Predators Confirm Eldon Warman's Detax Method
(too old to reply)
2007-07-09 18:52:55 UTC
The PREDATORS who work 24/7 on these NGs
to convince people that they must be VICTIMS of
the income tax EXTORTION RACKET actually do
good work by steering people to Eldon's Website


Where they can learn the very easy to use
and totally free method of filing a $0.00 tax
owing IRS 1040 or CRA T1.

They use the technique of "negative diatribe"
to show their PREDATOR concern for Eldon's
very effective method of filing a $0.00 tax owing
IRS 1040 or CRA T1, but, in so doing, they
convince discerning readers that Eldon is
onto "something BIG".

2007-07-13 06:47:43 UTC
Abbot) Eldon Warman is a self-styled detax guru living in Calgary

In 1984 while, living in Benica California, he was convicted of tax
evasion. Later that same year Mr. Warman was dismissed from his
position as an American Airlines pilot for insubordination. On
December 12th of that year Warman's wife, Chavala, committed suicide
by hanging herself with an electrical extension cord, leaving Mr.
Warman with two teen-aged children, Brent and Marla. Based on an
Geraldo Rivera expose he claims to have seen Warman asserts that the
IRS killed his wife and has since fantasized that Washington, DC
be bombed "off the face of this Earth" by the Russians.

In early 2000 Mr. Warman was convicted of assaulting a British
Columbia Provincial Transport Inspector who had pulled over the tour
bus Warman was operating. When summonsed to appear in court Warman
sent the court an affidavit denying its jurisdiction and didn't show
up for his trial.

A few days later the police came to Eldon's house, arrested him and
held him until trial. Despite Eldon's arguments in court and a March
3, 2000 bomb scare, widely believed to have been called in by
sympathizers (http://groups.google.com/group/can.taxes/msg/
06085c0e4518c537?hl=en&), the court convicted him of assault:

Warman's 2001 appeal of his assault conviction was also unsuccessful:

In March of 2001 Mr. Warman embarrassed his de-tax colleagues when
fervent anti-Semitic sentiments were made public by Kim Bolan of the
Vancouver Sun causing him to be removed from the speakers list at
Vancouver's "Freedom Fest", a gathering of like minded de-taxers.

Since 1998 Mr. Warman has developed a number of detax "methods"
claiming each removed the user from the jurisdiction of the courts.
Each method failed resulting their user's tax reassessments and tax
evasion conviction. Most notable, was the 2002 conviction of Jean
Proteau said to be a devoted follower of Mr. Warman and a dedicated
user of Warman's Constructive Notice Method: (http://www.canlii.org/

After several years of anti-Semetic screeds across various internet
news groups Mr. Warman's postings were brought to the attention of
Canadian Human Rights Commission, in 2004, who charged him with hate
speech crimes under Canadian law.
True to form, Mr. Warman refused to answer his summons, this time
denying the court's jurisdiction by citing his newest borrowed theory
which claims that the family name on birth certificates creates a
government straw men for whom self declared "free willed men", such
he, are not responsible. Warman went so far as to threaten to kill a
process server who served him with court documents. In September
2005 Mr. Warman, tried in absentia, was found guilty of hate speech
crimes http://www.chrt-tcdp.gc.ca/search/view_html.asp?doid=639&lg=_e&isruli....
Google removed his offending messages and he was ordered to "to cease
the discriminatory practice of posting messages or other material on
the internet that is likely to expose Jews or any other member of an
identifiable racial, religious or ethnic group to hatred or
Since that time Eldon Warman has posted across the internet as
"Vicegerent" and has toned down his anti-Semtic rhetoric.

In 2005 Warman's straw man theory was tested again when he counseled
Cameron William Hardy and James Clifford Hanna
to use it as a defense during their tax evasion trials. Mr. Hanna
unsuccessfully used materials copied directly from detaxcanada.com
(http://www.cbc.ca/gfx/North/clips/tax7.pdf) Mr. Hardy followed Mr.
Warman's instructions by pleading guilt "for the straw man".

Hardy has since appealed claiming that the court never proved he was
Cameron Hardy. The court ordered a retrial citing that Hardy did not
understand the import of the guilty plea: (http://www.canlii.org/
bc/bcsc/doc/2007/2007bcsc125/2007bcsc125.html ).

Despite these three recent failures Eldon Warman continues to
the effectiveness of his straw man/detax theory.

During the summer of 2007 investigations proved that, despite
to have rejected his birth certificate name, Eldon has used his
name" to run for parliament get a realtor's license and even pay his
property taxes!

