905) 725-7513; ; TAS-SAPC
Barabash, Dave; (613) 946-7439; ; Team Leader; AR&RP-PR&RA
Barabash, David; (613) 954-1365; ; Team Leader; SIS-SIS
Alan Baggett
2004-02-17 18:47:11 UTC
Barber, Diane; (613) 957-1698; ; Finance Administrative Clerk;
Barber, Helen; (613) 954-6391; ; RAS-SCR
Barber, Jonathan; (613) 952-4000; ; Project Support Assistant;
Barber, Patricia; (613) 946-9252; ; Senior Policy Officer; SPPS-SPSP
Barber, Ross; (613) 948-0500; ; DCE-PEI
Barclay, Neil; (613) 941-5126; ; Director General; DGO-BDG
Bardoul, Frank; (613) 954-7589; ; Manager; TDS-SPF
Bariault, Jacques; (613) 952-0511; ; IS-SI
Baribault, Stéphane; (613) 952-5714; ; Project Support Assistant;
Barica, Vladimir; (613) 957-8774; ; PTSS-SPST
Barker, Ron; (613) 946-2371; ; Manager; ACSS-SNCA
Barkley, Pat; (613) 954-3196; ; Error Correction/Mismatch;
Barkley, Patricia; (613) 954-7921; ; Officer; CCS-SDSC
Barlow, Kathleen; (613) 952-3549; ; Advisory Services Officer; CAS-SEC
Barnabe, Stephanie; (613) 946-5472; ; Administrative Assistant; DO-BD
Barnaby, Bonnie; (613) 957-0837; ; MS&BPD-DSG&PD
Barnard, Sheila; (613) 952-1050; ; TONI; LS-SL
Barnes, Bruce; (613) 946-3812; ; CAS-SAE
Barnes, Judy; (613) 952-7433; ; Publications Officer; BIS-SRVE
Barnes, Mike; (613) 941-6790; ; SD-DS
Barnett, Cindy; (613) 954-0215; ; CBCRP-RDMRE
Barnett, Cindy; (613) 954-0215; ; FP-PAÀF
Barnett, Cindy; (613) 954-0215; ; OP-PMEOPAA
Barnett, Dana; (613) 957-8074; ; R/B/B-D/D/D
Barnowski, Carey; (613) 957-9426; ; DIS-DIS
Baronette, Nicole; (613) 946-9786; ; BAS-SC
Barr, Nancy; (416) 973-1640; ; TAS-SAPC
Barrass, Keith; (613) 954-9405; ; Director General; DGO-BDG
Barreira, Carlos; (819) 997-1052; ; ENQ-REQ
Barresi, Cristina; (613) 946-7122; ; HRO-ORH
Barrett, Angus; (709) 772-5076; ; Assistant Director, V&E; NLTS-SFTL
Barrett, Ann; (613) 954-9390; ; Team Leader; DISS-SÉSI
Barrette, Aline; (613) 990-6461; ; AD-DA
Barrette, Francine; (613) 941-0918; ; Officer; CMR-SRGD
Barrette, Joanne; (613) 957-3502; ; Administrative Assistant; MD-DM
Barrette, Josée JB; 011-514-286-7879, poste 5283; ; Trade
Administration Services Officer, Clients Services; MCS-SCM
Barrette, Mario; (613) 941-4206; ; IM-GI
Barrotta-Britt, Marie; (613) 954-1165; ; DO-BD
Barrows, Les; (613) 954-4454; ; A/Manager; PPSTS-SENCSPAF
Barry, Reid; (613) 954-4840; ; P&CS-SP&C
Barsalou, Nicole NB; 011-514-283-2464, poste 8280; ; Communications
Manager, Communications; QRO-BRQ
Barsoum, Karin; (613) 941-1172; ; BIS-SRVE
Barton, Lauralee; (613) 954-7897; ; Secretary; BS-SC
Basar, Dubravka; (613) 954-7505; ; Manager; IPIL/IMS-SIGP/SGR
Basar, Josip; (613) 941-4186; ; HRP-RHR
Basaraba, John; (613) 954-4553; ; RID-DIR
Basque, Diane; (613) 941-6456; ; Manager; DO-BD
Bassila, David; (613) 952-2616; ; PAY/NR-PAY/NR
Bastasic, Ivan; (613) 952-9248; ; Director; DO-BD
Bastien, Andrée; (613) 941-9520; ; Assistant; CPP-CPR
Bastien, Michel; (819) 953-4719; ; Project Leader; ADSS-SAADVA
Bastien, Mireille; (613) 946-1209; ; RS-SEVDP
Bastien, Pierre; (613) 952-1741; ; EMSS-SSGE
Baszak, Jeff; (613) 954-6084; ; Senior Staff Advisor; ACO-BSC
Alan Baggett
2004-02-18 18:50:01 UTC
Bauder, Lindsay; (403) 691-5884; ; IDPRWC-DRPROC
Bauer, Brenda; (403) 691-6873; ; CTSO-BSFC
Baxter, Ron; (613) 941-4791; ; ROP-UDP
Bazinet, Dan; (613) 957-7936; ; Project Leader; DKS-SEG
Bazinet, Louise; (613) 957-8533; ; Communication Assistant; DGO-BDG
Bazinet, Micheline; (613) 941-1928; ; Team Leader; HIDS-SIRD&S
Bazinet, Micheline; (613) 941-6817; ; Team Leader; ADS-D&SA
Bazinet, Steven; (613) 946-4911; ; BDT-ÉDB
Beadman, Ken; (613) 954-5736; ; SBM-MSS
Beamer, Dave; (613) 946-4511; ; EIS-SDRI
Beamish, Bill; (613) 954-7591; ; Senior Program Advisor; RMS-SGR
Beamish, Don; (613) 957-2186; ; Manager; ITA/GII-AMI/GII
Beamish, Kathy; (613) 957-3591; ; TL-FA
Beamish, Lauri; (613) 952-1347; ; RWP-PME
Beaton, Dave; (613) 954-0650; ; CT&CPS-SLT&P
Beaubien, Odette; (613) 941-6991; ; Administrative Assistant; ACO-AOC
Beaubien, Peter; (613) 941-4637; ; AISS-SSÀIA
Beaucaire, Nicole; (613) 952-6964; ; Finance and Administration Clerk;
Beauchamp, Anne; (613) 952-6578; ; PDS-SÉP
Beauchamp, Danielle; (613) 941-1371; ; Supervisor; PRM-DRAPM
Beauchamp, Eric; (613) 941-3357; ; Resource/Financial Analyst; RMS-SGR
Beauchamp, Ginette; (613) 946-4538; ; Administrative Assistant; SR-RT
Beauchamp, Josée; (613) 957-7534; ; Financial Analyst/Senior Project
Officer; EPS-SPD
Beauchamp, Kate; (613) 946-2732; ; Advisor; UCA&CB-UCDCR
Beauchamp, Monique; (613) 947-6967; ; TSP-STT
Beauchamp, Patrick; (819) 994-0122; ; CAI-DCI
Beauchamp, Pierre-Paul; (613) 443-1876; ; SPS-SPS
Beauchemin, Danielle; (613) 946-0075; ; Senior Legislative Advisor;
Beauchemin, Line; (613) 941-3635; ; Administrative Assistant; FA-SFA
Beaudin, Diane; (613) 948-4572; ; Administrative Assistant; FA-SFA
Beaudoin, Beatrice; (613) 954-8137; ; PSS-SSAP
Beaudoin, Chantal; (613) 941-5937; ; PTBS-SPPT
Beaudoin, Jean; (613) 941-5354; ; Project Manager; T\#1-É\#1
Beaudoin, Jean-Luc; (819) 953-8912; ; Project Leader; TAG/II-CTG/II
Beaudoin, Maurice; (613) 941-1984; ; T1PR-T1PR
Beaudoin, Serge; (819) 953-4123; ; ADSI-DVBI
Beaudoin, Shirley; (613) 948-6987; ; SBA-VPE
Beaudoin, Sylvie; (613) 946-7122; ; UGCB-UGDD
Beaudoin, Sylvie; (613) 952-0283; ; HR-RH
Beaudry, Carol; (613) 957-9435; ; Error Correction for Paper Returns;
Beaudry, Carole; (613) 941-7582; ; Officer; AS-SSA
Beaudry, Joan; (613) 941-1501; ; FISD-DSIC
Beaudry, Julie; (613) 957-7316; ; Administrative Assistant; DGO-BDG
Beaudry, Louis; (613) 941-3797; ; A/Manager; TCSS-SSACF
Beaudry, Martine; (613) 957-7966; ; Advisor; SRO-ORT
Beaudry, Michel; (613) 952-3947; ; ASD-DSA
Beaudry, Monique; (613) 954-6222; ; Head; FSU/AP-USF/CP
Beaudry, Pierre; (613) 952-6098; ; Trust and Pension, RRSP/HBP/LLP;
Beaudry-Lahaie, Joanne; (613) 562-6150; ; TFN&BI-RSFRA
Beaulac-Yeon, Nicole; (613) 946-3977; ; A/Manager; E&PSD-DEAAP
Beaulieu, France; (613) 946-9015; ; Programs Officer; SCI-ISEMO
Beaulieu, Gilles; (613) 957-2364; ; Counsel; LS-SJ
Beaulieu, Janet; (613) 954-2531; ; Author; MCS-SCM
Beaulieu, Joanne; (613) 946-2731; ; Human Resource Advisor; AB-DA
Beaulieu, Pierre; (613) 947-6962; ; TSP-STT
Beaulne, Isabelle; (613) 948-6241; ; Finance Resource Officer; PPD-DPP
Alan Baggett
2004-02-19 19:45:32 UTC
Beaupré, Daniel; (514) 451-6711; ; BSTATD-DFSFCC
Beaupré, Léonie; (613) 952-9126; ; Senior Project Officer; CAT-ECC
Beaupré, Telma; (613) 957-7286; ; IOS-SOI
Beauregard, Bill; (613) 946-1967; ; HRP Consultant; DO-BD
Beauregard, Lise; (613) 957-8186; ; Administrative Assisant; ADO-BDA
Beauvais, Annik; (613) 941-4514; ; CAS-SAE
Beauvais, Barb; (613) 946-7435; ; Project Manager; AR&RP-PR&RA
Beauvais, Barbara; (613) 954-1199; ; A/Director; DO-BD
Beauvais, Marc; (613) 941-4153; ; Manager; CQ-DID
Beauvais, Yvon; (819) 954-9045; ; SA-CN
Beazley, Wayne G; (613) 954-7174; ; Senior Enforcement and Appeals
Officer; DCG-MCD
Beck, Doris; (613) 948-7708; ; Senior Project Officer; TS-SV
Beck, Julie; (613) 948-0856; ; RS-SL
Becker, Louise; (613) 957-2043; ; Branch Corresondence Clerk; ACO-BCA
Béchamp, Marie; (613) 957-3709; ; Manager and Executive Assistant;
Bedard, Mario; (613) 948-0439; ; DCBA-ARSFD
Bednarek, Paul; (613) 954-2179; ; SS-SN
Beer, Chris; (819) 994-4610; ; CII-CII
Begin, Rachel; (613) 952-7348; ; Analyst; CECA-APCE
Behnia, Leslie; (613) 954-0268; ; Textile Chemist; TPPS-SPTP
Belair, Denise; (613) 957-2180; ; Office Manager; ACO-AOC
Belair, Jamie; (613) 948-0619; ; EID-DIÉ
Belair, Peter; (613) 957-3634; ; MBA-VME
Belair, Tiffany; (613) 948-0547; ; Manager; DAT-AR
Belanger, Donna; (905) 308-8727; ; Chief; CVUI-VOUI
Belanger, Gilles; (613) 941-6118; ; Senior Officer; CLLS-SCLA
Belanger, Guy; (613) 946-3271; ; Clerk; DO-BD
Belanger, Jacques; (613) 946-7972; ; EP/PMO-AÉ/BGP
Belcher, Dennis; (613) 952-5014; ; Technical Support; LSS-SSR
Belisle, Valerie; (613) 957-6934; ; Organic Chemist; OIPS-SPOI
Belkhouja, Mustapha; (613) 941-8717; ; ITS-TI
Bell, Curtis; (613) 941-1831; ; CD-DO
Bell, Jayne; (613) 946-2403; ; P&CD-DP&C
Bell, Linda; (819) 994-7101; ; IE/ETI-IE/ETI
Bell, Robert; (613) 952-4108; ; Programmer/Analyst; REMITS-SGSRO
Bell-Stitt, Rosalind; (613) 941-8645; ; Project Leader; PMBP-GPPE
Bellard, Laurent; (613) 952-3871; ; EMSS-SSGE
Bellavance, Marc; (613) 954-8167; ; Senior Staff Relations Advisor;
Belle-Isle, Alain; (613) 957-4480; ; Divisional Coordinator;
Belleau, Michel; (514) 956-7051; ; Project Officer, Quality Management
System; LTS-SFL
Bellefeuille, Carole; (613) 952-7395; ; Secretary; DO-BD
Bellefleur-Massé, Martine; (613) 954-1286; ; General Office Clerk;
Bellemare, Simon; (613) 952-4154; ; REMITS-SGSRO
Bellemare, Sylvie; (613) 954-6842; ; BCASD-CDG&SA
Bellerose, Sara; (613) 952-6240; ; A/Communications Officer; ACIT-CRI
Belleville, Luc; (613) 957-1383; ; Officer; FRE-RLF
Bellinger, Debbie; (819) 994-5324; ; RLS-SGLR
Bellissimo, Philip; (613) 948-0155; ; RS-SR
Belliveau, Camille; (613) 952-8650; ; Director; BOM-CD
Bellman, Seymour; (613) 957-0070; ; ECT&T-FOCÉ
Belsher, Elaine; (613) 954-8302; ; Classification Advisor; UB-UB
Belsher, Joan; (613) 957-8823; ; U\#I-U\#I
Belsher, Wayne; (613) 957-7358; ; RPP-PPR
Belter, Josée; (613) 954-2198; ; FSU/AP-USF/CP
Bélair, Chantal; (613) 954-1273; ; PTSS-SPST
Bélair, Claudi; (613) 957-8958; ; AU-UA
Alan Baggett
2004-02-20 19:17:30 UTC
Bélanger, Hélène; (613) 957-3665; ; Director; DO-BD
Bélanger, Jo-Anne; (613) 957-7336; ; Administrative Assistant; CP-PÉC
Bélanger, Joanne; (514) 956-7137; ; Assistant Regional Director, Pay
and Benefits; QRO-BRQ
Bélanger, Karen; (613) 952-8958; ; Officer (GST); BAS-SC
Bélanger, Louise; (613) 954-9144; ; Manager; TEFS-SRE
Bélanger, Mélanie; (613) 941-0677; ; U\#I-U\#I
Bélanger, Nathalie; (613) 954-6026; ; Secretary; SADC-ACS
Bélanger, Pierre; (819) 953-2509; ; OS-SO
Bélanger, Yves; (613) 946-6362; ; Manager; SGAT-GACT
Bélec, Johanne; (613) 562-6163; ; BPSD-DPASA
Bélisle, Daniel; (613) 952-7910; ; F&AS-SFA
Bélisle, Lyne; (613) 957-8719; ; Project Officer; ADO-BDA
Bélisle, Michel; (613) 952-9968; ; Technical Support; LSS-SSR
Ben Jebara, Faouzi; (613) 952-9770; ; CDT-ÉDP
Ben Othman, Mokdad; (613) 952-6429; ; TE&OSDS-SABDVESO
Ben-Slimane, Karim; (613) 941-3114; ; SPS-SPS
Benahra, Karim; (613) 948-6993; ; OA-VAB
Benedet, Paul; (613) 952-6053; ; ASD-DSA
Benke, David; (613) 957-7354; ; EOP-SOA
Bennett, Catherine; (613) 957-7996; ; Senior Policy Officer; SPPS-SPSP
Bennett, Dave; (613) 954-5755; ; Director, Business Returns Assessing
& Validation Division; DO-BD
Bennett, Judy; (613) 957-8107; ; Acquisitions Clerk; CDS-SDC
Bennett, Katherine; (613) 954-8974; ; Manager; BDS-SENE
Bennett, Steve; (613) 954-7273; ; Director General; DGO-BDG
Benoit, Diane; (613) 990-8688; ; Regional Program Advisor; NORO-BRNO
Benoit, Marc; (613) 957-8856; ; RMS-SGR
Benoit, Roy; (613) 952-7981; ; HRRI-RRHI
Benoit-Girard, Julie; (613) 957-4370; ; IPS-SPP
Benoît, Julie; (613) 946-4524; ; P&PU-UPP
Benoît, Richard; (613) 941-6146; ; Clerk Supervisor; APS-SPA
Benson, Vickie; (613) 952-6346; ; DSS-SSÉ
Bent, Dorothy; (613) 954-7669; ; SBM-MSS
Bent, Steve; (902) 432-5580; ; SNO-AS
Bentley, John; (613) 957-2367; ; General Counsel; LS-SJ
Berard, Robin; (613) 954-9373; ; DISS-SÉSI
Berardelli, Margaret; (613) 941-5626; ; AISS-SSÀIA
Berezin, Gary; (613) 954-4760; ; AISS-SSÀIA
Bergamin, Amelio; (613) 941-4903; ; IS-SI
Berger, Daniel; (613) 941-5528; ; ID&TT-IDÉT
Berger, Ingrid; (613) 954-6881; ; Officer; DDS-SRD
Bergeron, France; (613) 954-9443; ; Senior IT Specialist; R/B/B-D/D/D
Bergeron, Guylaine; (613) 954-6237; ; RAS-SCR
Bergeron, Jacinthe; (613) 946-2380; ; Advisor; EXDP-PP&GS
Bergeron, Jean-Gabriel; (613) 954-9434; ; IDS-SSI
Bergeron, Lise; (613) 957-7438; ; HRB-DGRH
Bergeron, Lise C; (613) 954-1645; ; Enforcement Officer; MM-MM
Bergeron, Richard; (613) 954-9223; ; TA-AT
Bergeron, Sandra; (613) 948-0957; ; RS-SL
Bergeron, Wendy; (613) 954-7502; ; Secretary; DO-BD
Bergevin, Lucie; (613) 957-7748; ; Director; DO-BD
Bergevin, Paula; (613) 957-2062; ; DGO-BDG
Berini, Ken; (613) 957-2220; ; ITA/GV-AMI/GV
Berlinguette, Marc; (613) 957-7528; ; Senior Project Officer; EPS-SPD
Bernard, Mark; (613) 948-5520; ; R&DMS-SGED
Bernard, Martine; (613) 996-8778; ; TSP-STT
Bernard, Michel; (613) 957-7343; ; Director; DO-BD
Alan Baggett
2004-02-21 18:57:42 UTC
Bernardo, Emilia; (613) 957-7281; ; EIP-PÉR
Bernatchez, Ginette; (613) 954-9402; ; DGO-BDG
Bernatchez, Karl; (819) 953-3481; ; AA-CA
Berndt, Maggie; (613) 948-5514; ; R&DMS-SGED
Berndt, Susan; (613) 954-8177; ; Compensation Policy Officer; COM-REM
Berneche, Luc; (613) 954-9393; ; DISS-SÉSI
Bernier, Francine; (514) 956-7164; ; Administrative Assistant, Pay and
Benefits; QRO-BRQ
Bernier, François; (514) 283-6455; ; Investigator, Investigation
Division; MTS-SFM
Bernier, Yves; (613) 941-1392; ; FFT/SUP-FFE/SOU
Bero, Lawrence; (613) 952-9732; ; TSD-DSV
Berry, Jeff; (613) 952-7463; ; Analyst; CGC-CIP
Berry, Maria; (613) 954-6373; ; Manager; TS-SF
Berson, Stewart; (613) 952-9825; ; PAS-SPR
Bertelmann, Paul; (613) 954-9247; ; A/Manager; CCVTTS-SOTCCVBS
Berthelet, Dorothy; (613) 954-6379; ; Chief; FSSLSS-SSFSRL
Berthelet, Guy; (613) 957-7428; ; Assistant; CPP-CPR
Berthelet, Sylvia; (613) 954-2192; ; IAS-SAR
Berthiaume, Adam; (613) 946-2040; ; F&DM-SGF&I
Berthiaume, Hélène; (613) 990-2506; ; IT-SI
Berthiaume, Line; (613) 941-4296; ; PO-BP
Berthiaume-Groulx, Lynn; (613) 948-1241; ; Assistant to the Director;
Bertin, Nicole; (613) 954-2184; ; Officer; TIR-ECR
Bertrand, Betty; (613) 946-7933; ; Manager; GIV-GIV
Bertrand, Carole; (613) 941-2168; ; Secretary; VPU-UPEV
Bertrand, Christiane; (613) 957-7976; ; MSS-SSG
Bertrand, Danielle; (613) 954-0926; ; GIII-GIII
Bertrand, Eric; (819) 953-5187; ; IC-CP
Bertrand, Johanne; (514) 451-6711; ; BSTATD-DFSFCC
Bertrand, Josée; (613) 941-4814; ; PDI-OEP
Bertrand, Laura; (613) 954-0949; ; CAS-SSÀC
Bertrand, Lee; (613) 957-3688; ; Problem Resolution Officer; COMM-COMM
Bertrand, Line; (613) 957-3666; ; Administrative Assistant; DO-BD
Bertrand, Lorraine; (613) 946-1392; ; A/Manager; FA-SFA
Bertrand, Louise; (613) 946-2688; ; Administrative Officer; EXDP-PP&GS
Bertrand, Luc; (613) 954-1788; ; Electronics Technologist; ECSS-SÉSO
Bertrand, Lynn; (613) 954-0953; ; MSS-SSÀG
Bertrand, Pierre; (613) 562-6163; ; Directorate Services Officer;
Bertrand, Pierre; (613) 954-7656; ; Director; DO-BD
Bertrand, Suzanne; (613) 946-5991; ; Secretary; M-MO
Bertrand, Suzanne; (613) 946-5991; ; Secretary; TS-SF
Berube, Andrea; (613) 941-3222; ; Program Officer; HR&MOPS-SO&PPRFM
Berube, Cathia; (613) 952-5629; ; Counsel; LS-SJ
Bérard, Nicole; (613) 946-5186; ; LG-GL
Bérubé, Annie; (613) 954-0634; ; Human Resource Advisor; UCA&CB-UCDCR
Bérubé, Manon; (613) 954-9946; ; TR-VR
Bérubé, Mario; (613) 946-2431; ; DET-DÉC
Bérubé, Michel; (613) 954-7168; ; Manager; FP-PF
Bérubé, Robert; (613) 957-7424; ; SD-DS
Bérubé, Tanya; (613) 562-6179; ; IQA&PM-IAQGP
Bessette-Drouin, Chantal; (613) 954-6313; ; Manager; CS-SC