Now in a replay of Eldon's disastrous dealings with Alex Muljiani in
the early 2000's a method exactly the same as Warman's is currently
being circulated around the detax cult via PDF documents and personal
email accounts. http://freetalklive.com/temp/Birth%20certificate%20article%201.pdf

It seems the marketing plan, like that of Muljiani's, is to strip the
straw man scam of its insane Warman babble and package it in a
format. Naturally, Warman will again be cut out of any of the

If eventually some wannabe detaxer cuts and pastes this warmed over
theory into an argument made before the court Warman will have to
again explain away another failure

July, 2007
2007-07-13 20:59:34 UTC
The Predators upon the victims of the
income tax EXTORTION RACKET firmly
believe that Eldon's detax method is
"right on", so they post again an again
their putrid ad hominum attacks against

Why else would these Predators be so
Hell Bent to attack Eldon, unless they are
certain Eldon's method is totally correct
and legal, and they have no other method
of defense against Eldon's exposition of
the income tax EXTORTION RACKET
then to repeatedly post "ad hominum"
attacks upon Eldon.

See what these PREDATORS are so
very concerned about:


2007-07-13 21:02:51 UTC
Abbot) Eldon Warman is a self-styled detax guru living in Calgary

In 1984 while, living in Benica California, he was convicted of tax
evasion. Later that same year Mr. Warman was dismissed from his
position as an American Airlines pilot for insubordination. On
December 12th of that year Warman's wife, Chavala, committed suicide
by hanging herself with an electrical extension cord, leaving Mr.
Warman with two teen-aged children, Brent and Marla. Based on an
Geraldo Rivera expose he claims to have seen Warman asserts that the
IRS killed his wife and has since fantasized that Washington, DC
be bombed "off the face of this Earth" by the Russians.

In early 2000 Mr. Warman was convicted of assaulting a British
Columbia Provincial Transport Inspector who had pulled over the tour
bus Warman was operating. When summonsed to appear in court Warman
sent the court an affidavit denying its jurisdiction and didn't show
up for his trial.

A few days later the police came to Eldon's house, arrested him and
held him until trial. Despite Eldon's arguments in court and a March
3, 2000 bomb scare, widely believed to have been called in by
sympathizers (http://groups.google.com/group/can.taxes/msg/
06085c0e4518c537?hl=en&), the court convicted him of assault:

Warman's 2001 appeal of his assault conviction was also unsuccessful:

In March of 2001 Mr. Warman embarrassed his de-tax colleagues when
fervent anti-Semitic sentiments were made public by Kim Bolan of the
Vancouver Sun causing him to be removed from the speakers list at
Vancouver's "Freedom Fest", a gathering of like minded de-taxers.

Since 1998 Mr. Warman has developed a number of detax "methods"
claiming each removed the user from the jurisdiction of the courts.
Each method failed resulting their user's tax reassessments and tax
evasion conviction. Most notable, was the 2002 conviction of Jean
Proteau said to be a devoted follower of Mr. Warman and a dedicated
user of Warman's Constructive Notice Method: (http://www.canlii.org/

After several years of anti-Semetic screeds across various internet
news groups Mr. Warman's postings were brought to the attention of
Canadian Human Rights Commission, in 2004, who charged him with hate
speech crimes under Canadian law.
True to form, Mr. Warman refused to answer his summons, this time
denying the court's jurisdiction by citing his newest borrowed theory
which claims that the family name on birth certificates creates a
government straw men for whom self declared "free willed men", such
he, are not responsible. Warman went so far as to threaten to kill a
process server who served him with court documents. In September
2005 Mr. Warman, tried in absentia, was found guilty of hate speech
crimes http://www.chrt-tcdp.gc.ca/search/view_html.asp?doid=639&lg=_e&isruli....
Google removed his offending messages and he was ordered to "to cease
the discriminatory practice of posting messages or other material on
the internet that is likely to expose Jews or any other member of an
identifiable racial, religious or ethnic group to hatred or
Since that time Eldon Warman has posted across the internet as
"Vicegerent" and has toned down his anti-Semtic rhetoric.

In 2005 Warman's straw man theory was tested again when he counseled
Cameron William Hardy and James Clifford Hanna
to use it as a defense during their tax evasion trials. Mr. Hanna
unsuccessfully used materials copied directly from detaxcanada.com
(http://www.cbc.ca/gfx/North/clips/tax7.pdf) Mr. Hardy followed Mr.
Warman's instructions by pleading guilt "for the straw man".

Hardy has since appealed claiming that the court never proved he was
Cameron Hardy. The court ordered a retrial citing that Hardy did not
understand the import of the guilty plea: (http://www.canlii.org/
bc/bcsc/doc/2007/2007bcsc125/2007bcsc125.html ).

Despite these three recent failures Eldon Warman continues to
the effectiveness of his straw man/detax theory.

During the summer of 2007 investigations proved that, despite
to have rejected his birth certificate name, Eldon has used his
name" to run for parliament get a realtor's license and even pay his
property taxes!

Now in a replay of Eldon's disastrous dealings with Alex Muljiani in
the early 2000's a method exactly the same as Warman's is currently
being circulated around the detax cult via PDF documents and personal
email accounts. http://freetalklive.com/temp/Birth%20certificate%20article%201.pdf

It seems the marketing plan, like that of Muljiani's, is to strip the
straw man scam of its insane Warman babble and package it in a
format. Naturally, Warman will again be cut out of any of the

If eventually some wannabe detaxer cuts and pastes this warmed over
theory into an argument made before the court Warman will have to
again explain away another failure

July, 2007