Best, Cyril; (613) 957-9326; ; Bankruptcy/Deceased/Indians; PSS-SST

Best, Duncan; (613) 957-2299; ; Classification Advisor; UB-UB
Bethune, Randall; (613) 948-5277; ; T1PR-T1PR
Bettencourt, Phil; (613) 952-0556; ; DO-BD
Betts, Stephen W; (613) 941-6718; ; F&ASUII-USLCUII
Betts, Sue; (613) 946-9018; ; A/Manager; MBA-VME
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2004-02-22 18:46:32 UTC
Betts, Sue; (613) 946-9018; ; A/Manager; SA-VS
Beyer, Jeff; (613) 954-1362; ; DO-BD
Beyer-Gammon, Mary Alice; (416) 973-6190; ;
Beynon, J. Patrick; (613) 941-5362; ; Deputy Assistant Commissioner;
Biagé, Jackie; (613) 957-7437; ; HRB-DGRH
Bian, Lin; (613) 952-2822; ; F&ASU1-USLCU1
Bibeau, Daniel; (613) 952-9944; ; SIS-SIS
Bielby, Connie; (613) 957-7459; ; Manager; MMDP-PPCI
Big George, Patricia; (613) 946-9201; ; SPS-SPS
Bigras, Claude; (819) 953-8102; ; RCOS-SUDOC
Bigras, Luc; (613) 954-5147; ; Technologist; IASS-SISA
Bikai, Sylvie; (613) 954-7515; ; Executive Assistant; DO-BD
Biljan, Christine; (613) 948-7870; ; Divisional Coordinator; DO-BD
Billey, Diane; (613) 946-4076; ; Manager; CC-CAC
Bilodeau, France; (613) 954-9890; ; BDS-SENE
Bilodeau, Sonia; (613) 954-6380; ; Administrative Assistant; DO-BD
Bilyk, Lorne; (613) 946-2656; ; Senior Policy Officer; FDA-MOF
Binette, Julie; (613) 954-3448; ; Chemist; ATS-SAT
Birch, Greg; (613) 952-9139; ; Project Officer; CCSI-SCMI
Birch, Karen; (613) 946-2946; ; REMITS-SGSRO
Birchall, Betty; (613) 952-0232; ; EPS-SPES
Bird, Alexander; (613) 946-5708; ; AWSSDS-SDSSWC
Bird, Brian; (613) 954-9177; ; Project Leader; T2/CDP-T2/CPD
Bird, Tom; (613) 954-7596; ; Executive Assistant; DO-BD
Bisaillon, Darlene; (613) 952-3563; ; Manager; EMSS-SSGE
Bisaillon, Josée; (613) 957-3709; ; Administrative Assistant; ACO-BSC
Bisaillon, Peter; (613) 952-3866; ; Subledger, Notice Production;
Biscaro, Rick; (613) 957-8970; ; Director; DO-BD
Bishop, Catherine; (613) 941-9714; ; Special Project Officer; DO-BD
Bishop, Diane; (613) 941-1346; ; Senior Systems Analyst for
e-Infrastructure; NECSD-DRSCE
Bishop, Mark; (613) 954-6449; ; Team Leader; ASS-SAS
Bishop, Ralph; (613) 948-4826; ; Officer; SD-DS
Bisnath, Indira; (613) 941-4613; ; Processing Review; VS-SV
Bisson, Brigitte; (613) 957-7610; ; Administrative Officer; TT-ÉT
Bisson, Cheri; (613) 954-6349; ; Officer; CCS-SDSC
Bisson, Danielle; (613) 946-4125; ; Specialist; IT-TI
Bisson, Lucie; (613) 957-2045; ; Executive Coordinator; ACO-BCA
Bisson, Maurice; (613) 957-2099; ; Manager; RRS-SRSIR
Bisson, Michael; (613) 954-9371; ; Programmer/Analyst; BA/POC-CE/SPC
Bisson, Phillipe; (613) 946-1230; ; GT-ÉG
Bisson, Richard; (819) 994-9675; ; AA-CA
Bisson, Sonya; (613) 948-4565; ; Officer; APS-SPA
Bisson-Routhier, Claude; (613) 953-3635; ; Manager; ADSS-SAADVA
Bissonnette, Louise; (613) 952-1590; ; Team Leader; DDS-SDD
Bissonnette, Sylvie; (613) 952-7516; ; Information Officer; IOS-SOI
Bobra, Mark; (613) 957-9389; ; RTS-SRT
Bodart, Françoise; (613) 952-0371; ; Team Leader of Linguistic
Services; MS-SG
Bodegom, Liz; (613) 946-5982; ; IDFSS-SCRSSE
Bogus, Eric; (613) 952-2996; ; A/Manager; ACROSS-SSMAEC
Boicey, Ron; (613) 957-3601; ; Senior Technical Applications Officer;
Boileau, Diane; (613) 952-8667; ; PAY/NR-PAY/NR
Boily, Louise; (613) 941-4481; ; Administrative Assistant to the
Boily, Marie-Claude; (613) 946-5265; ; IIS-SIP
Bois, Eric; (819) 953-6342; ; TAG/II-CTG/II
Bois, Michelle; (613) 954-6845; ; Secretary; LRACLD-DACRME
Boisseau, Debbie; (613) 952-9709; ; Senior Project Officer; SCCS-SCGCC
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2004-02-23 19:07:29 UTC
Boissière, Debra; (613) 957-9417; ; Programs Officer; NFR-NDI (HI

Boissonneault, Yves; (613) 957-9440; ; TCSS-SSACF
Boisvert, Christine; (613) 952-3148; ; LSMIE-NSÉMI
Boisvert, Ellie; (613) 948-5524; ; R&DMS-SGED
Boisvert, Jean; (613) 941-7385; ; IDCC\#-IDPEC\#
Boisvert, Jean-Michel; (514) 451-6711; ; BSTATD-DFSFCC
Boisvert, Mireille; (613) 941-4422; ; SCI-ISEMO
Boisvert, Roland; (613) 946-5495; ; AWSSDS-SDSSWC
Boisvert, Wendy; (613) 957-7380; ; RA&CD-DAR&C
Boisvert-Dingley, Denise; (613) 952-1519; ; Officer; IC-DC
Boisvert-Godin, Lise; (613) 941-5362; ; Administrative Assistant;
Boivin, Louis; (613) 954-0962; ; GII-GII
Boivin, Lynne; (613) 954-8161; ; Compensation Policy Officer; COM-REM
Boivin, Marcel; (613) 952-8813; ; Manager; SIU-USI
Boivin, Monique; (613) 952-8849; ; DSS-SSÉ
Boivin, Nathalie; (613) 957-7670; ; Administrative Assistant;
Boivin, Patrick; (613) 946-7393; ; A/Manager; CAS-SSÀC
Bojorquez, Eduardo; (819) 997-5561; ; IISG-GIIS
Boland, Ronald; (613) 941-1681; ; AMS-SFMC
Bolduc, Martin; (514) 283-2464 (8257); ; Regional Director, Finance
and Administration; QRO-BRQ
Bolivar, Kim; (613) 957-8540; ; Project Manager; ACO-BSC
Bollerod, Sandi; (613) 954-6163; ; VRP-RTPRAV
Bolton, Elaine; (613) 954-6240; ; RAS-SCR
Bombardier, Sophie; (613) 952-3572; ; Divisional Office Manager; DO-BD
Bommaganti, Sirisha; (613) 941-6462; ; IDCC\#-IDPEC\#
Bommarito, Dorina; (613) 957-9267; ; DSS-SSAD
Bonacci, Judy; (613) 957-9533; ; Project Manager; SS-SS
Bond, Alain; (613) 954-0415; ; GII-GII
Bond, Dave; (613) 941-4890; ; HLST-SOTBA
Bond, Karen; (613) 946-2419; ; DO-BD
Bondaruk, Robert; (613) 946-2728; ; P/P-P/P
Bonev, Barb; (613) 952-9308; ; Project Officer; SCCS-SCGCC
Bong, Lily; (819) 941-7663; ; Analyst; SA-CN
Boniface, Eli; (819) 953-9039; ; DAF-ADF
Bonin, Maurice; (613) 948-0507; ; IS-SI
Bonk, Simon; (613) 954-6065; ; A/Director; DO-BD
Bonnah, Elaine; (613) 952-9590; ; Officer; MHCS-MSS
Bonneau, Romy; (613) 946-2277; ; Service Manager; DDS-SCÉ
Bonneville, Julie; (613) 952-2733; ; Origin Auditor; OVAU-UVO&EV
Bonneville, Louise; (613) 954-7302; ; Administrative Assistant; DO-BD
Book, Lorna; (819) 953-3946; ; IC-IS
Book, Raymond; (613) 952-0715; ; Senior Program Officer; CD-DC
Boon, Donna; (613) 952-9289; ; VRP-RTPRAV
Boone, Inga; (613) 952-4104; ; AS-SSA
Boote, Charlene; (613) 948-0537; ; DCA-AR
Booth, Gregory; (613) 954-9446; ; Programmer/Analyst; PAY/NR-PAY/NR
Borbaruah, Moheswar; (613) 941-6682; ; IDCC\#-IDPEC\#
Bordeleau, David; (902) 432-5877; ; Team Leader; SNO-AS
Bordeleau, François D; (613) 941-6562; ; Senior Progams Officer;
Bordeleau, Jacinthe; (613) 941-4621; ; Administrative Assistant;
Borden, Bob; (613) 957-0078; ; ECAS-SÀVCÉ
Bordofsky, Mim; (613) 957-1997; ; Officer; HSP&P-P&PSH
Borowy-Borowski, Alexandra; (819) 953-1047; ; Project Leader; AB-CB
Borrello, Monique; (613) 954-4489; ; DO-BD
Bose, Suko; (613) 957-7411; ; Manager; SA&CMD-DGC&AS
Bosman, Kathie; (416) 973-8920; ; TAS-SAPC
Alan Baggett
2004-02-24 19:34:01 UTC
Bosquet, Serge; (613) 952-3361; ; EMSS-SSGE
Bossert, Jim; (613) 946-4943; ; HSR-RSRH
Bossé, Marc; (819) 994-7883; ; Project Leader; SA-CN
Boston, Bill; (613) 954-6400; ; Director General; DGO-BDG
Bothwell, Dexter; (613) 952-1939; ; Officer; A-EDI-ÉDI-S
Boublil, Serge; (514) 451-6711; ; BSTATD-DFSFCC
Bouchard, Andrée; (613) 946-0203; ; Assistant to the Director; DO-BD
Bouchard, Caroline; (613) 954-7833; ; Research and Communication
Officer; DGO-BDG
Bouchard, Cindy; (613) 946-3036; ; A/Director; DO-BD
Bouchard, Clément; (613) 954-5744; ; Manager; GRD-DRT
Bouchard, Jean-Paul; (613) 946-1320; ; EOP-SOA
Bouchard, Lucien; (613) 957-9487; ; Selection/Sorting and Numbering/EI
Control; EPS-STÉ
Bouchard-Amyot, Céline; (613) 941-0168; ; Junior Program Officer;
Bouchard-Forgues, Ginette; (613) 957-1159; ; SCI-ISEMO
Boucher, Christine; (613) 957-7571; ; Assistant to the Director; DO-BD
Boucher, Claude; (613) 941-4896; ; ERRS-SRA
Boucher, David; (613) 990-8096; ; AD-DA
Boucher, Diana; (613) 948-0899; ; Senior Advisor; R&SISI-LSSII
Boucher, Gilles; (819) 953-6512; ; Project Leader; G/HM-MT/T
Boucher, Ginette; (613) 954-9532; ; AAS-SAAS
Boucher, Guy S; (613) 952-8135; ; Project Leader; BA-EA
Boucher, Jacinthe; (613) 954-8242; ; LSU-USL
Boucher, Jean-François; (613) 946-6185; ; Administrative Assistant;
Boucher, Liliana; (613) 957-7199; ; Receptionist; DGO-BDG
Boucher, Louise; (613) 957-9235; ; Administrative Assistant; ACO-BSC
Boucher, Lucie; (613) 952-1950; ; Assistant Director; UDP&LB-UDDPL
Boucher, Lucinda; (613) 957-3508; ; Director General; CB-DGC
Boucher, Manon; (613) 952-0324; ; TSDU-UTSL
Boucher, Pamela; (613) 952-7072; ; Analyst; RS-SL
Boucher, Pierre; (613) 957-7263; ; Manager; RP&CS-TDO
Boudreau, Jacques; (819) 953-8816; ; Director; DO-BD
Boudreau, Lisa; (613) 952-1852; ; PSS-SSAP
Boudreau, Terry; (613) 952-1221; ; COS-SOA
Boudreault, Alexandre; (819) 994-7086; ; CAIII-DCIII
Boudreault, Pat; (613) 957-6035; ; DET-DÉC
Boudreault, Sebastien; (819) 997-1399; ; MEDE-ÉDD
Bouffard, Danielle; (613) 952-5803; ; IBPS-SPESP
Bouffard, Denis; (613) 952-7251; ; Analyst; CECA-APCE
Bougeois, Natalie; (613) 941-0335; ; Secretary-Clerk; EC/A-SAC
Boughton, Chris; (613) 562-6171; ; CTD-DTO
Bougie, Christine; (613) 946-5984; ; FA-AF
Boukhrouf, Linda; (613) 952-8828; ; AS-SA
Boulanger, Danielle; (613) 941-8681; ; OSD-SSO
Boulay, Lise; (613) 952-3867; ; Publications Officer; IIS-SRVP
Boulet, Pierre; (613) 946-6110; ; PIAAI-IVAPR
Boulet, Richard; (613) 954-0009; ; Manager; F&RMD-DGFR
Bourbonnais, Alain; (819) 953-8894; ; TAG/III-CTG/III
Bourdeau, Cindy; (613) 957-7535; ; RAS-SCR
Bourdeau, Diane; (613) 954-8161; ; HRB-DGRH
Bourdeau, Serge; (613) 952-5942; ; TSS-SST
Bourdeau, Suzanne; (613) 948-4489; ; HR Account Executive; CM&D-GOO
Bourdon, Alain; (613) 952-9208; ; Administrative Assistant; AU-UA
Bourdon, Alain-Philippe; (613) 952-1129; ; PA-PA
Bourdon, Lorraine; (613) 954-5774; ; Project Officer; ESSS-SSSÀD
Bourgault, Denis; (514) 451-6711; ; BSTATD-DFSFCC
Bourgeois, Bruno; (613) 941-1650; ; DO-BD
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2004-02-25 19:08:44 UTC
Bourgeois, Carole; (613) 946-7136; ; Manager; P&PU-UPP
Bourgeois, Carole; (613) 957-8949; ; A/Chief; LT&TRSU-UFLSR
Bourgeois, Guylaine; (613) 946-5985; ; Secretary; SD-DS
Bourgeois, Louise; (613) 991-3032; ; Project Leader; R/IA-VI/R
Bourget, Claude; (613) 946-1410; ; A/Director; ODM-BGD
Bourgon, Francine; (613) 954-7095; ; Officer; CS-SC
Bourgon, Francine; (613) 954-7095; ; Program Support; DO-BD
Bourgon, Louise; (613) 946-2361; ; Accommodation, Telecommunication,
Security Officer; RMS-SGR
Bourgon-Perras, Lisette; (613) 954-7850; ; Administrative Assistant;
Bourgon-Perras, Lisette; (613) 954-7850; ; Administrative Assistant;
Bourgon-Perras, Lisette; (613) 954-7850; ; Administrative Assistant;
Bourke, Phil; (613) 954-2639; ; DGO-BDG
Bourque, Kevin; (613) 957-7371; ; RMAG-GGRA
Bourque, Ron; (613) 941-6776; ; A/Director; DO-BD
Bourque, Susan; (613) 941-4702; ; Senior Project Officer; PPS-SPP
Bouthillier, Roger; (613) 954-8129; ; Employment Equity Officer;
Boutilier, Peter; (613) 941-0096; ; Director; DO-BD
Boutin, Christine; (819) 953-4946; ; ICD/DCAP-CD/DCI
Boutin, Sonia; (613) 952-3847; ; Team Leader; EMSS-SSGE
Bouvier, Dominique; (819) 953-3225; ; Project Leader; CAI-DCI
Bouvier-Bélanger, Véronique; (613) 941-6317; ; Administrative
Assistant; DO-BD
Bowbrick, Debra; (613) 952-2100; ; C&ES-SOE
Bowen, Catherine; (613) 957-8284; ; TPPS-SPTP
Bowie, Nicole; (613) 957-2377; ; SD-DS
Bowker, Carolyn; (613) 954-6038; ; Assistant Director; G&CAI-IVR&RE
Bowles, Michael; (613) 995-2960; ; Minister's Driver; MOHOFC-CMCDESC
Bowman, Barbara; (613) 952-8851; ; Learning Consultant; DSESS-SSPÉ
Bowman, Jill; (613) 991-3031; ; Internal Auditor; R/IA-VI/R
Bowman, Stephan; (613) 957-2252; ; SDD-DDD
Bown, Leslie; (819) 997-8639; ; A/Manager; TAS-SCT
Boxer, Jeff; (613) 946-3426; ; Manager; GVI-GVI
Boychuk, Daryl; (613) 957-2059; ; Manager; PS-SSP
Boyd, Grant; (613) 957-2105; ; CTPS-SCFP
Boyd, James; (613) 954-6077; ; Consultant; PRD-DPR
Boyd, Karen; (613) 954-9301; ; CUS-BR
Boyd, Kerri Anne; (613) 954-1514; ; Manager; PTSS-SPST
Boyd-Brown, Tracey; (613) 941-4913; ; PMO-BGP
Boyer, Antonia; (613) 952-7217; ; Programmer; WM/NS-WM/NS
Boyer, Hélène; (613) 954-8473; ; Clerk; DO-BD
Boyer, Mireille; (613) 957-2150; ; WD&EC-PCE
Boyer, Suzanne; (613) 957-9370; ; National Coordinator; IPS-SPP
Boyle, Irma; (613) 948-0140; ; Project Leader; BA-EA
Bozik, Chris; (613) 946-2151; ; PDI-OEP
Brabant, Daniel; (613) 957-8326; ; Desk Auditor; CD-DO
Brachman, Kelly; (819) 997-6474; ; CII-CII
Bracken, Kelly; (613) 954-8174; ; COM-REM
Bradford, Robert; (613) 954-9251; ; Contractor; PSS-SSI
Bradley, Bill; (613) 957-2312; ; T\#3-É\#3
Bradley, Jim; (613) 954-5142; ; RLS-SGLR
Bradley, Kevin; (613) 941-0078; ; AS-SC
Bradley, Kirk; (613) 952-1743; ; EMSS-SSGE
Bradley, Neil; (613) 954-9312; ; DM-DC
Bradley, Raymond; (613) 946-2944; ; Manager; IT-TI
Bradley, Suzanne; (613) 952-2335; ; BI&IS-IESI
Bradshaw, Alan; (613) 954-7924; ; Senior Policy Officer; PCITP-PIRPS
Brady, Susan; (613) 946-3440; ; Office Manager - O&COD; DO-BD
Alan Baggett
2004-02-26 19:01:19 UTC
Branchaud, Mike; (613) 952-3568; ; IRS-SDR
Brandon, Alison; (613) 952-3855; ; PTSS-SPST
Brant, Kevin; (613) 946-2712; ; S&PS-SSP
Brar, Balwinder; (613) 952-1260; ; Project Leader; CASA-CASA
Brassard, Brigitte; (613) 957-1778; ; E&ES-DR&SE
Brassard, Michele; (613) 952-2881; ; Financial Analyst; PRED-DPRE
Bratina, Laurie; (613) 954-7507; ; Director; DO-BD
Bratscher, Jim; (613) 948-4886; ; MS-SG
Bray, Helene; (613) 954-0936; ; DO-BD
Brazeau, Danika; (613) 948-0154; ; RS-SR
Brazeau, Gilles; (613) 941-1333; ; EID-DIÉ
Brazeau, Joanne; (613) 952-1843; ; Officer; OVAU-UVO&EV
Brazeau, Linda; (613) 946-0940; ; Financial and Administrative Clerk;
Brazeau, Luc; (613) 954-3221; ; Forensic Investigation Analyst;
Brazeau, Suzie; (613) 957-0197; ; Telecom Officer; AS-SSA
Brazeau, Sylvette; (613) 954-4449; ; PAS-SIP
Brazeau-Leblond, Roxane; (613) 957-2141; ; Manager; TPPS-SPTP
Breakwell, Candace; (613) 948-7085; ; Director; DO-BD
Brennan, Linda; (613) 957-2266; ; Officer; ENM-SRÉ
Brennan, Matthew; (613) 954-8203; ; A/Manager; UC-UC
Brennan, Sue; (613) 946-6923; ; Senior Programs Officer; NFR-NDI
Brennan, Sue; (613) 957-8822; ; Manager; U\#I-U\#I
Brescacin, Michael; (613) 954-4272; ; ITA/GIV-AMI/GIV
Breton, Aline; (613) 998-5756; ; HRB-DGRH
Breton, Pierre; (613) 954-5206; ; Manager; U\#II-U\#II
Brewer, Ken; (613) 957-7570; ; A/Director; DO-BD
Brewster, Elizabeth; (416) 973-6860; ; TAS-SAPC
Brewster, Eucene; (416) 973-5974; ; TAS-SAPC
Briault, Christine; (613) 957-7259; ; Assistant; UEHRB-UEDRH
Bridger, Lee; (613) 957-7398; ; BDS-SENE
Bridges, James; (613) 952-9131; ; Senior Project Officer; SCCS-SCGCC
Brie, Bernard; (514) 283-2464 (8342); ; Program Support Division;
Brien, Kim; (613) 952-5844; ; Procurement Officer; ADM-ADM
Brière, Brenda; (613) 952-6064; ; Cabinet Liaison Officer; CA-AC
Brière, François; (613) 946-5259; ; SPWDS-SPSÉCT
Briggs, Robin; (613) 946-3432; ; Senior IT Specialist; DO-BD
Brimble, Brian; (613) 954-6368; ; Director General; DGO-BDG
Brind'Amour, Denis; (613) 941-1139; ; DO-BD
Brinkert, Susan; (613) 946-2719; ; TS-SF
Brinkert, Susan; (819) 952-2523; ; TP-PT
Brisebois, Céline; (613) 952-9993; ; IPS-SPP
Brissette, Pascal; (613) 954-5108; ; CT&CPS-SLT&P
Brisson, Chantal; (613) 954-2537; ; Manager; MSS-SSG
Brisson, Daniel; (613) 954-7471; ; Team Leader; T\#I-É\#I
Brisson, David; (613) 948-0443; ; DCBA-ARSFD
Brisson, Francis; (613) 946-7954; ; P&MS-SG&P
Brisson, Réjean; (613) 954-8136; ; Team Leader; LDS-SIRU
Brisson, Roxan; (613) 957-3243; ; RAS-SCR
Brisson-James, Renée; (613) 952-8320; ; BDS-SENE
Britton, Louise; (819) 994-3263; ; TAG/IIII-CTG/IIII
Britton, Veronica; (613) 952-4018; ; A/Senior Advisor, Policy and Indp
Third Party Review; ODM-BGD
Broadbent, Anne-Marie; (613) 952-6741; ; Senior Programs Officer;
Broccoio, Christina; (905) 454-0357; ; TAS-SAPC
Broccolo, Christina; (613) 954-0216; ; Officer; PRV-VAM
Brock, Frank; (613) 957-1581; ; GV-GV
Brock, Kim; (613) 948-4493; ; TSABBL-SASFP
Alan Baggett
2004-02-27 18:58:50 UTC
Brockwell, Marsha; (613) 941-6127; ; Administrative Assistant;
Brodmann, Karen; (613) 957-2063; ; ILA-ALI
Bronson, Darcy; (819) 953-9063; ; Programmer; EISO-SECI
Brooks, John D; (613) 957-2103; ; TS-SF
Brooks, Mark; (613) 562-6105; ; A/Manager; TFN&BI-RSFRA
Brooks, Sheenna; (613) 941-7719; ; TE&OSDS-SABDVESO
Broomfield, Tara; (613) 952-2613; ; SD-DS
Brosseau, Sue; (613) 957-7363; ; Head; FC/ECDS-SCF/DCE
Brothers, Stephanie; (613) 946-7826; ; A/Team Leader; TD-DT
Broussard, Dawna; (613) 941-3708; ; CDT-ÉDP
Brousseau, Angie; (613) 952-9927; ; Team Leader; BIS-SRVE
Brousseau, Josée; (613) 941-3630; ; ADS-D&SA
Brousseau, Julie; (613) 941-9483; ; CDT-ÉDP
Brousseau, Paul; (613) 952-5937; ; Manager; TSS-SST
Brown, Barbara; (613) 952-5185; ; Executive Assistant; DGO-BDG
Brown, Donna; (613) 954-7370; ; Secretary; DO-BD
Brown, Doug; (613) 954-7212; ; RWP-PME
Brown, Glenn; (613) 957-1246; ; Officer; DSM-DSM
Brown, Jeffery; (613) 948-5680; ; CAS-SAE
Brown, Jerry; (709) 772-2200; ; Director; SJSTC-CISJS
Brown, Julie; (613) 954-1489; ; Marketing Officer; MD-DM
Brown, Keith; (613) 946-1240; ; Project Leader; GT-ÉG
Brown, Lesa; (613) 954-8142; ; Senior Staff Relations Advisor; SRO-ORT
Brown, Martin; (613) 952-1332; ; PDABB-ADRAPB
Brown, Maurice; (613) 941-3735; ; Project Leader; CDT-ÉDP
Brown, Paul; (613) 952-2658; ; Director; DO-BD
Brown, Robert; (819) 994-4268; ; RS-SD
Brown, Roberta; (416) 973-1749; ; TAS-SAPC
Brown, Sonia; (905) 725-7338; ; TAS-SAPC
Brown, Susan; (819) 994-1233; ; Deputy Assistant Commissioner,
Solutions; DACO-BSCA
Brown, Terry; (613) 941-0864; ; IPIL/IMS-SIGP/SGR
Brown, Wayne; (416) 973-6752; ; TAS-SAPC
Browne, Evan; (613) 957-8635; ; Director; C/L/A/P-O/J/A/P
Bruce, Janice; (819) 994-2681; ; AC-CC
Bruchhaeuser, Lucia; (613) 957-7473; ; Senior Projects Officer;
Bruneau, Daniel; (613) 957-8071; ; A/Manager; HRBP-PRHE
Brunelle, Luc; (613) 946-5336; ; Manager; FDA-MOF
Brunet, Diane; (613) 954-6229; ; CA-CI
Brunet, Eric; (613) 957-3579; ; NS-SR
Brunet, Guy; (613) 954-6259; ; SA&CMD-DGC&AS
Brunet, Julie; (613) 952-2798; ; Senior Designer; AS-SSA
Brunet, Laurent; (613) 952-1956; ; Database Administrator; EISU-USIE
Brunet, Louise; (613) 941-8867; ; Junior Project Officer; DDS-SDD
Brunet, Marie; (514) 451-6711; ; BSTATD-DFSFCC
Brunet, Micheline; (613) 952-6665; ; Manager; DSD-DSD
Brunet, Nathalie; (613) 954-7853; ; A/Financial Control and Planning
Officer; PPMS-SGPP
Brunet, Nicole; (613) 954-1760; ; CAS-SSÀC
Brunet, Sylvie; (613) 946-9016; ; Senior Technical Applications
Officer; GTAS-SATT
Brunke, Kathy; (613) 952-2535; ; Officer; BRS-SIE
Brunton, Maggie; (613) 957-7452; ; TDS-SÉT
Brunton, Marilyn; (613) 954-8142; ; HRB-DGRH
Brush, Peter; (613) 941-0090; ; ECAS-SÀVCÉ
Bruyère, Claire; (613) 952-9259; ; Manager; EISU-USIE
Bruzonne, Alex; (819) 953-3967; ; IC-CP
Brûlotte, Brenda; (613) 954-5643; ; OPCU-UPCO
Bryan, Gord; (613) 948-0434; ; DCA-AR
Alan Baggett
2004-02-28 20:13:14 UTC
This is the end of the B's (for now)

Bryanton, Betty Ann; (613) 952-1091; ; PSRA-SPE
Bryon, Norman; (613) 948-0196; ; Director; DO-BD
Bryson, Mary; (613) 954-1335; ; MFSS-SSÀTBOC
Buca, Paula Maria; (613) 954-4292; ; Technical Officer; DWAS-SDAE
Buchan, Scott; (613) 948-0538; ; DCA-AR
Buchanan, Alec; (613) 954-6714; ; DO-BD
Buchanan, Dave; (613) 954-0619; ; PTBS-SPPT
Buchanan, Jan; (613) 946-5900; ; Team Leader; IPSLQ-PNQL
Buchardt, Bruce; (613) 941-2844; ; CASUI-USACUI
Buck, Jennifer; (613) 952-2546; ; AS-SA
Buckle, Bernice; (613) 952-8650; ; Director; BOM-CD
Buckley, Patrick; (819) 953-6194; ; G/HREG-INST/T
Buena, Teresita; (416) 973-6756; ; TAS-SAPC
Buetow, Bernhard; (613) 957-2068; ; ITLA-ALP
Buffone, Angelo; (613) 952-1355; ; RPC-RPC
Buffone, Louise; (613) 957-3254; ; CVMS-SCGV
Buffone, Pat; (613) 952-8503; ; Agricultural Income Disaster
Assistance (AIDA); TCSS-SSACF
Buffone, Tania; (613) 957-0740; ; Project Leader; CM-MO
Bui, Chan; (613) 941-4184; ; CDT-ÉDP
Bui, Duc; (819) 953-3614; ; AB-CB
Bui, Linh; (819) 997-4243; ; CI-CI
Bui, Thanh Liem; (613) 952-7144; ; Analyst; WM/NS-WM/NS
Buis, Andrew; (613) 954-8598; ; SD-DS
Buist, Ellie; (613) 946-1236; ; TXCAL-CALTX
Bujold, Anne; (613) 954-1280; ; ASS-SSA
Bujold, Sue; (819) 953-9387; ; Manager; CHA-CHA
Bulger, Sharon; (613) 957-8057; ; DIS-DIS
Bulhoes, Christine; (613) 952-2254; ; LS-SL
Burchill, Michael; (613) 957-8075; ; Officer; ERE-RLA
Burdick, Diane; (613) 957-7462; ; Assistant; ER-RE
Burdick, Mike; (613) 952-0737; ; Manager; PCITP-PIRPS
Bureau, Alain; (613) 952-3697; ; CDAS-SMSOF
Burfield, Robert; (905) 625-7101; ; International Mail Processing
Burge, Lynn; (613) 957-2328; ; SR-RT
Burgess, Jill; (613) 957-0827; ; EC/A-SAC
Burke, Angela; (613) 946-1210; ; NET-NET
Burke, Janet; (613) 941-2687; ; DO-BD
Burke, Kathy; (613) 941-1167; ; Program Officer; ECT&T-FOCÉ
Burke, Richard; (613) 941-5006; ; PMS-SGP
Burke, Sandra; (613) 954-1164; ; DET-DÉC
Burnett, Margaret; (613) 954-9085; ; DS-SD
Burnett, Maureen; (613) 952-0021; ; Officer Manager; DO-BD
Burnett, Rodger; (613) 941-8341; ; AISS-SSÀIA
Burnley, Dave; (613) 957-4081; ; IAS-SAR
Burns, Brenda; (613) 957-7469; ; Assistant; MMDP-PPCI
Burns, Dianne; (613) 954-7637; ; PA-PA
Burns, Ghislaine; (613) 946-1198; ; TIS-SRI
Burnside, Dale; (613) 948-0094; ; Financial Analyst; F/D-RFG
Burnside, Tom; (613) 948-0087; ; Financial and Administration Officer;
Burr, Steve; (613) 952-1649; ; BES-SAP
Burris, Betty; (416) 954-4955; ; TAS-SAPC
Burrows, John; (613) 954-7075; ; A/Director; SADC-ACS
Bursey, Gerry; (613) 952-9492; ; AM-MS
Burt, Philip; (613) 941-5856; ; Project Officer; GRD-DRT
Burton, Kirsten; (613) 957-9805; ; GRD-DRT
Burton, Philip; (613) 957-7442; ; HRB-DGRH
Burton, Tannis; (819) 957-0656; ; SA-CN
Burton, Travis; (613) 946-5448; ; GRD-DRT
Burton, Valerie; (613) 941-5701; ; PO-BP
Burtt, Martin; (613) 948-7865; ; CS-SORCÉR
Busby, Brian; (613) 941-2838; ; CASUIII-SACUIII
Busby, Julie-Ann; (613) 954-6233; ; Secretary; DO-BD
Buse, Rose; (613) 952-2784; ; Project Manager; GS-SP
Bushfield, Dan; (613) 562-6113; ; A/Manager; ETD-DTP
Buske, Mark; (613) 941-5384; ; U\#I-U\#I
Bussière, Stéphane; (819) 997-4338; ; Project Leader; ADSI-DVBI
Bussières, Yves; (613) 954-1340; ; Infocentre Project Manager;
Butcher, Pat; (613) 954-5703; ; IDFSS-SCRSSE
Butikofer, Annette; (819) 994-1083; ; A/Director; DO-BD
Butko, Maura; (613) 991-0583; ; A/Accounts Manager; R/IA-VI/R
Butko, Robert; (613) 957-4004; ; GOAS-SAGED
Butler, Daniel; (613) 952-2188; ; F/RG-GRE
Butler, Greg; (613) 954-0581; ; Program Analysis/Statistics; PAS-SAP
Butler, Jean; (613) 954-9356; ; Project Leader; CS-SD
Butler, Jim; (613) 946-7145; ; Senior Policy Analyst; LR-RT
Butler, Kathleen; (613) 946-5516; ; Program Officer; RSS-SRCD
Butler, Marc; (613) 954-9519; ; A/Director; DO-BD
Butler, Mark; (613) 946-8868; ; A/Issues Manager; CD-DD
Butler, Walter; (613) 954-9440; ; Team Leader; MTS-SAOG
Butterill, Mary; (613) 957-2275; ; Assistant Director; DO-BD
Buttice, Josie; (613) 941-2761; ; EIP-PÉR
2004-02-28 20:17:17 UTC
Is it possible to compile one file of all employees? It would be
useful to produce a mass mailer educating tax employees about the
corrupt nature of government and the income tax system in general.

It might serve to demoralize many of them into giving up their jobs or
to make them less effective.

I know it's not something that you can post but I could supply you
with an email address.

Post by Alan Baggett
This is the end of the B's (for now)
Bryanton, Betty Ann; (613) 952-1091; ; PSRA-SPE
Bryon, Norman; (613) 948-0196; ; Director; DO-BD
Bryson, Mary; (613) 954-1335; ; MFSS-SSÀTBOC
Buca, Paula Maria; (613) 954-4292; ; Technical Officer; DWAS-SDAE
Buchan, Scott; (613) 948-0538; ; DCA-AR
Buchanan, Alec; (613) 954-6714; ; DO-BD
Buchanan, Dave; (613) 954-0619; ; PTBS-SPPT
Buchanan, Jan; (613) 946-5900; ; Team Leader; IPSLQ-PNQL
Buchardt, Bruce; (613) 941-2844; ; CASUI-USACUI
Buck, Jennifer; (613) 952-2546; ; AS-SA
Buckle, Bernice; (613) 952-8650; ; Director; BOM-CD
Buckley, Patrick; (819) 953-6194; ; G/HREG-INST/T
Buena, Teresita; (416) 973-6756; ; TAS-SAPC
Buetow, Bernhard; (613) 957-2068; ; ITLA-ALP
Buffone, Angelo; (613) 952-1355; ; RPC-RPC
Buffone, Louise; (613) 957-3254; ; CVMS-SCGV
Buffone, Pat; (613) 952-8503; ; Agricultural Income Disaster
Assistance (AIDA); TCSS-SSACF
Buffone, Tania; (613) 957-0740; ; Project Leader; CM-MO
Bui, Chan; (613) 941-4184; ; CDT-ÉDP
Bui, Duc; (819) 953-3614; ; AB-CB
Bui, Linh; (819) 997-4243; ; CI-CI
Bui, Thanh Liem; (613) 952-7144; ; Analyst; WM/NS-WM/NS
Buis, Andrew; (613) 954-8598; ; SD-DS
Buist, Ellie; (613) 946-1236; ; TXCAL-CALTX
Bujold, Anne; (613) 954-1280; ; ASS-SSA
Bujold, Sue; (819) 953-9387; ; Manager; CHA-CHA
Bulger, Sharon; (613) 957-8057; ; DIS-DIS
Bulhoes, Christine; (613) 952-2254; ; LS-SL
Burchill, Michael; (613) 957-8075; ; Officer; ERE-RLA
Burdick, Diane; (613) 957-7462; ; Assistant; ER-RE
Burdick, Mike; (613) 952-0737; ; Manager; PCITP-PIRPS
Bureau, Alain; (613) 952-3697; ; CDAS-SMSOF
Burfield, Robert; (905) 625-7101; ; International Mail Processing
Burge, Lynn; (613) 957-2328; ; SR-RT
Burgess, Jill; (613) 957-0827; ; EC/A-SAC
Burke, Angela; (613) 946-1210; ; NET-NET
Burke, Janet; (613) 941-2687; ; DO-BD
Burke, Kathy; (613) 941-1167; ; Program Officer; ECT&T-FOCÉ
Burke, Richard; (613) 941-5006; ; PMS-SGP
Burke, Sandra; (613) 954-1164; ; DET-DÉC
Burnett, Margaret; (613) 954-9085; ; DS-SD
Burnett, Maureen; (613) 952-0021; ; Officer Manager; DO-BD
Burnett, Rodger; (613) 941-8341; ; AISS-SSÀIA
Burnley, Dave; (613) 957-4081; ; IAS-SAR
Burns, Brenda; (613) 957-7469; ; Assistant; MMDP-PPCI
Burns, Dianne; (613) 954-7637; ; PA-PA
Burns, Ghislaine; (613) 946-1198; ; TIS-SRI
Burnside, Dale; (613) 948-0094; ; Financial Analyst; F/D-RFG
Burnside, Tom; (613) 948-0087; ; Financial and Administration Officer;
Burr, Steve; (613) 952-1649; ; BES-SAP
Burris, Betty; (416) 954-4955; ; TAS-SAPC
Burrows, John; (613) 954-7075; ; A/Director; SADC-ACS
Bursey, Gerry; (613) 952-9492; ; AM-MS
Burt, Philip; (613) 941-5856; ; Project Officer; GRD-DRT
Burton, Kirsten; (613) 957-9805; ; GRD-DRT
Burton, Philip; (613) 957-7442; ; HRB-DGRH
Burton, Tannis; (819) 957-0656; ; SA-CN
Burton, Travis; (613) 946-5448; ; GRD-DRT
Burton, Valerie; (613) 941-5701; ; PO-BP
Burtt, Martin; (613) 948-7865; ; CS-SORCÉR
Busby, Brian; (613) 941-2838; ; CASUIII-SACUIII
Busby, Julie-Ann; (613) 954-6233; ; Secretary; DO-BD
Buse, Rose; (613) 952-2784; ; Project Manager; GS-SP
Bushfield, Dan; (613) 562-6113; ; A/Manager; ETD-DTP
Buske, Mark; (613) 941-5384; ; U\#I-U\#I
Bussière, Stéphane; (819) 997-4338; ; Project Leader; ADSI-DVBI
Bussières, Yves; (613) 954-1340; ; Infocentre Project Manager;
Butcher, Pat; (613) 954-5703; ; IDFSS-SCRSSE
Butikofer, Annette; (819) 994-1083; ; A/Director; DO-BD
Butko, Maura; (613) 991-0583; ; A/Accounts Manager; R/IA-VI/R
Butko, Robert; (613) 957-4004; ; GOAS-SAGED
Butler, Daniel; (613) 952-2188; ; F/RG-GRE
Butler, Greg; (613) 954-0581; ; Program Analysis/Statistics; PAS-SAP
Butler, Jean; (613) 954-9356; ; Project Leader; CS-SD
Butler, Jim; (613) 946-7145; ; Senior Policy Analyst; LR-RT
Butler, Kathleen; (613) 946-5516; ; Program Officer; RSS-SRCD
Butler, Marc; (613) 954-9519; ; A/Director; DO-BD
Butler, Mark; (613) 946-8868; ; A/Issues Manager; CD-DD
Butler, Walter; (613) 954-9440; ; Team Leader; MTS-SAOG
Butterill, Mary; (613) 957-2275; ; Assistant Director; DO-BD
Buttice, Josie; (613) 941-2761; ; EIP-PÉR
Alan Baggett
2004-02-29 17:18:45 UTC
Post by Nemesis
Is it possible to compile one file of all employees? It would be
useful to produce a mass mailer educating tax employees about the
corrupt nature of government and the income tax system in general.
It might serve to demoralize many of them into giving up their jobs or
to make them less effective.
I know it's not something that you can post but I could supply you
with an email address.
Unfortunately I do not have a complete list of tax employees. Yet. My
list is maybe five or ten thousand max. If you want, supply me with an
e-mail address and I can give you several word docs that cover C all
the way to Z.

I can also give a tutorial on locating ccra e-mails if you'd like.
Criswell The Psychic Weatherman
2004-02-22 16:31:11 UTC
Just a simple question: why?
Post by Alan Baggett
Barber, Diane; (613) 957-1698; ; Finance Administrative Clerk;
Barber, Helen; (613) 954-6391; ; RAS-SCR
Barber, Jonathan; (613) 952-4000; ; Project Support Assistant;
Barber, Patricia; (613) 946-9252; ; Senior Policy Officer; SPPS-SPSP
Barber, Ross; (613) 948-0500; ; DCE-PEI
Barclay, Neil; (613) 941-5126; ; Director General; DGO-BDG
Bardoul, Frank; (613) 954-7589; ; Manager; TDS-SPF
Bariault, Jacques; (613) 952-0511; ; IS-SI
Baribault, Stéphane; (613) 952-5714; ; Project Support Assistant;
Barica, Vladimir; (613) 957-8774; ; PTSS-SPST
Barker, Ron; (613) 946-2371; ; Manager; ACSS-SNCA
Barkley, Pat; (613) 954-3196; ; Error Correction/Mismatch;
Barkley, Patricia; (613) 954-7921; ; Officer; CCS-SDSC
Barlow, Kathleen; (613) 952-3549; ; Advisory Services Officer; CAS-SEC
Barnabe, Stephanie; (613) 946-5472; ; Administrative Assistant; DO-BD
Barnaby, Bonnie; (613) 957-0837; ; MS&BPD-DSG&PD
Barnard, Sheila; (613) 952-1050; ; TONI; LS-SL
Barnes, Bruce; (613) 946-3812; ; CAS-SAE
Barnes, Judy; (613) 952-7433; ; Publications Officer; BIS-SRVE
Barnes, Mike; (613) 941-6790; ; SD-DS
Barnett, Cindy; (613) 954-0215; ; CBCRP-RDMRE
Barnett, Cindy; (613) 954-0215; ; FP-PAÀF
Barnett, Cindy; (613) 954-0215; ; OP-PMEOPAA
Barnett, Dana; (613) 957-8074; ; R/B/B-D/D/D
Barnowski, Carey; (613) 957-9426; ; DIS-DIS
Baronette, Nicole; (613) 946-9786; ; BAS-SC
Barr, Nancy; (416) 973-1640; ; TAS-SAPC
Barrass, Keith; (613) 954-9405; ; Director General; DGO-BDG
Barreira, Carlos; (819) 997-1052; ; ENQ-REQ
Barresi, Cristina; (613) 946-7122; ; HRO-ORH
Barrett, Angus; (709) 772-5076; ; Assistant Director, V&E; NLTS-SFTL
Barrett, Ann; (613) 954-9390; ; Team Leader; DISS-SÉSI
Barrette, Aline; (613) 990-6461; ; AD-DA
Barrette, Francine; (613) 941-0918; ; Officer; CMR-SRGD
Barrette, Joanne; (613) 957-3502; ; Administrative Assistant; MD-DM
Barrette, Josée JB; 011-514-286-7879, poste 5283; ; Trade
Administration Services Officer, Clients Services; MCS-SCM
Barrette, Mario; (613) 941-4206; ; IM-GI
Barrotta-Britt, Marie; (613) 954-1165; ; DO-BD
Barrows, Les; (613) 954-4454; ; A/Manager; PPSTS-SENCSPAF
Barry, Reid; (613) 954-4840; ; P&CS-SP&C
Barsalou, Nicole NB; 011-514-283-2464, poste 8280; ; Communications
Manager, Communications; QRO-BRQ
Barsoum, Karin; (613) 941-1172; ; BIS-SRVE
Barton, Lauralee; (613) 954-7897; ; Secretary; BS-SC
Basar, Dubravka; (613) 954-7505; ; Manager; IPIL/IMS-SIGP/SGR
Basar, Josip; (613) 941-4186; ; HRP-RHR
Basaraba, John; (613) 954-4553; ; RID-DIR
Basque, Diane; (613) 941-6456; ; Manager; DO-BD
Bassila, David; (613) 952-2616; ; PAY/NR-PAY/NR
Bastasic, Ivan; (613) 952-9248; ; Director; DO-BD
Bastien, Andrée; (613) 941-9520; ; Assistant; CPP-CPR
Bastien, Michel; (819) 953-4719; ; Project Leader; ADSS-SAADVA
Bastien, Mireille; (613) 946-1209; ; RS-SEVDP
Bastien, Pierre; (613) 952-1741; ; EMSS-SSGE
Baszak, Jeff; (613) 954-6084; ; Senior Staff Advisor; ACO-BSC
"A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses;
it is an idea that possesses the mind." Robert Bolton
Criswell The Psychic Weatherman
Alan Baggett
2004-02-23 20:52:33 UTC
Post by Criswell The Psychic Weatherman
Just a simple question: why?
Fair question.

I believe that a couple of weeks back someone stated that they
compiling a list of tax employees and wanted additions (or something
like that).

If I can provide assistance to someone looking for tax assistance I
try to do so.

I don't think there is any problem with providing them with this info
and its not like I am providing them with their home addresses and
telephone numbers.

At least not yet.
2004-02-23 22:53:33 UTC
Post by Alan Baggett
I don't think there is any problem with providing them with this info
and its not like I am providing them with their home addresses and
telephone numbers.
At least not yet.
Good one.
How about their pictures...hehehehe
2004-02-28 19:43:04 UTC
go for it.they have ours......... only fair it goes both ways

Post by Alan Baggett
Post by Criswell The Psychic Weatherman
Just a simple question: why?
Fair question.
I believe that a couple of weeks back someone stated that they
compiling a list of tax employees and wanted additions (or something
like that).
If I can provide assistance to someone looking for tax assistance I
try to do so.
I don't think there is any problem with providing them with this info
and its not like I am providing them with their home addresses and
telephone numbers.
At least not yet.
Alan Baggett
2004-02-29 17:06:05 UTC
Now for the C Section

Cabana, Bob; (613) 948-0926; ; Senior Advisor; CM-GC
Cabral, Tina; (613) 952-5254; ; MIRS-SRRI
Cacchione, Alain; (613) 946-5321; ; Senior Programs Officer; VCS-SVC
Cacciotti, Romeo; (613) 941-9197; ; VCS-SVC
Cadieux, Alain; (613) 948-0044; ; OS(F)-SO(F)
Cadieux, André; (613) 948-1186; ; Manager; ECS&I-SICÉ
Cadieux, Carol Ann; (613) 952-0464; ; LSS-SSL
Cadieux, Tina; (613) 946-7840; ; BRS-SIE
Caiero, Lisa; (416) 954-6169; TRADE ADMINISTRATION SERVICES
Cahill, Pamela; (613) 994-1250; ; ADSS-SAADVA
Cahill, Sharon; (613) 948-0900; ; Project Leader; R&SISI-LSSII
Cahill, Sharon; (613) 954-4280; ; Officer; MHCS-MSS
Cailloux, Louis; (613) 941-0272; ; Project Manager; CBP-OPE
Caines, George; (613) 957-9180; ; Atlantic, NCR; CAS-SEC
Caines, Ursula; (416) 973-5874; ; TAS-SAPC
Cairns, Peter; (613) 957-2184; ; Team Leader; QARS-SAQR
Cairns, Phillip; (613) 952-6077; ; CS&D-CSD
Calarco, Fiore; (819) 953-3634; ; CAIII-DCIII
Calder, Paul; (613) 941-6761; ; IDCC\#-IDPEC\#
Caldwell, Brian; (613) 957-9458; ; T1/T3 Correspondence Officer;
Caldwell, Paul; (613) 948-0895; ; Project Leader; SISI-SSI
Caldwell, Sandy; (613) 948-0545; ; Manager; ITM-GTI
Callahan, Regina; (709) 772-5233; ; Assistant Director, Client
Assistance; NLTS-SFTL
Calleja, Brian; (613) 946-3283; ; GVI-GVI
Callender, Elaine; (416) 973-3476; ; TAS-SAPC
Calow, Glenn; (613) 954-6913; ; A/Manager; PPPQA-PPPAQ
Camel-Toueg, Gina; (613) 957-2248; ; U\#I-U\#I
Cameron, Al; (613) 347-1361; ; RIS-SIR
Cameron, Barry; (613) 957-9465; ; Senior Programs Officer; GC-GC
Cameron, Don C; (613) 941-7573; ; ROM-UDM
Cameron, Gail; (613) 946-2463; ; Officer; BPA-SVPC
Cameron, Jim; (613) 764-3590; ; Investigator; II-EI
Cameron, Kirk; (613) 991-0512; ; RO-BR
Cameron, Margaret; (613) 948-4451; ; Senior Project Advisor;
Cameron, Susan; (613) 946-2031; ; Manager; BPA-SVPC
Cameron, Susan; (613) 946-8093; ; Manager; OLPS-PAP
Cameron-Wright, Starr; (613) 954-6822 (078); ; CP-PD
Camm, Barry; (613) 948-0974; ; A/Manager; R&SISI-LSSII
Camp, Judy; (613) 954-6977; ; BISS-SSIDG
Campagna, Gioia; (613) 946-7401; ; SD-DS
Campagna, Sylvie; (613) 954-6285; ; Clerk; LS-SJ
Campanaro, Lou; (613) 941-2664; ; Manager of Special Projects;
Campbell, Alison; (613) 957-3496; ; FIS-SIF
Campbell, Carole; (613) 954-0963; ; GIII-GIII
Campbell, David; (613) 954-6082; ; Acting Director General; DGO-BDG
Campbell, Joanne; (613) 948-0917; ; Analyst; SISI-SSI
Campbell, Josephine; (613) 957-7481; ; BRES-SCOE
Campbell, Martin; (905) 725-7335; ; TAS-SAPC
Campbell, Ross; (902) 432-6163; ; SS&E-SS&O
Campbell, Sherry; (613) 941-2393; ; DGSS-SSÉG
Campbell, Sue; (613) 941-1968; ; Officer; IRS-SDR
Campbell, Yolande; (613) 954-6230; ; CA-CI
Campbell-Kilby, Pam; (613) 941-6052; ; CVMS-SCGV
Campeau, Andrée-Ann; (613) 946-7832; ; FMOS-GFSO
Alan Baggett
2004-03-01 19:31:48 UTC
Campeau, Wendy; (613) 941-0398; ; RMAG-GGRA
Campiti, Lisa; (613) 957-1866; ; DET-DÉC
Campos, Veronica; (416) 973-1749; ; TAS-SAPC
Camus, Joan; (613) 946-2042; ; PRAS-SÉRER
Canam, Ken; (613) 952-2788; ; Manager; DO-BD
Canas, Auramarina; (613) 946-5308; ; DP-SPPH
Canning, Cheryl; (613) 957-3652; ; ECS&I-SICÉ
Cantellow, James; (613) 946-1172; ; TEL/NET-IMT/IMN
Cantle, Laura; (613) 946-1259; ; AMS-SFMC
Cao, Nguyen; (613) 954-7458; Micro-Computer Section, 344 Slater Street, Ottawa
Caparelli, Elvira; (613) 952-2927; ; Internal Auditor; AC-CR
Capes, Alan; (613) 954-9186; ; BA-EA
Capkun, Josy; (613) 941-0488; ; HRB-DGRH
Caplan, Elinor; (613) 995-2960; ; Minister of National Revenue; MOHOFC-CMCDESC
Capone, Raquel; (613) 948-4820; ; Clerk; LS-SJ
Carbonneau, Gaetane; (613) 954-0580; ; Officer, Confidence Validity; VS-SV
Carbonneau, Michel; (613) 957-2215; ; Manager; ITA/GIII-AMI/GIII
Cardill, Pat; (613) 952-2599; ; Headquarter Security Officer; HSS-SSAC
Cardinal, Alain; (613) 941-2576; ; Officer; CPP-CPR
Cardinal, Claudia; (613) 948-6976; ; Administrative Assistant; DGO-BDG
Cardinal, Denis; (613) 952-9332; ; Technical Support Analyst; FD/OI-ÉF/RED
Cardinal, Eric; (613) 946-8686; ; TE&OSDS-SABDVESO
Carew, Christine; (613) 957-9548; ; Helpdesk Support; LSS-SSR
Carey, John; (613) 954-9171; ; Manager; TASSI-ILST
Carey, Karen; (613) 941-8538; ; A/Manager; PMO-BGP
Carey, Sean; (613) 948-0445; ; DCBA-ARSFD
Carey-Laroche, Helen; (613) 957-6614; ; Staff Relations Advisor; UEHRB-UEDRH
Carignan, Lindsay; (613) 952-1954; ; Clerk; EISU-USIE
Carisse, Trina; (613) 957-7326; ; TR-VR
Carkner, Janet; (613) 952-2794; ; AWSSDS-SDSSWC
Carle, Lucie; (613) 946-4289; ; UGCB-UGDD
Carle, Wayne; (613) 941-6370; ; Officer; APINR-SIPVDP
Carlier, Tony; (613) 952-4297; ; Project Leader; REMITS-SGSRO
Carlotti, Connie; (613) 941-0337; ; Executive Assistant; DO-BD
Carlucci, Dino; (613) 941-8368; ; AISS-SSÀIA
Carlyle, Elizabeth; (613) 941-0409; ; SIS-SIS
Caron, Charline; (613) 941-0236; ; Administrative Assistant; DO-BD
Caron, Dave; (613) 954-7957; ; Manager; AA-AA
Caron, Janique; (613) 954-7817; ; Director; DO-BD
Carpenter, James; (613) 946-4914; ; Policy Advisor; SLAPD-DPASMA
Carpenter, Martin; (819) 994-1057; ; Programmer; EISO-SECI
Carpentier, Marthe; (613) 954-0588; ; Team Leader; IIS-SRVP
Carpinone, Gina; (613) 954-1749; ; Manager; PPS-SPP
Carpinone, Gina; (613) 954-1749; ; Manager; PSS-SSAP
Carr, Brian; (613) 954-1187; ; CS-SO
Carr, Catherine; (613) 957-4157; ; GVII-GVII
Carreau, Lyne; (613) 941-9850; ; BCASD-CDG&SA
Carrey, Josée; (613) 946-4942; ; DO-BD
Carrey, Josée; (613) 946-4942; ; Administrative Assistant; TSDU-UTSL
Carrier, JM; (613) 957-2264; ; PSSS-SESP
Carrier, Richard; (613) 991-0555; ; RO-BR
Carriere, Allan; (613) 948-0237; ; Manager; ITD-TID
Carriere, JP; (613) 952-6278; ; Senior Program Officer; CIC-EPC
Alan Baggett
2004-03-02 19:50:50 UTC
Carrière, Annette; (613) 957-2474; ; Document and Information
Processing Unit; ESSS-SSSÀD
Carrière, Claude; (613) 941-2415; ; Programmer/Analyst; IPS-SPI
Carrière, Jo-Anne; (613) 948-0229; ; Project Manager; CBP-OPE
Carrière, Rick; (613) 957-3716; ; RID-DIR
Carrière, Roxanne; (613) 952-5426; ; Advisor; UEHRB-UEDRH
Carroll, Christine; (613) 954-5216; ; Head, Travel Section; TR-VR
Carroll, Curtis; (613) 954-9532; ; DWIG-GIED
Carroll, Maureen; (613) 946-3302; ; Analyst; OPS-SPO
Carroll, Sherry; (613) 952-9120; ; BRES-SCOE
Carroll-Roach, Nancy; (613) 946-7970; ; Administrative Assistant;
Carroll-Roach, Nancy; (613) 946-7970; ; Administrative Assistant;
Carrozza, Giovanna; (613) 946-0231; ; Administrative Support;
Carrozza, Giovanna; (613) 946-0231; ; Administrative Support;
Carscadden, Nancy; (613) 952-2933; ; Programs Officer; IVS-SVR
Carscadden, Steve; (613) 941-7822; ; RP&CS-TDO
Carswell, Carolann; (613) 954-1319; ; FSS-SSABL
Carswell, Holly; (613) 946-9014; ; Senior Technical Applications
Carswell, Wayne; (613) 954-9449; ; Programmer/Analyst; PAY/NR-PAY/NR
Carter, Dawn; (819) 997-7242; ; TAG/I-CTG/I
Carter, Donna; (613) 957-8544; ; Senior Advisor; DGO-BDG
Carter, Hallam; (819) 994-2220; ; IC-IS
Carter, Mark; (613) 957-8654; ; MS&BPD-DSG&PD
Cartier, Greg; (613) 941-6044; ; Manager; PRAS-SÉRER
Cartier, Lorraine; (613) 957-7565; ; ED-DE
Cartier, Steven; (613) 952-6428; ; TE&OSDS-SABDVESO
Carty, Allan; (613) 946-2238; ; Learning Consultant; DDS-SCÉ
Carty, Suzanne; (613) 941-8402; ; SP&QARRT-PSAQETRP
Carucci, Terri; (613) 954-9544; ; Assistant Director; UAITB-UADGI
Carvalho, Tony; (613) 941-9913; ; AS-SSA
Casar, Stephen; (613) 952-3897; ; ASD-DSA
Casault, Luc; (613) 562-6126; ; TFN&BI-RSFRA
Case, Richard; (613) 954-6257; ; RA&CD-DAR&C
Casey-Adams, Diana; (613) 957-1867; ; Assistant Director; MPG-GPG
Casquenette, Cathy; (416) 954-6208; ; TAS-SAPC
Casselman, Barry; (613) 993-9127; ; SEPS-SPSE
Casselman, Beverlee; (613) 952-2151; ; A/Manager; TSD-DSV
Casselman, Brian; (613) 948-0620; ; Specialist; SAIPD-DADS
Cassidy, Debbie; (613) 941-9433; ; Senior Programs Officer;
Cassidy, Jo'Anne; (613) 954-7905; ; Secretary; FS-IS
Castagner, Pierre; (613) 957-2075; ; Senior Program Officer; FDA-MOF
Castleman, Christine; (613) 948-5673; ; Executive Assistant to the
Director General; DGO-BDG
Castonguay, Blaise; (613) 941-4556; ; Manager; EC/AS-SCMA
Castonguay, Gillian; (613) 941-0298; ; QAS-SAQ
Castonguay, Gillian; (613) 957-8647; ; SD-DS
Castonguay, Jean-Marc; (613) 952-2139; ; DCEF-TÉSD
Castonguay, Lionel; (416) 973-1662; ; TAS-SAPC
Castro, Louise; (613) 941-0367; ; LPLS-SLLP
Catalano, Nadia; (613) 954-0584; ; BIS-SRVE
Catalli, Gino; (613) 954-6314; ; SBM-MSS
Catanzariti, Frank; (613) 952-2167; ; E/GII-C/GII
Cathcart, Linda; (613) 952-9124; ; FD/OI-ÉF/RED
Catizzone, Pat; (613) 954-1667; ; Enforcement and Appeals Officer;
Alan Baggett
2004-03-03 20:26:00 UTC
Cattelan, Barbara; (905) 566-6183; ; Human Resources; TWTS-SFTO
Cattelan, Roger; (613) 941-4448; ; RAS-SAR
Cauchon, Vincent; (613) 990-8430; Actuarial Division, 112 Kent Street
Cavaliere, George; (613) 948-0767; ; Project Leader; EID-DIÉ
Cavan, Sally; (613) 957-0624; ; Director; DO-BD
Cavanagh, Lynn; (613) 957-3528; ; Campaign Coordinator; GCW-CCM
Cavanagh, Mike; (613) 952-9765; ; CDT-ÉDP
Cavanagh, Sharon; (613) 954-6258; ; TDS-SÉT
Cavar, Ondina; (819) 953-5393; ; Project Leader; FIP-SRDF
Cave, Jennifer; (613) 952-7564; ; IPS-SPP
Caya, Daniel; (613) 957-9368; ; Manager; IIS-SRVP
Caya, Denyse; (613) 954-1522; ; Administrative Assistant; DGO-BDG
Cayer, Johanne; (613) 954-7520; ; CP-PD
Caza, Paul; (613) 941-1335; Endorsing and Security, 875 Heron Road
Cenne, Peter; (613) 954-8163; ; Negotiator; CCB-ANC
Chabot, Chantal; (613) 952-6623; ; ROP-UDP
Chabot, Jack; (613) 948-0854; ; RS-SL
Chabot, Jean; (613) 941-2285; ; MFSS-SSÀTBOC
Chabot, Judith; (613) 957-4395; ; CCS-SCC
Chabot, Pierre; (613) 952-2692; ; SCI-ISEMO
Chadwick, Bruce; (613) 954-9367; ; DISS-SÉSI
Chadwick, Rosalyn; (613) 954-6757; ; Team Leader; MFSS-SSÀTBOC
Chagnon, Fern; (613) 948-0965; ; Analyst; RS-SL
Chahal, Donna; (613) 948-0326; ; DA-AD
Chahl, Gurmeet; (613) 952-1808; ; CASA-CASA
Chalifoux, Micheline; (613) 952-7173; ; DCSD-DSOÀD
Chalmer, Mark; (613) 948-4741; ; Senior Research Analyst; SDIRMES-DSGIRAC
Chaloner, Peter; (613) 952-9772; ; CDT-ÉDP
Chamberland, Eric; (819) 953-3618; ; ENQ-REQ
Chamberland, Gino; (819) 994-7449; ; NCI-PNI
Chamberlin, Carole; (613) 996-8785; ; TSP-STT
Chambers, Nicole; (613) 957-1332; ; Senior Programs Officer; CCS-SCC
Chambers, Patricia; (613) 946-2365; ; Administrative Assistant; DO-BD
Chambers-Smith, Christine; (613) 948-0135; ; Analyst; BA-EA
Chambré, Jane; (613) 946-1394; ; Quality Control Officer; LSS-SSL
Chamney, Lloyd; (613) 941-3224; ; Officer; OPCU-UPCO
Champagne, Charles; (613) 941-5307; ; BDT-ÉDB
Champagne, Jocelyne; (819) 997-6186; ; ENQ-REQ
Chan, Agnes; (613) 954-7458; ; T\#III-É\#III
Chan, Craig; (613) 952-1751; ; Analyst/Designer; EMSS-SSGE
Chan, Danny; (613) 941-6193; ; DC-DC
Chan, Doris; (613) 952-5698; ; AMS-SGA
Chan, Hing-Poon; (613) 957-6617; ; SD-DS
Chan, Josephine; (613) 952-3753; ; Analyst; CDAS-SMSOF
Chan, Judy; (613) 954-9453; ; Programmer/Analyst; PAY/NR-PAY/NR
Chan, Julia; (613) 952-2175; ; E/GIII-C/GIII
Chan, Louis; (613) 952-0897; ; TE&OSDS-SABDVESO
Chan, Teddy; (613) 941-9366; ; Contractor; T2/CDP-T2/CPD
Chan, Yee Wai; (613) 952-4056; ; ASD-DSA
Chander, Suneeta; (613) 957-9191; ; Manager; CS-SC
Chanderpaul, Patti; (416) 973-5974; ; TAS-SAPC
Chang, Chester; (613) 948-0950; ; Analyst; DS-SIR
Chang, Man-Yuan; (819) 952-8663; ; TP-PT
Alan Baggett
2004-03-04 19:00:15 UTC
Chapais, Conrad; (613) 948-1510; ; Clerk; APS-SPA
Chapdelaine, Christine; (613) 952-3864; ; IIS-SRVP
Chapleau, Nicolas; (613) 562-6177; ; A/Manager; ETD-DTP
Chapman, Debbie; (613) 957-3701; ; TRS-SSRT
Chapman, Megan; (613) 954-7355; ; Manager; ADM-ADM
Chapman, Steve; (613) 957-8634; ; Officer; II-SII
Chapman, Sue; (613) 954-0257; ; DSS-SSAD
Chapus, Sylvie; (613) 952-9137; ; Project Officer; CAT-ECC
Charbonneau, Alain; (613) 941-1337; ; AS-SE
Charbonneau, Anne; (613) 946-7346; ; Project Manager; P&SS-SPS
Charbonneau, Céline; (613) 957-2137; ; Access to Information;
Charbonneau, Doré; (613) 952-5062; ; Issue Manager; C/L/A/P-O/J/A/P
Charbonneau, Ginette; (613) 952-1672; ; Officer, TOM; DDS-SDD
Charbonneau, Guy; (613) 957-7390; ; SD-DS
Charbonneau, Jean; (613) 957-2268; ; Director; ITSD-DSSI
Charbonneau, Josée; (613) 941-8162; ; Administrative Assistant;
Charbonneau, Line; (613) 952-0428; ; Officer; FA-SFA
Charbonneau, Lucie; (613) 946-5036; ; DP-SPPH
Charbonneau, Marc; (613) 952-9309; ; Team Leader; CAT-ECC
Charbonneau, Nathalie; (613) 941-5511; ; Officer; RLDSU-UAPSR
Charbonneau, Pat; (613) 952-3879; ; EMSS-SSGE
Charbonneau, Paul; (819) 953-3067; ; Project Leader; BO-SL
Charbonneau, Pierre; (613) 954-0951; ; CS-SO
Charbonneau, Scott; (613) 952-6478; ; PSRA-SPE
Charbonneau, Suzanne; (514) 451-6711; ; BSTATD-DFSFCC
Charbonneau, Sylvie; (819) 994-4468; ; RS-SD
Charbonneau-Jobin, Christiane; (514) 283-2464 (8314); ; Alternate
Dispute Resolution Advisor; QRO-BRQ
Charest, Clay; (613) 946-5315; ; Administrative Assistant; ITS-SETI
Charest, Marielle; (613) 954-6026; ; Secretary; SADC-ACS
Charette, Diane; (613) 946-7977; ; Chart of Account Maintenance
Officer; RRS-SRR
Charette, France; (613) 957-8028; ; Editor; ES-SR
Charette, François; (613) 954-5863; ; A/Manager; OSS-SSO
Charette, Martin; (819) 994-7908; ; AB-CB
Charette, Mike; (613) 299-6903; ; CAS-SEC
Charette, Serge; (613) 952-5005; ; ED-DE
Charette, Sylvie; (613) 946-2408; ; MSS-SSG
Charland, René; (819) 573-2080; ; Director; EDC-DCES
Charlebois, Bernard; (613) 948-3416; ; RAS-SCR
Charlebois, Ginette; (613) 946-5335; ; SPWDS-SPSÉCT
Charlebois, Renée; (613) 948-1072; ; Internet Coordinator; IS-SOI
Charlebois, Sheila; (613) 952-1533; ; Officer; SD-DS
Charlton, Janice; (905) 572-2601; ; Director; HTSO-BSFH
Charrette, Isabelle; (613) 946-1352; ; RSA-NSÉ
Charrette-Howard, Nathalie; (613) 941-2537; ; DSS-SSÉ
Charron, Anne; (613) 946-2434; ; Manager; DET-DÉC
Charron, Catherine; (613) 952-5939; ; LG-GL
Charron, Christine; (613) 946-2713; ; FOA/Set-Offs; RSS-SRCD
Charron, Claude; (613) 941-9774; ; PTBS-SPPT
Charron, Cory; (613) 954-1617; ; INNS, T1 Interest, Fairness; ANS-SAC
Charron, Linda; (613) 948-1286; ; PRM-DRAPM
Charron, Louise; (613) 954-9554; ; UAITB-UADGI
Alan Baggett
2004-03-05 20:10:13 UTC
Charron, Lyse; (613) 957-4148; ; Linguistic Services Officer;
Charron, Marie-Elaine; (613) 954-5725; ; Administrative Assistant;
Charron, Phil; (613) 948-2214; ; CBP-OPE
Charron, Rachel; (613) 954-7092; ; Officer; BISS-SSIDG
Charron, Sébastien; (819) 953-3150; ; ADSI-DVBI
Charron-Bourdon, Vicky; (613) 954-9490; ; Office Manager; DO-BD
Chartier, Jean; (613) 957-3508; ; Assistant Commissioner; ACO-BSC
Chartier, Lisa; (613) 946-5405; ; Team Leader; GRD-DRT
Chartrand, Anne; (613) 946-6720; ; Officer; FSS-SSBL
Chartrand, Céline; (613) 954-4847; ; DCSD-DSOÀD
Chartrand, Christine; (613) 954-0596; ; DET-DÉC
Chartrand, Daniel; (613) 954-8316; ; HIDS-SIRD&S
Chartrand, Denise; (613) 952-0305; ; HR/-RH/
Chartrand, Diane; (613) 954-1289; ; SPS-SPS
Chartrand, Geneviève; (613) 954-6384; ; FSSLSS-SSFSRL
Chartrand, Lise; (613) 954-4560; ; AM-MS
Chartrand, Lisette; (613) 941-4303; ; ASS-SSA
Chartrand, Manon; (819) 994-1085; ; Manager; CCDD-CCDD
Chartrand, Marc; (613) 954-9540; ; DISS-SÉSI
Chartrand, Marcel; (613) 957-8309; ; Manager; U\#I-U\#I
Chartrand, Mariette; (613) 957-0266; ; A/Telecommunication Clerk;
Chartrand, Michel; (613) 957-0599; ; CSS-SSÀC
Chartrand, Mike; (613) 946-7827; ; FS-SABL
Chartrand, Renée; (613) 957-7190; ; Administrative Assistant; DO-BD
Chartrand, Sandy; (613) 954-1177; ; DO-BD
Chartrand, Violaine; (613) 948-1187; ; Staffing Assistant; UFCPB-UFDPO
Chatel, Sophie; (613) 957-2118; ; ISIII-SOIIII
Chatelain, Andre; (613) 946-1224; ; BS-SGTPLEDP
Chau, Kho; (613) 948-0869; ; Programmer/Analyst; SISI-SSI
Chau, Steven; (819) 994-5256; ; NCB-D-PNE-D
Chau, Van; (613) 957-2379; ; SD-DS
Chaudhari, Adnan; (613) 954-7578; ; IDFSS-SCRSSE
Chauhan, Mohinder; (613) 954-7977; ; Research Scientist; RDD-RDD
Chaulk, Susan; (613) 946-2229; ; Senior Learning Design Specialist;
Chauret, Carol; (613) 948-7059; ; Team Leader; F/O-RF/A
Chayer, Louise; (613) 952-9737; ; Subledger; ANS-SAC
Châtillon, Elisabeth; (514) 496-4580; ; Assistant Commissioner;
Cheeseman, John; (613) 946-8947; ; Manager; GOL-GEL
Cheff, Julie; (613) 952-1781; ; Advisor; UGCB-UGDD
Cheff, Odette; (613) 954-0631; ; Chief, Finance and Administration;
Chen, Catharine; (613) 954-7002; ; Officer; TME&SPU-UPTMEE
Chen, Patrick; (613) 954-9208; ; Contractor; T2/CDP-T2/CPD
Cheng, Helen; (613) 941-7710; ; CDDD-CDDD
Cheng, Janet; (613) 954-6623; ; PRED-DPRE
Chenier, Denis; (613) 954-7394; ; WP-BP
Chenier, Louise; (905) 277-6490; ; Director, Programs, CS, RC and
Technical Interpretation Services; SORO-BRSO
Chenier, Monique; (613) 954-1170; ; DET-DÉC
Chennette, Laurie; (613) 946-5331; ; PTBS-SPPT
Cheong, Ariane; (613) 952-1026; ; EPS-SPD
Chernish, Linda; (613) 941-4587; ; DO-BD
Cherrett, Phil; (613) 941-7811; ; P&PI-P&PI
Alan Baggett
2004-03-06 19:21:59 UTC
(Not that Don Cherry?)

Cherry, Don; (613) 941-1841; ; BPS-SPE

Cherryholme, Sylive; (613) 954-6143; ; Administrative Assistant to the
Assistant Commissioner; ACO-BSC
Chester, Claire; (416) 723-1133; ; TOR-EAST-TOR-EAST
Cheung, Celia; (613) 941-4809; ; DQS-SQD
Cheung, Christina; (416) 973-4154; ;
Cheung, Eddie; (819) 953-3590; ; FIP-SRDF
Cheung, Elise; (613) 941-0139; ; Program Officer; VS-SV
Chevalier, Angela; (613) 941-6365; ; Receptionist; ADO-BDA
Chevalier, Michel; (613) 941-3495; ; Officer; CMR-SRGD
Chevalier, Yves; (613) 941-3816; ; ROA-UDA
Chevrier, Andrée; (613) 954-2927; ; Senior Staff Advisor; ACO-BSC
Chevrier, Carole; (613) 946-2731; ; Assistant; AB-DA
Chevrier, Karen; (613) 941-0798; ; Branch Correspondence Clerk;
Chevrier, Luc; (613) 948-4464; ; Project Coordinator; PC&A-ACP
Chevrier, Sylvie; (819) 941-5616; ; Manager; TS-ST
Chénard, Guy-Michel; (514) 451-6711; ; BSTATD-DFSFCC
Chénier, Christiane; (613) 957-4463; ; P&CS-SP&C
Chénier, Nicole; (613) 941-0893; ; Office Manager; II&SS-SIP&S
Chi, Bill; (613) 946-4070; ; SA/-BCC
Chiabai, Diana; (613) 957-2475; ; Document and Information Processing
Chiasson, Linda; (613) 946-2352; ; Manager; RMS-SGR
Chickorie-Dyal, Chinta; (613) 954-6320; ; Secretary; CT&CPS-SLT&P
Chikhlia, Devesh; (613) 941-0583; ; IPIL/IMS-SIGP/SGR
Childers, Elizabeth; (613) 952-1261; ; Manager; SBAAPP&C-PCAFCSD
Chin, Murray; (905) 676-2864; ; Finance Officer; GTAD-DGTD
Chiocchio, Antonietta; (613) 957-1526; ; Senior Technical Applications
Chisholm, Amy; (613) 948-7845; ; BCSG-GBSAC
Chisholm, Blair; (613) 957-3590; ; Assistant Coordinator; FI-SSIF
Chisholm, Karen; (613) 957-2473; ; Technical Support; LSS-SSR
Chivaza-Ruhana, Mirindi; (613) 946-5204; ; Analyst; EES-AEME
Choi, Louise; (613) 952-6226; ; FFT/SUP-FFE/SOU
Choi, Po Chun; (613) 952-8340; ; HRRI-RRHI
Chopra, Bhanu; (613) 991-0588; ; Finance Officer; RO-BR
Chopra, Madhu; (613) 954-0954; ; CU-UC
Choquette, Dick; (613) 952-5343; ; Program Officer; HR&MOPS-SO&PPRFM
Choros, Elizabeth; (613) 954-7843; ; Internal Auditor; C/HR-D/RH
Chou, Hans; (613) 952-4664; ; Officer; PPU-UPP
Choudhri, Rizwana; (613) 952-9327; ; BDS-SENE
Chouinard, Lee; (613) 941-6647; ; EIS-SDRI
Choulguine, Nathalie; (613) 946-2230; ; DSS-SSÉ
Chow, Carl; (613) 952-1776; ; Programmer/Analyst; RPC-RPC
Chow, Maggie; (613) 952-3406; ; Officer; FSS-SSABL
Chowdhury, Asad; (416) 954-1353; ; TAS-SAPC
Chrenowski, Anatoli J; (613) 954-6723; ; IS-SI
Chrenowski, Anna; (613) 948-0242; ; ITH-CSTI
Chrétien, Chantal; (613) 941-8866; ; Officer, TOM; DDS-SDD
Christensen, Marilyn; (613) 941-5013; ; CDS-SGRAS
Christian, Robert; (613) 946-0832; ; Project Leader; PAY/NR-PAY/NR
Christiansen, Calvin; (613) 954-4491; ; DO-BD
Christinidis, Lisa; (613) 946-7654; ; Administrative Assistant; DO-BD
Christmas, Cindy; (613) 952-9264; ; Officer; AA-AA
Alan Baggett
2004-03-07 17:47:24 UTC
How about someone making a webpage complete with photos of the tax
collectors. Nothing like knowing who are 'servants' are, since we the
taxpayer are their true employers.
If you did that they might get upset with you!
Alan Baggett
2004-03-07 17:49:32 UTC
Chrzanowska, Zofia; (613) 941-3016; ; DS-SD
Chu, Anita; (416) 973-6753; ; TAS-SAPC
Chua, Suzanie; (613) 957-2115; ; IS-SOI
Chudzik, Heather; (613) 957-1366; ; BRS-SIE
Chun, Michael; (613) 957-7289; ; P&PII-P&PII
Chung, Jimmy; (613) 954-1303; ; CSPS-SPSO
Chung, Mina; (613) 941-4422; ; RA-RA
Chung-Lim, Herbert; (613) 941-1347; ; AS-SE
Churcher, Pat; (613) 957-2283; ; Manager; CDS-SDC
Churchill, Marjorie; (613) 948-0949; ; R&SISI-LSSII
Ciarlo, Jon; (613) 957-3654; ; NS-SR
Cieplak, Henry; (613) 954-4377; ; Special Project Officer; PPMS-SGPP
Cierpicki, Ken; (613) 957-4460; ; Director; DO-BD
Cioccio, Paul; (613) 954-8245; ; HRB-DGRH
Ciravolo, Frank; (613) 946-3459; ; PTBS-SPPT
Cirka, Cheryl; (613) 954-0973; ; GI-GI
Cizmar-Pynn, Christine; (613) 953-1066; ; Project Leader; SA-CN
Coady, Joanne; (613) 946-3394; ; IT Specialist; PMS-SGR
Coates, Martha; (613) 957-2040; ; Manager; IRS-SDR
Coates, Peter; (613) 952-7278; ; Programmer/Analyst; BCCS-SCE
Cochrane, Carol; (613) 957-9335; ; SAS/TCA/SPC; PSS-SST
Cochrane, Dan; (613) 952-1300; ; Programmer/Analyst; ITS-SSII
Cochrane, Jim; (613) 946-3991; ; Officer; ENM-SRÉ
Cochrane, Ken J; (613) 954-8983; ; Assistant Commissioner and CIO;
Cochrane, Kevin; (613) 946-1240; ; DDE-DDE
Cochrane, Will; (613) 991-4767; ; Internal Auditor; R/IA-VI/R
Codaire, Julie-Anne; (613) 954-1415; ; PR-RP
Coderre, Bob; (613) 941-3240; ; SA-AS
Coderre, Caroline; (613) 946-1455; ; Counsel; LS-SJ
Coderre, Caroline H.; (613) 957-2008; ; BIS-SRVE
Coderre, Hélène; (613) 957-9193; ; Acquisitions Clerk; CDS-SDC
Coderre, Michel; (450) 451-6711 (3100); ; Technical Trainer;
Coderre, Wendy; (613) 952-2684; ; IIS-SRVP
Cody, Al; (403) 344-2061; ; COUTTS-COUTTS
Cody, Margaret; (613) 994-1119; ; Director; DO-BD
Coffey, Christine; (613) 954-8323; ; Director; DO-BD
Coffey, Paul; (613) 957-7720; ; BRS-SIE
Coffin, Dan; (613) 954-7573; ; Director General, Training and Learning
Directorate; DGO-BDG
Coffin, Robert; (613) 957-9512; ; Manager; NAU-UNA
Coggins, Judith; (613) 954-9155; ; Contractor; T2/CDP-T2/CPD
Cohen, Carling; (416) 973-1794; ; TAS-SAPC
Cohen, Deborah; (613) 957-7412; ; SD-DS
Cohen, Paul; (613) 957-4476; ; A/Manager; CPP/EI-RPC/AE
Colasante, John; (613) 946-1160; ; BS-SGTPLEDP
Colbert, Sue; (613) 948-5590; ; Assistant Director; HTT-ÉTR
Colbert, Sue; (613) 957-8507; ; Team Leader; MM-GM
Colby, Peter; (905) 615-2116; ; Director, Information Technology;
Cole, Alain; (613) 941-7896; ; CSS-SSÀC
Cole, Edith; (902) 432-5501; ; SNO-AS
Cole, Garry; (613) 946-5504; ; RCS-SCR
Cole, Jack; (613) 952-1658; ; Project Leader; DC-DC
Cole, John; (613) 952-0251; ; Officer; PTSS-SPST
Cole, Joyce; (416) 973-1749; ; TAS-SAPC
Cole, Melissa (Yes that Melissa Cole); (613) 957-9830; ; DSS-SSÉ
2004-04-15 02:09:36 UTC
How about someone making a webpage complete with photos of the tax
collectors. Nothing like knowing who are 'servants' are, since we the
taxpayer are their true employers.
Just one more LIE from Jenuth the Liar. CCRA is EMPLOYED as an AGENT
for and by the Queen. She is the "employer". "Taxpayers" however are
NOT the "employer" but mere "subjects" of the Queen, SERVANTS within a
TAXSLAVE PLANTATION. Stop with the lies and tell it like it is

Post by Alan Baggett
(Not that Don Cherry?)
Cherry, Don; (613) 941-1841; ; BPS-SPE
Cherryholme, Sylive; (613) 954-6143; ; Administrative Assistant to the
Assistant Commissioner; ACO-BSC
Chester, Claire; (416) 723-1133; ; TOR-EAST-TOR-EAST
Cheung, Celia; (613) 941-4809; ; DQS-SQD
Cheung, Christina; (416) 973-4154; ;
Cheung, Eddie; (819) 953-3590; ; FIP-SRDF
Cheung, Elise; (613) 941-0139; ; Program Officer; VS-SV
Chevalier, Angela; (613) 941-6365; ; Receptionist; ADO-BDA
Chevalier, Michel; (613) 941-3495; ; Officer; CMR-SRGD
Chevalier, Yves; (613) 941-3816; ; ROA-UDA
Chevrier, Andree; (613) 954-2927; ; Senior Staff Advisor; ACO-BSC
Chevrier, Carole; (613) 946-2731; ; Assistant; AB-DA
Chevrier, Karen; (613) 941-0798; ; Branch Correspondence Clerk;
Chevrier, Luc; (613) 948-4464; ; Project Coordinator; PC&A-ACP
Chevrier, Sylvie; (819) 941-5616; ; Manager; TS-ST
Chenard, Guy-Michel; (514) 451-6711; ; BSTATD-DFSFCC
Chenier, Christiane; (613) 957-4463; ; P&CS-SP&C
Chenier, Nicole; (613) 941-0893; ; Office Manager; II&SS-SIP&S
Chi, Bill; (613) 946-4070; ; SA/-BCC
Chiabai, Diana; (613) 957-2475; ; Document and Information Processing
Chiasson, Linda; (613) 946-2352; ; Manager; RMS-SGR
Chickorie-Dyal, Chinta; (613) 954-6320; ; Secretary; CT&CPS-SLT&P
Chikhlia, Devesh; (613) 941-0583; ; IPIL/IMS-SIGP/SGR
Childers, Elizabeth; (613) 952-1261; ; Manager; SBAAPP&C-PCAFCSD
Chin, Murray; (905) 676-2864; ; Finance Officer; GTAD-DGTD
Chiocchio, Antonietta; (613) 957-1526; ; Senior Technical Applications
Chisholm, Amy; (613) 948-7845; ; BCSG-GBSAC
Chisholm, Blair; (613) 957-3590; ; Assistant Coordinator; FI-SSIF
Chisholm, Karen; (613) 957-2473; ; Technical Support; LSS-SSR
Chivaza-Ruhana, Mirindi; (613) 946-5204; ; Analyst; EES-AEME
Choi, Louise; (613) 952-6226; ; FFT/SUP-FFE/SOU
Choi, Po Chun; (613) 952-8340; ; HRRI-RRHI
Chopra, Bhanu; (613) 991-0588; ; Finance Officer; RO-BR
Chopra, Madhu; (613) 954-0954; ; CU-UC
Choquette, Dick; (613) 952-5343; ; Program Officer; HR&MOPS-SO&PPRFM
Choros, Elizabeth; (613) 954-7843; ; Internal Auditor; C/HR-D/RH
Chou, Hans; (613) 952-4664; ; Officer; PPU-UPP
Choudhri, Rizwana; (613) 952-9327; ; BDS-SENE
Chouinard, Lee; (613) 941-6647; ; EIS-SDRI
Choulguine, Nathalie; (613) 946-2230; ; DSS-SSE
Chow, Carl; (613) 952-1776; ; Programmer/Analyst; RPC-RPC
Chow, Maggie; (613) 952-3406; ; Officer; FSS-SSABL
Chowdhury, Asad; (416) 954-1353; ; TAS-SAPC
Chrenowski, Anatoli J; (613) 954-6723; ; IS-SI
Chrenowski, Anna; (613) 948-0242; ; ITH-CSTI
Chretien, Chantal; (613) 941-8866; ; Officer, TOM; DDS-SDD
Christensen, Marilyn; (613) 941-5013; ; CDS-SGRAS
Christian, Robert; (613) 946-0832; ; Project Leader; PAY/NR-PAY/NR
Christiansen, Calvin; (613) 954-4491; ; DO-BD
Christinidis, Lisa; (613) 946-7654; ; Administrative Assistant; DO-BD
Christmas, Cindy; (613) 952-9264; ; Officer; AA-AA
Alan Baggett
2004-04-01 04:15:04 UTC
Time to sit back and relax with a nice J.

Jabboury, Laila; (613) 952-7498; ; EMSS-SSGE
Jablonski, Brad; (613) 946-7939; ; GIV-GIV
Jack, Amanda; (613) 952-3989; ; Administrative Assistant; DSS-SSMEO
Jack, Karen; (613) 952-2833; ; Learning Services Analyst; DO-BD
Jackson, Dave; (613) 952-9843; ; Project Leader; CDT-ÉDP
Jackson, Eric; (613) 941-7297; ; IDCC\#-IDPEC\#
Jackson, John; (905) 566-6164; ; Director; TWTS-SFTO
Jackson, Lori; (819) 994-4355; ; RS-SD
Jackson, Mary Anne; (613) 957-8523; ; Secretariat Coordinator; PDSO-BÉPS
Jackson, Murray; (613) 954-7170; ; Manager; DCG-MCD
Jackson, Paul; (613) 954-5207; ; Programmer; TDSS-SDST
Jackson, Susan; (613) 952-8858; ; Policy Analyst; BDS-SENE
Jackson, Valerie; (613) 957-3608; ; Technical Applications Officer; PM&OS-SGOP
Jacob, Mathew; (416) 973-8928; ; TAS-SAPC
Jacobson, Jay; (613) 957-9748; ; Senior Advisor; C/L/A/P-O/J/A/P
Jacques, Claire; (450) 246-2272; ; Director; MDC-DMS
Jacques, Pierre-Yves; (450) 928-5713; ; Officer; PB&SPS-SPB&PS
Jadan, Kres; (613) 954-9436; ; Manager; SH&OPS-SPMLO
Jaenen, Brenda; (613) 952-7369; ; Systems Analyst; CNMCA-APNCO
Jaenen, John; (613) 946-5363; ; Senior Officer; P&TS-SP&F
Jairath, Deepak; (613) 952-2791; ; HRB-DGRH
Jakovich, Drazen; (613) 954-1388; ; Web Development Officer; IOS-SOI
Jalbert, Chantal; (613) 957-7656; ; Director; DO-BD
Jalbert, Mathieu; (819) 994-5341; ; CII-CII
Jamarani, Farzan; (613) 957-9399; ; Specialist; NTSSS-SSNST
James, Beverly; (613) 954-4289; ; Officer; MHCS-MSS
James, Joyel; (613) 954-1298; ; SMART-SSP
James, Kay; (613) 941-1109; ; NTSSS-SSNST
James, Keith; (613) 946-5403; ; BPS-SPE
James, Lise; (613) 952-1797; ; BCASD-CDG&SA
Jamieson, Allan; (613) 954-5750; ; A/Senior Programs Officer; IVS-SVR
Jamieson, Darlene; (613) 946-4097; ; SPC-PSC
Jamil, Muhammad; (819) 994-1065; ; A/Senior System Analyst and Design; SA-CN
Janarthanan, Srinivasan; (613) 952-0351; ; DDE-DDE
Jane, Alan; (613) 957-2363; ; Senior Counsel; LS-SJ
Janecek, Monica; (613) 957-7461; ; Manager; MTP-PSG
Janega, David; (819) 994-2270; ; G&PM-BPTV
Janes, Judy; (613) 941-5976; ; Officer; CLLS-SCLA
Janssen, Catharine; (613) 952-9282; ; CCSI-SCMI
Janssen, Gerry; (613) 957-7213; ; ITA/GIV-AMI/GIV
Janveau, Kim; (613) 957-7240; ; Business Analyst; RS-SR
Jarrett, Jenny; (613) 954-6293; ; Legal Assistant; LS-SJ
Jaworski, Peter; (613) 954-7616; ; CAS-SEC
Jean, Madeleine; (613) 954-7177; ; Senior Program Officer; POL-POL
Jean, Pierre; (613) 941-2555; ; Manager; AAS-SAAS
Jean-Louis, Loméga; (613) 941-3681; ; Linguistic Services Clerk; ESSS-SSSÀD
Jean-Louis, Michel; (613) 946-4163; ; AU-UA
Jean-Venne, Danielle; (613) 948-4847; ; Associate Director General; DGO-BDG
Jeannotte, Gilles; (819) 994-1151; ; ADS-SAD
Jedlinski, Justin; (613) 954-6336; ; FP-PAÀF
Jeffrey, Cameron; (613) 954-8199; ; Assistant Director; TAM-FVC
Jeffrey, Norm; (613) 946-5264; ; Director; DO-BD
Jenkerson, Lynne; (613) 948-4442; ; A/Team Leader; BCASD-CDG&SA
Jenkins, Betty-Jean; (403) 341-7096; ; REDDEER-REDDEER
Jenkins, Gregg; (613) 952-0482; ; BAS-SC
Jenkins, Leslie-Anne; (613) 952-3836; ; Clerk; DGO-BDG
Alan Baggett
2004-04-01 20:00:46 UTC
Jennings, Donna; (613) 952-1239; ; Designer/Programmer; NI-NI
Jennings, Janet; (819) 953-8814; ; AB-CB
Jennings, Renée; (613) 957-7555; ; RRS-SRR
Jennings, Stephanie; (613) 562-6169; ; A/Manager; IQA&PM-IAQGP
Jennings, Stéphanie; (613) 954-5159; ; Auditor; IT/DA-TI/AD
Jensen, Benda; (613) 957-7482; ; BRES-SCOE
Jensen, Brenda; (613) 952-0839; ; T1/T3 Correspondence; ANS-SAC
Jessome, Gerry; (613) 946-5429; ; OLPS-PAP
Jessup, Barbara; (613) 995-2960; ; Special Assistant, Correspondence;
Jette, Denis; (613) 952-8184; ; Analyst; BA/POC-CE/SPC
Jette, Diane; (613) 954-0999; ; DET-DÉC
Jetté, Marie-France; (613) 941-6759; ; Technical Applications Officer;
Jiang, Jennifer; (613) 952-9867; ; EDS-SAE
Jivraj, Mohamud; (613) 941-1489; ; CP-PO
Jno-Finn, Georgia; (613) 948-0257; ; Administrative Assistant; ITD-TID
Joanis, Chantal; (613) 941-5746; ; OSS-SSED
Joanis, Lucie; (613) 957-9954; ; Administrative Assistant; EPS-STÉ and
Jocelyn, Steeve; (613) 941-1671; ; Linguistic Services Officer; MS-SG
Jocko, Derek; (613) 952-1974; ; HIDS-SIRD&S
Jodouin, Béatrice; (613) 954-4391; ; Database Administrator; EISU-USIE
Jodouin, Louise; (613) 957-7332; ; FC/ECDS-SCF/DCE
Johannes, Norm; (416) 973-1649; ; TAS-SAPC
John, Nolan; (613) 952-9246; ; CAS-SCS
John, Stephen; (613) 952-8391; ; Officer; SD-DS
Johnson, Carol; (613) 954-8450; ; FSS-SSABL
Johnson, Christina; (613) 952-0504; ; INF-INF
Johnson, Debra; (613) 946-1599; ; EPS-SPE
Johnson, Gilberte; (613) 957-9416; ; Administrative Assistant; DO-BD
Johnson, Lorraine; (613) 952-9283; ; CCSI-SCMI
Johnson, Lucie; (613) 957-2111; ; U\#I-U\#I
Johnson, Russell; (613) 957-0032; ; ECAS-SÀVCÉ
Johnson, Sharon; (416) 973-8623; ; TAS-SAPC
Johnson, Steve; (613) 952-7483; ; Manager; EIP-PÉR
Johnston, Gary; (613) 952-2606; ; IS-SI
Johnston, Geneviève; (613) 954-7032; ; A/Secretary; DGO-BDG
Johnston, Joe; (613) 957-4461; ; Senior Policy Advisor; P&CS-SP&C
Johnston, John; (905) 994-6000; ; Director, Customs Border Services,
Fort Erie; FO-OF
Johnston, Linda; (613) 954-9304; ; CUS-BR
Johnston, Lorna; (613) 941-7384; ; IDCC\#-IDPEC\#
Johnston, Lynn; (613) 957-0620; ; A/Manager; CS-ÉO
Joiner, Nigel; (613) 562-6222; ; CTD-DTO
Jolicoeur, Carol; (613) 946-2678; ; Advisor; MTP-PSG
Jolicoeur, Eric; (613) 957-4017; ; LDS-SIRU
Jolie, Phil; (613) 957-2083; ; Assistant Director; ITLA-ALP
Joly, Diane; (613) 957-3709; ; Ministerial Correspondence; ACO-BSC
Joly, Jeanneine; (613) 946-2757; ; IIS-SRVP
Joly, Martin; (613) 941-4789; ; Manager; BLASP-ACCG
Joly, Nathalie; (613) 941-2046; ; Senior Rulings Officer; FIU-UIF
Jones, Barbara; (613) 957-9834; ; Senior Project Advisor; PMO-BP
Jones, Bonnie; (613) 948-0623; ; Project Leader; SAIPD-DADS
Jones, Brian C; (613) 954-6844; ; Director; DO-BD
Jones, Doug; (613) 957-0860; ; Officer, Matching; VS-SV
Jones, Duncan; (613) 952-9210; ; Manager; FIU-UIF
Jones, Ernie; (613) 946-2043; ; PRAS-SÉRER
Jones, Graham; (613) 957-4396; ; GIFI/NISA/Stats Can/TC Realignment;
Jones, Jean; (613) 946-4975; ; Director; DO-BD
Alan Baggett
2004-04-03 04:10:12 UTC
The end of the J's

Jones, Karen; (613) 957-7418; ; IIS-SRVP
Jones, Ray; (613) 957-7780; ; Director General; DGO-BDG
Jones, Susan; (613) 941-2855; ; CS-SO
Jorcano, Ana Maria; (416) 973-6386; ; TAS-SAPC
Jordan, Mike; (613) 954-6990; ; Director General; DGO-BDG
Joseph, Carol; (613) 948-1518; ; EPS-SPE
Joseph, Naica; (613) 946-1251; ; TMBI-IMBI
Jovic, Momo; (613) 941-9367; ; Contractor; T2/CDP-T2/CPD
Jovovic, Zoran; (819) 953-6193; ; G/H/AC-VRT-T
Joy, Joel; (819) 997-6722; ; CI-CI
Joynt, Beth; (613) 990-8091; ; AD-DA
Juett, Fred; (613) 941-6930; ; HRP Consultant; HRPS-SPRH
Julian, Francine; (613) 954-6871; ; Officer; DDS-SRD
Julian, Joseph; (819) 994-1068; ; TAG/III-CTG/III
Julien, Dany; (613) 954-7857; ; Internal Auditor; C/HR-D/RH
Julien, Diane; (613) 952-1689; ; BAS-SC
Julien, Diane; (613) 952-3049; ; PSS-SSP
Julien, France; (613) 954-9507; ; AAS-SAAS
Jundi, Ahmad; (819) 994-2789; ; BO-SL
Juneau, Joe; (613) 952-8999; ; Team Leader; AISS-SSÀIA
Juneau, Marie-Claude; (613) 941-6865; ; A/Director; DO-BD
Jurewicz, Irene; (613) 941-5108; ; RMS-SGR
Jutras, Kim; (613) 946-7644; ; CS-SO
Alan Baggett
2004-04-04 03:50:59 UTC
More or less, here begin the Special K's

Kabongo, Kanyinda Jean; (819) 994-1077; ; SA-CN
Kadima, Isabelle; (613) 954-9156; ; Junior Programmer; BA/POC-CE/SPC
Kadziolka, Andrew; (613) 941-5008; ; DDS-SSB
Kaeding, Patricia; (613) 941-0365; ; BES-SAP
Kaefer, Patricia; (613) 957-7212; ; Manager; LSS-SSL
Kahlon, Maninder Pal; (613) 997-1476; ; NCB-D-PNE-D
Kalabric, Mario; (613) 941-5279; ; Manager; PO-BP
Kalabric, Mario; (819) 997-2495; ; Manager; TB-EB
Kalabric, Rosanne; (613) 957-8515; ; Editor; IS-SI
Kalampukattu, George; (613) 948-0431; ; DCI-IAC
Kalb, Cindy; (613) 957-3024; ; A/Manager; CP-PO
Kaleta, Arnold; (613) 948-0331; ; Team Leader; DA-AD
Kalicak, Jerry; (416) 973-1762; ; TAS-SAPC
Kalidindi, Satyanarayana; (613) 952-1759; ; EMSS-SSGE
Kalmakoff, Lawrence; (613) 941-7685; ; Project Leader; BDT-ÉDB
Kamal, Arshad; (613) 941-9360; ; Programmer; T2/CDP-T2/CPD
Kaminska, Michalina; (613) 954-8339; ; SD-DS
Kan, Julie; (613) 941-7719; ; DS&D-SDR
Kanary, Dianne; (613) 941-6992; ; Officer; PPD-ÉPP
Kanasy, Rob; (613) 948-1258; ; ART-ÉRA
Kanji, Shamir; (613) 952-0075; ; DS&D-SDR
Kaoklueb, Huttaya; (613) 954-1586; ; EMDT-ÉMT
Kapoor, Ramesh; (613) 954-0413; ; GI-GI
Kapusty, Ian; (613) 948-4462; ; Business Analyst; BSAS-SASE
Kara, Zahir; (613) 952-6304; ; CS&D-CSD
Karapalidis, Steve; (416) 954-4932; ; TAS-SAPC
Karegeya, Aloys; (613) 946-4933; ; Analyst; DWAS-SDAE
Karim, Edna; (613) 941-0623; ; CLS-SL
Karis, Richard; (613) 954-8521; ; SBM-MSS
Karl, Catherine; (613) 954-9375; ; T1PR-T1PR
Karl, Stephen; (613) 952-5177; ; TMBI-IMBI
Karpowicz, Lucy; (613) 946-3429; ; GIII-GIII
Kasbey, Sandra; (613) 941-0040; ; CVMS-SCGV
Kaspardlov, Kurt; (613) 957-1861; ; PDI-OEP
Kathmann, Leslie; (613) 946-4530; ; Senior Advisor; SRO-ORT
Kauffman, Ross; (613) 941-8169; ; ILA-ALI
Kauppinen, Gord; (613) 957-8971; ; AAS-SAA
Kavanagh, Bill; (613) 954-9118; ; Project Leader; T2/CDP-T2/CPD
Kawaja, Graham; (613) 952-1828; ; Team Leader; CDAS-SMSOF
Kay, Renée; (613) 954-6231; ; CA-CI
Kaya, Ozdem; (819) 994-1074; ; Programmer; FIP-SRDF
Kaye, Barbara; (613) 957-9194; ; Manager; CSS-SSÀC
Keable, George; (613) 957-2046; ; TS-SF
Kearnan, Joanne; (613) 995-2960; ; Communications Assistant;
Kearns, Judy; (613) 957-9344; ; T1 Reassessment Systems; T!AS-SRT1
Keddy, John; (613) 952-7040; ; CAS-SEC
Keen, Bruce; (416) 973-5975; ; TAS-SAPC
Keffer, Margit; (613) 954-3704; ; Linguistic Services Officer;
Keindel, Cathy; (613) 954-7933; ; Officer; QAU-UAQ
Kelland, Gordon; (709) 772-2225; ; Assistant Director, Corporation
Keller, Godfrey; (613) 954-7877; ; Project Leader; IT/DA-TI/AD
Kelly, Carmen; (613) 941-3088; ; PA-PA
Kelly, Diane; (416) 973-6754; ; TAS-SAPC
Kelly, Jim; (819) 953-6214; ; CCM/DCAP-GCE/ASE
Kelly, Judith; (613) 954-7318; ; Administrative Assistant; AS/C-SA/C
Kelly, Lisa; (613) 954-6691; ; Administative Assistant; LR-RT
Alan Baggett
2004-04-04 18:08:10 UTC
Kelly, Marlene; (613) 948-5293; ; Manager; EDS-SDE
Kelly, Nancy; (613) 957-9336; ; Manager; LS-SL
Kelly, Patty; (613) 941-6781; ; SD-DS
Kelly, Peter; (613) 952-9765; ; Team Leader; DCEF-TÉSD
Kelly, Randall; (613) 948-0952; ; Analyst; RS-SL
Kelly, Ronald; (819) 953-3120; ; CI-CI
Kelsey, Reid; (613) 952-5702; ; A/Team Leader; OS(F)-SO(F)
Kember, Leah; (613) 952-2062; ; Officer; ONU-UNO
Kemp, Geneviève; (613) 995-8478; ; TSP-STT
Kemp, Janet; (613) 941-2051; ; Editor; IS-SI
Kemper, Colleen; (613) 957-9364; ; IPS-SPP
Kendrew, Tammy; (613) 952-1257; ; Officer; CP-PC
Kendrew, Tammy-Elizabeth; (613) 952-1785; ; PSS-SSAP
Kendrick, Dan; (613) 948-3418; ; RAS-SCR
Kennaway, Jeff; (613) 946-6181; ; PIAAI-IVAPR
Kennedy, Cathy; (613) 946-7089; ; Web Publications Officer; EIS-SDRI
Kennedy, Kathy; (613) 952-6849; ; W&AS-CT&SA
Kennedy, Kelly; (613) 946-2258; ; Junior Training Officer; DDS-SCÉ
Kennedy, Neil; (613) 952-6185; ; Senior Program Officer; CIC-EPC
Kennedy, Patrick; (613) 952-4307; ; DO-BD
Kennedy, Robin; (613) 948-7863; ; Senior Program Advisor; CIC-EPC
Kennedy, Virginia; (613) 957-8114; ; Project Officer; SCCS-SCGCC
Kennett, James Robert; (613) 952-7280; ; Programmer/Analyst; BCCS-SCE
Kenney, Lucie; (613) 954-7352; ; Planning and Analysis Officer; ADM-ADM
Kenny, Jeff; (613) 952-6714; ; Programmer/Designer; JAV-JAV
Kenny, Peter; (819) 953-9858; ; IC-IS
Kenny, Petra; (613) 952-6241; ; Director; ACIT-CRI
Kent, John; (905) 308-8598; ; Assistant Director, GST/HST Rulings; HTSO-BSFH
Kenway, Michelle; (613) 952-5699; ; Analyst; JAV-JAV
Kenyon, Cindy; (613) 941-0341; ; Officer; ACROSS-SSMAEC
Keohane, Michael; (819) 953-6912; ; CCM/DCAP-GCE/ASE
Keon, Mike; (613) 952-9146; ; Project Officer; FD/OI-ÉF/RED
Keough, Andreine; (613) 952-1393; ; ROV-UDV
Keoughan, Raymond; (416) 973-1771; ; TAS-SAPC
Keravel, Bernard; (613) 952-6487; ; Project Leader; E/GII-C/GII
Kerkhoven, Tracy; (613) 954-7225; ; Officer; PPD-ÉPP
Kern, Leslie; (613) 948-0510; ; IS-SI
Kern, Sylvia; (613) 952-3793; ; Senior Program Officer; PIU-UIP
Kerr, Bill; (613) 948-6978; ; Senior Analyst; B&PR-B&RR
Kerr, Ron; (613) 946-3324; ; PLA-ALP
Kerr, Valerie; (613) 946-0991; ; RS-SREÉR
Kerr, Wayne; (613) 990-8087; ; AD-DA
Kerr-Perrott, Deirdre; (613) 957-9270; ; A/Director General; DGO-BDG
Kerwin, Theresa; (613) 952-5204; ; Officer; ACROSS-SSMAEC
Kes, Sharon; (613) 941-6782; ; SA&CMD-DGC&AS
Keshvani, Shiraj; (613) 941-2793; ; CASUI-USACUI
Kessler, Jason; (613) 948-1094; ; Senior Program Officer; IRC(S)-IRR(S)
Kettles, Lorna; (613) 948-0289; ; Assistant Director; ITD-TID
Kettles, Sarah; (613) 941-2275; ; VG-GV
Keuleman, Todd; (613) 946-1207; ; T1PR-T1PR
Key, Claudine; (613) 954-0044; ; P&CD-DP&C
Keyes, Sharlene; (613) 954-6885; ; Officer; TIR-ECR
Khakhria, Bharat; (613) 954-4982; ; Webmaster/Communication Analyst; DGO-BDG
Khalaf, Batoul; (613) 957-3877; ; TSS-SST
Khalil, Mourad; (819) 953-5502; ; Programmer/Analyst; G/HRIM-GDT/T
Khalili, San; (613) 957-2011; ; SIS-SIS
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2004-04-05 17:49:56 UTC
Khan, Aftab; (613) 941-6603; ; MCS-SCM
Khan, Mine; (819) 952-1370; ; TP-PT
Khan, Saira; (613) 952-5344; ; Senior Project Officer; PPS-SPP
Khanna, Arun; (905) 803-7341; ; Regional Internal Audit Manager; SORO-BRSO
Khidir, Sadaddin; (819) 941-6728; ; TPII-PTII
Khoja, Zarina; (613) 952-7345; ; OSS-SSED
Khosla, Toddy; (819) 941-6711; ; TP-PT
Kianfar, Pooneh; (613) 954-9261; ; Programmer/Analyst; BA/POC-CE/SPC
Kidd, Maureen; (613) 954-0931; ; Director General; DGO-BDG
Kidman, Bob; (613) 946-1230; ; A/Project Leader; BRA-BRA
Kiefl, John; (613) 957-8690; ; Manager; RWP-PME
Kilbertus, Eric; (613) 957-9704; ; Director; DO-BD
Kiley, Carole; (613) 946-8676; ; Officer; FA-SFA
Killeen, Richard; (613) 954-7236; ; Manager; AP-PA
Killins, Tracy; (613) 941-4509; ; ID&TT-IDÉT
Killins, Tracy; (613) 952-3827; ; ASD-DSA
Kimmerly, Pamela; (819) 997-5473; ; G/HREB-REMT/T
Kinal, Normand; (613) 941-3512; ; Officer; PTSS-SPST
Kinastowski, Wladyslaw; (613) 941-7854; ; Assistant Director; POREAD-DROPAEP
Kinch, Thomas; (819) 997-0307; ; CI-CI
King, Corinne; (613) 946-1408; ; Officer; CPP-CPR
King, Diane; (613) 954-1161; ; CAS-SSÀC
King, Judy; (613) 957-6848; ; Project Leader; IBC-CAI
King, Natalie; (613) 957-7025; ; DSS-SSÉ
King, Tom; (613) 952-8389; ; Officer; GR-RG
Kingsbury, Anne; (613) 946-3463; ; Officer; ERE-RLA
Kingsbury, Lucie; (613) 941-2763; ; IS-SI
Kingsley, Christine; (613) 941-6821; ; Manager; SD&LS-SES&A
Kingsley, James; (613) 946-4117; ; Team Leader; IT-TI
Kingston, John; (613) 957-2235; ; ITA/GIV-AMI/GIV
Kinney, Darrell; (613) 952-9898; ; TE&OSDS-SABDVESO
Kinsman, Louise; (613) 946-2284; ; A/Director; HRB-DGRH
Kinsman, Roger; (613) 957-7771; ; DO-BD
Kipp, Raun; (613) 941-5282; ; Senior Policy Officer; A&RS-SR&R
Kirby, Greg; (613) 946-7556; ; CS-SO
Kirby, Karen; (613) 954-7879; ; Project Leader; C/HR-D/RH
Kirby, Randall; (613) 954-8032; ; BRES-SCOE
Kirk, Tanya; (613) 954-0273; ; Administrative Project Officer; DSD-DSAD
Kirkey, Ginette; (613) 946-0224; ; Compensation Policy Officer; COM-REM
Kirkey, Mark; (613) 941-2842; ; CASUII-USACUII
Kirkham, Gerard; (613) 957-7550; ; OLPS-PAP
Kirkland, Stephanie; (613) 941-3123; ; A/Manager; PP&RS-PP&SR
Kirkpatrick, Elisa; (613) 948-0960; ; Project Leader; RS-SL
Kirkwood, Gregory J.; (613) 954-6002; ; OLPS-PAP
Kirton, Neil; (613) 952-9687; ; CDT-ÉDP
Kirwan, Debbie; (613) 946-1260; ; RS-SREÉR
Kisil, Bob; (613) 941-4528; ; CAS-SAE
Kissner, Kimberly; (613) 941-6332; ; SA&CMD-DGC&AS
Kissner, Susan; (613) 952-9213; ; Officer; STU-UTS
Kissner, Tom; (613) 952-1942; ; Manager; CCS-SCC
Kitcher, Emmanuel; (613) 954-4279; ; SD-DS
Kittridge, Sue; (613) 952-7908; ; EMSS-SSGE
Kiwanuka, Latimer; (613) 957-7340; ; SA&CMD-DGC&AS
Kiyogoma, Valery; (613) 948-1178; ; Program Officer; IA-AI
Klaus, Eric; (613) 954-7289; ; Officer; DSM-DSM
Klein, Maurice; (613) 946-7645; ; Director; DO-BD
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2004-04-06 02:31:37 UTC
Kleinman, Elliotte; (416) 954-2261; ; TAS-SAPC
Klimchuk, Sue; (613) 957-8928; ; E&ES-DR&SE
Kline, Anne; (613) 946-1507; ; Senior Program Advisor; PIU-UIP
Kluchert, Pierre; (613) 952-5685; ; CS&D-CSD
Kluke, Tamara; (613) 957-7624; ; A/Program Assistant; MTP-PSG
Knaap, Diane; (613) 957-3877; ; TSS-SST
Knapp, Jennifer; (613) 952-3582; ; Analyst; BA/POC-CE/SPC
Kneisly, Kathy; (613) 948-0922; ; Analyst; R&SISI-LSSII
Knight, Greg; (613) 957-7267; ; Business Analyst; RS-SR
Knight, Kim; (613) 954-9820; ; Production Support Analyst; OSH-SOH
Knight, Kirk; (613) 952-1529; ; Officer; II-CIS
Knorr, Don; (613) 952-7973; ; SPS-SPS
Knott, Tom; (613) 952-7489; ; RMS-SGR
Knott, Vince; (416) 973-1731; ; TAS-SAPC
Knox, Audrey; (613) 957-1500; ; Administrative Assistant to Director; DO-BD
Knox, Joan; (613) 954-1544; ; PEN-PEN
Kobolak, Thomas; (613) 954-6319; ; PDS-SÉP
Kobylansky, Lyda; (613) 952-6289; ; CS&D-CSD
Koci, Magali; (613) 946-5345; ; Clerk; PB&SPS-SPB&PS
Kodybka, Richard; (613) 952-8747; ; Manager; CS-SO
Koebel, Gary; (613) 948-0411; ; Director; DO-BD
Koenders, Linda; (613) 941-5838; ; Project Officer; GRD-DRT
Koga, Don; (613) 954-9521; ; DMI-IGD
Koga, Don; (613) 954-9532; ; Manager; DWIG-GIED
Kohls, Vaughn; (613) 946-7946; ; GIV-GIV
Kohlsmith, Neil; (613) 948-0458; ; IE-SÉ
Kohnen, Philip; (613) 957-2093; ; DIPS-SRRD
Koiv, Lena; (613) 954-7851; ; Accounts Manager; FA/PA-FA/AP
Kokozaki, Kalim; (613) 952-6476; ; Analyst; CA-AC
Kolanko, Richard; (613) 948-5291; ; Director; DO-BD
Kolenc, Mary Ann; (613) 948-2224; ; G&CAI-IVR&RE
Kollar, Kathleen; (613) 941-6765; ; ROP-UDP
Komarnisky, Betty; (613) 952-2214; ; Officer; MCU-UCM
Komarnisky, David; (819) 994-3671; ; RPD-DRE
Komery, Mike; (613) 952-6806; ; A/Director; DO-BD
Kooshesh, Ali; (613) 952-5682; ; IDCC\#-IDPEC\#
Kopa, Eric; (613) 957-2724; ; Project Manager; AS-SSA
Koppenol, Jerry; (613) 957-7201; ; P&PI-P&PI
Korchak, Nick; (613) 946-5319; ; LPLS-SLLP
Korycan, Dasha; (613) 952-1645; ; AS-SSA
Kostjuk, Dwight; (613) 957-1175; ; Officer; AA-AA
Koulev, Igor; (613) 957-7797; ; CSS-SSÀC
Kourtakos, Carla; (613) 946-9195; ; Junior Programs Officer; AMSS-SSGA
Koutras, George; (613) 946-0208; ; AS-SSA
Kovac, Victor; (613) 948-0453; ; IE-SÉ
Kovacs, Shelly; (613) 954-5234; ; ESSS-SSSE
Kowalchuk, Eugene; (613) 952-8838; ; Manager; OTTRT-FEDTTR
Kowalski, John; (613) 957-3585; ; Deputy Assistant Commissioner; DAC-SCA
Kowalski, Rick; (613) 991-6246; ; Manager, Information Technology; IT-SI
Kowalski, Roman; (613) 952-6306; ; CS&D-CSD
Kralj, Mathieu; (613) 953-4109; ; AA-CA
Kramer, Kerry; (613) 946-1220; ; T1PR-T1PR
Kratz, Ann; (613) 954-7931; ; Officer; GOU-UOG
Kratz, Anne; (416) 954-4952; ; TAS-SAPC
Kreuger, Karla; (613) 952-6683; ; CAS-SSÀC
Kreuk, Maggie; (613) 948-4823; ; Officer; APINR-SIPVDP
Alan Baggett
2004-04-06 18:07:34 UTC
The end of the K's!

Krish, Raj; (613) 948-1512; ; QA&MS-SCAQ
Kropp, Colleen; (613) 957-7588; ; Team Leader; PED-DEP
Krowchuk, Terry; (613) 990-8092; ; AD-DA
Krzyzanowski, Jennifer; (613) 941-3876; ; IRS-SDR
Kuber, Bruce; (613) 952-9143; ; B&PCS-SSE
Kubusheskie, Kim; (613) 952-1750; ; CDAS-SMSOF
Kucher, Eugene; (613) 941-0868; ; Counsel; LS-SJ
Kucher, Robert; (819) 997-6721; ; Team Leader; CII-CII
Kuchma, Gail; (613) 952-8163; ; EPS-SPES
Kuchma, Gail; (613) 954-1633; ; Senior Programs Officer; TS-SF
Kucyk, Stephan; (613) 952-3377; ; CSPS-SPSO
Kuder, Robert; (613) 946-2931; ; AS-SSA
Kudryk, Brigitte; (416) 954-2086; ; TAS-SAPC
Kuehl, Marlene; (613) 941-1127; ; TOSS-SSET
Kuffner, Gloria; (613) 941-2870; ; A/Deputy Assistant Commissioner; DACO-BASC
Kuffner, Joe; (613) 954-0233; ; Director of Special Projects; DGO-BDG
Kugler, Ron; (613) 952-9932; ; TSD-DSV
Kuhnl, Steffnny; (819) 994-2669; ; FS-RFS
Kulik, Esther; (613) 952-4213; ; Director; DO-BD
Kuran, Dale; (613) 946-1205; ; A/Project Leader; T1PR-T1PR
Kurz, George; (613) 948-0325; ; PDA-ADRAP
Kuss, Tim; (613) 957-3647; ; DO-BD
Kusters, Ed; (613) 952-3614; ; AISS-SSÀIA
Kutchers, James; (905) 454-0357; ; TAS-SAPC
Kuttner, Amos; (613) 954-7864; ; Project Leader; FA/PA-FA/AP
Kuwornu, Yayra; (613) 954-7042; ; Officer; OVAU-UVO&EV
Kwan, Judy; (613) 941-1208; ; Programmer/Designer; T1/MS-GS/T1
Kwan, Julian; (613) 948-0882; ; Programmer/Analyst; DS-SIR
Kwan, Ken; (613) 941-9458; ; EID-DIÉ
Kwan, Patricia; (613) 946-1168; ; TXCAL-CALTX
Kwasniewski, Loretta; (613) 941-5406; ; IPIL/IMS-SIGP/SGR
Kyer, Carrine; (613) 946-4288; ; HRO-ORH
Kylas, Narsh; (819) 953-6172; ; GSTCR-ATPS
Kylas, Narshirshtha; (819) 997-3402; ; SSDL-LDS
Kyte, Leigh-Ann; (613) 952-1966; ; Project Officer; GRD-DRT